More on the Cafe Scientifique

Greg Laden was there, and has a nice blurry picture of me picking my nose.

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Shortened "week" this week, because I did the last photo dump on Tuesday. 80% of these are also from a single day, this Friday, when I decided to call a Mental Health Day and get away from stuff that was annoying me by driving down to Scoharie County to hike up Vroman's Nose. 279/366: Road Rt. 30…
Another Wine Experience: Châteauneuf du Pape Tastings By Erleichda Another twosome of Jim's Disciples, not to mention their also being members of the "Hiking Group", celebrated one of those even decade important birthdays. Well, important enough to justify spending a little extra celebrating the…
Some people can't see beyond the tip of their nose. Mars appears to be our twin in some ways—it is rocky, nearby, and of similar size. But after many a hopeful prodding, Mars remains a dead body. The rover Curiosity made a happy discovery last month, photographing river rocks in an ancient…
A while back, I went down to Vroman's Nose in Middleburgh to go for a hike, and found a sign saying that peregrine falcons are known to nest on the cliffs. Since the peregrine falcon is SteelyKid's absolute favorite bird, and the subject of her school research project, this seemed like a good…

Yea, but I'm sure no one noticed because Scott's soul was just at that moment leaving his body ... And Mark was apparently doing something else... (the photo IS a little blurry, hard to say...)