How I Will Die.....

It could be a LOT worse.

You'll die from a Heart Attack during Sex.
Your a lover not a fighter but sadly, in the act of making love your heart will stop. But what a way to go.
'How will you die?' at

As seen on Sorting Out Science.


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Now, now Jeff. I have a very busy weekend ahead of blogging, sleeping in, talking to Pepper, and wondering why i'm in lab. No time to die! :)

For some reason this reminds me of (I think) Voltaire's scientist girlfriend (I don't remember her name, unfortunately) who got pregnant at the age of 40 and decided she had nine months to finish up her research because she didn't think she'd survive the pregnancy. Unfortunately she was right.

Looks like heart attack during sex while being very old, from the chart. So this weekend is safe, but might want to be careful in 2050...

I got heart attack while extremely old, so I don't even get any promise of fun first.

I don't get where the little black wheel comes in. Yours is nowhere near the Heart Attack During Sex box but that's apparently how you'll die. Mine was almost entirely in the Sex box with a slight overlap into the Drug/Alcohol Accident box but I'm apparently going to die of a Drug/Alcohol Accident - which although not out of the question is a LOT less likely these days than say... 10 years ago.
So maybe I'll die while having sex drunk. One can hope...

Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll! (border of sex and drugs)

OK, so I will bite the bullet in a drug/alcohol accident, which I could buy if I drank more or did drugs (other than the ones I am supposed to). Much more likely if you let the accident be the fault of someone else. I get run over by a drunk college kid while cycling. That would be more realistic...

I'm in the same boat as Robster: death by drugs/alcohol despite the fact I don't use either (Lab accident with tetrodotoxin or 4-ap, maybe?). In any case, I always figured my death would be such that, upon hearing about it, my family/friends/neighbors would shake their heads and quietly say "Only Russ..."

I got the same box, but towards the middle. At least I'll be awake for my sexual death

By G. Shelley (not verified) on 17 Mar 2007 #permalink

The Japanese actually have a word for death during sex. Phonetically, it's "fukujoshi."