Friday Cephalopod: Bobtails boinking

Euprymna tasmanica

Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.

More like this

Euprymna tasmanica Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.
Euprymna tasmanica Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.
Euprymna tasmanica Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.
Euprymna tasmanica Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.

New name for the category: Squid, nautilus, whatever - it's all Octoporn.

Cute little dumplings. If you were going to categorise octoporn (or cephaloporn) systematically, it should probably aim to include all the standard squid sex positions. Not that the squid seem to need much in the way of educational materials.

That is so hot. Are you going to start charging with PayPal soon?

i'd sure love to have my mouth and naughty bits in the same place like that!

oops! did i say that out loud?

i'd sure love to have my mouth and naughty bits in the same place like that!

You mean you don't? I do it all the time.

Just not both at the same time. ;-)

By Austin Tashis (not verified) on 09 Feb 2007 #permalink