Science illustrators have so much fun

Here's a peek at a work in progress: it's got two kinds of cephalopods, Stethacanthus, and crinoids front and center. Delicious.

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...thanks for pointing at that. Provides a nice change of pace from where I work. That have me (the liberal-arts, English-degree guy) reverse-engineering their big machines that make tiny computer parts.

Ah, picnic on the shore of that distant, long-ago land.

Err... Are you sure that crinoids are cephalopods or am I misreading? I thought that crinoids were echinoderms and cephalopods were mollusca.

NEVERMIND! I was just misreading

Nice. But when do you plan to take up the Squidbillies?

By Antid Oto (not verified) on 06 Feb 2007 #permalink


That's sort of what I want to do, but I feel guilty aspiring to be an artist when my parents are so convinced I can cure cancer... *rolls eyes*

By Chinchillazilla (not verified) on 06 Feb 2007 #permalink