Actually, I don't think it's a particularly good way to go

This would be really unfair and unkind to my wife, so I've decided to live forever instead.

You'll die from a Heart Attack during Sex.
Your a lover not a fighter but sadly, in the act of making love your heart will stop. But what a way to go.
'How will you die?' at

(via Unhindered by talent)


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I got exactly the same results, but I don't remember marrying you ...

You'll die from an Unlikely Illness (like the plague).

You will unfortunately succumb to a random and unlikely disease. Only to find out after death that eating more broccoli would have cured you.

Great, another thing to worry about.

At least I'll be dead and won't have to listen to my family talk about how it was "God's judgement upon my wickedness" at my funeral.

By Foster Disbelief (not verified) on 02 Mar 2007 #permalink

You'll die from a Shark Attack.

You are the adventurous type, and can't resist the urge to put yourself in some kind of danger. Luckily, a shark is going to have quite a nice lunch one day.

quite likely, actually.

Apparently I'm going to die from the plague! Yikes!

By Heather S (not verified) on 02 Mar 2007 #permalink

Ichthyic, you shall be henceforth called Chondrichthyic.

Another plague victim here. Thing is, I already eat lots of broccoli; any more and I could probably harvest the stuff...

While it may not be the nicest parting gift to your significant other, I do see this as a very good way to go, provided it's not a horrible, long and agonizing death.

At 37 I figure it's a fair possibility, so, I've already begun to apologise for it.


By Will Von Wizzlepig (not verified) on 02 Mar 2007 #permalink

I got the same as PZ, but the actual marker was in a much different place - that looks like a pretty large category.

I don't know PZ, the last two times I've taken these quizes I've gotten the same as you. (You remember Mr. Freeze). Maybe this explains why nobody's both you and I together.

I got almost the same result but I'm nothing like you! Honest! No I'm not really. No way.

Looks like I will become one of the living dead who attack fruit and vegetable stands seeking to appease a craving for broccoli florets:

You will unfortunately succumb to a random and unlikely disease. Only to find out after death that eating more broccoli would have cured you.

By CalGeorge (not verified) on 02 Mar 2007 #permalink

I'm going to die from a heartattack during sex too. Now, does that mean I should be having sex more often in improve my cadiavascular system? Or, in order to delay the event, I should abstain from sex altogether?

I think I will opt for chocolate instead.

You'll die from an Unlikely Illness (like the plague).

You will unfortunately succumb to a random and unlikely disease. Only to find out after death that eating more broccoli would have cured you.

Mine were the same as PZ's but I'll just die younger.

I got eat better and exercise.

Heart attack during sex for me too. Could be worse, but I'd better warn the missus.

All this reminds me of the library of all possible books courtesy of Dan Dennett (via Borges). As the Prof points out, a library containing all the possible 500 page books would include one which would be the best possible story of your life, from beginning to end. Problem would be finding it because a. we're talking about quite a bit library here and b. unless you believe this test, you don't know how things are going to end.

Better than dying at 90 from being shot by a jealous husband, I suppose.

That's 'big', rather than 'bit' obviously.

Drugs or alcohol for me. I'm not surprised. Better than cancer. At least no one can attempt a deathbed conversion. That would really add to the suffering.

"You'll die Mysteriously... You are a different sort of person and your death will be unexplainable."

Not such a different person. Which is just what Neil deGrasse Tyson says happens to most people on the planet. We're all above average! ;-)

I got the heart attack during s-x result too; but though I would dearly love to go out that way I'm a 72 year old male and diabetic. If only G-d would take pity me and get me - um - up for it...

Heart attack during sex. With someone who'd brag about it for months.

By Molly, NYC (not verified) on 02 Mar 2007 #permalink

I think their chart needs a section for "Burned as a Witch"

If only G-d would take pity me and get me - um - up for it...

who needs god when there's better living through chemistry?

sounds like a great tag line for a well known impotence drug that starts with a "V", doesn't it?

Your favourite sports team loses in the final game. How do you feel?

Damned quiz. I couldn't even get past question #2. I am an asportual male. I don't have a favorite (or "favourite", for that matter) sports team. Bah, humbug!

Now I'll never know how I'm going to die -- that is, not until I actually get there.

If I may be so bold, you seem to be a borderline case, so it may be more accurate to say you're going to die of a heart attack while having mysterious sleep-sex.

I'm personally due to get a mysterious unlikely illness which gives me a heart attack.

By Alex Whiteside (not verified) on 02 Mar 2007 #permalink

"You will die peacefully in your sleep after having a really awesome life."

umm... I'll be 42 this year. This really awesome life had better start soon.

You'll die from a Heart Attack during Sex.
Your a lover not a fighter but sadly, in the act of making love your heart will stop. But what a way to go.

'How will you die?' at

However, I am at the top of that cell, near the murder category, instead of the bottom as PZ is.

By Desert Donkey (not verified) on 02 Mar 2007 #permalink

You'll die from an Unlikely Illness (like the plague).

You will unfortunately succumb to a random and unlikely disease. Only to find out after death that eating more broccoli would have cured you.


I'm another "heart attack during sex" person. Hm, that would be a prediction that I will obtain a partner in the future! Woohoo! What a happy prediction!

I got heart attack during sex. At least (the way things have been going) this doesn't predict I'll meet my demise anytime soon.

"You'll die from a Heart Attack during Sex.

Your a lover not a fighter but sadly, in the act of making love your heart will stop. But what a way to go."

Ugh! I am going to die of a heart attack after reading one more "sentence" this horribly ungrammatic. I think I need to vomit up the toxins...a trip to Coulter's website should do the trick.