Acting! On the web!

Are you a voice talent? Want to participate in an online drama? Sign up for a part in a podcast recreation of parts of the Dover trial. It should be fun, if you're into that kind of thing.

I'm not volunteering, I'm afraid. I can't act, and I'm also afraid that the closest match to my voice would be Michael Behe, and I'd die of mortification.

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Not a problem. This is community theater. If William Shatner was allowed to play Richard III, surely you can play a Pennsylvanian.

You could be Tammy Kitzmiller, Aralene Callahan, Julie Smith, Christy Rehm, Beth Eveland, Carol Brown, Barbara Forrest, Jennifer Miller, Bertha Spahr, Cynthia Sneath, Heidi Bernhard-Bubb (journalist), Heather Geesey, Jane Cleaver, Sheila Harkins, Jane Penny (lawyer), one of the court reporters, the court deputy, or the law clerk (one line; no sex specified).

Hello, I got Ken Miller. I'm Catholic, I accept evolution, and I have Cool Edit Pro. That's gonna be some work reading for 2 days, but I'll give it a shot. If someone else wants Ken Miller, I'll do Robert Pennock too.

Phil P

I'm also afraid that the closest match to my voice would be Michael Behe, and I'd die of mortification.

So I suppose we shouldn't mention that you look like him a bit too?

I've done a great deal of acting, so I could manage this. My current major (split with graduate work in biology--I know, I'm crazy) is vocal performance, so maybe I should just set it as Dover: The Opera, instead. *grin*

I even have an Equity card.

Don't suppose there were any Scots involved? Nope? Damn :-)

Paul A:

Don't suppose there were any Scots involved? Nope? Damn :-)

Do you think you could tone down the Scottish accent to where even Americans can understand it (I estimate that to be about 5 Montgomery Scotts = 0.2 Billy Connollys = 0.01 Trainspottings) ? If so, you're welcome to join our merry band.