Oh, come on now, Munger

He's trying to get a rise out of me, and the best he can do is mention that squid are tasty? Pathetic.

Of course they are, and I know it. How else can one fully grok the beauty?

I must demand higher standards from people trolling for links.


More like this

And 'grok' is today's Word Of The Day on Merriam-Webster....my favourite word (except for "elusive" which I have a deal with my friend to somehow incorporate in every published paper in the future).

This man has link-trolling down to a science!

Oh, and by the way guys...click on my link. It's some seriously fun stuff. Seriously.

Oh hell, just kill me now.

At any rate, I've never had squid before, but I LOVE octopus. I feel guilty eating them, seeing as how they are quite intelligent beasts, but they are so delicious that I can't help myself.

I must demand higher standards from people trolling for links.

So... collecting cephalopod barbeque recipes won't work now?

By Jokermage (not verified) on 16 Feb 2007 #permalink

Obviously he's not acquainted with pepper-salted squid a la Thien Hong.

By Scott Stiefel (not verified) on 16 Feb 2007 #permalink