
It's been a while since I put up a collection of the beautifully weird cephalopod-themed stuff people send me. This one isn't entirely safe for work, but it's the weekend, and the naughty picture is lovely anyway.








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I keep meaning to get a picture off of my camera phone to send to you, but I should just accept that I'm never going to do that, and will just ask you to imagine a whole huge bin filled with these.

I'm in the midst of making my first squid-shaped cell phone case. I'll send you a picture when I'm done. If I like it, I may make an iPod version, too.

Pattern is at http://www.wingedkamui.com

By Mnemosyne (not verified) on 04 Mar 2007 #permalink

I found a great picture with "Cthulhlu for president: Why vote for a lesser evil?" You should have that before the sun expands into a red giant and absorbs the earth.

Heh... I have a bottle of Squid brand fish sauce in my kitchen. My wife tells me it is a good brand, but it still just smells like old fish to me.

By MJ Memphis (not verified) on 04 Mar 2007 #permalink

FYI... If anyone wants to etch the same octopus on their gadgets as the one on the iPod, it can be found on p. 497 of Illustrated Natural History of the Animal Kingdom (one of the books I linked to yesterday.)

Oh, and would it be too shamelessly self serving to link again to this Cafepress shop that I created in response to a post on here months ago? An sexy octopus with bedroom eyes who loves a robot has got to be worth a little indulgence, right?

Cephalart indeed. What a glorious obsession.

well, at the very least a heady obsession.

Heh... I have a bottle of Squid brand fish sauce in my kitchen. My wife tells me it is a good brand, but it still just smells like old fish to me.

Straight out of the bottle, it's too intense, but you may like it better in the following recipe (sorry in advance, but I don't know the metric equivalents--I cook in cups and teaspoons--basically 1::1::3 proportions of the base ingredients, and then other ingredients to taste, if that helps):

1 cup bottled fish sauce

1 cup sugar

3 cups water

dash of vinegar (varies, according to taste--for example, I use 2-3 tablespoons)

garlic, coarsely chopped, to taste (for example, I use an entire head of garlic for this much sauce, but that's a lot)

hot peppers (e.g., from a jar of Sriracha), to taste (for example, 3-4 tablespoons)

Mix fish sauce, sugar, and water in a pan on stovetop over medium heat, stirring until all sugar is dissolved.

Add vinegar, garlic, and hot peppers; stir until well-distributed.

Let cool, and decant into a bottle or jar for storage in the refrigerator. Peppers and garlic have a tendency to settle out, so shake or stir well before using. Serve over noodles, rice, meat, vegetables--it's pretty versatile.

I owe an old friend from Vietnam many thanks for teaching me how to make this sauce.

>Daniel Martins
You just had me remember that I bought a mini-octopus plush for 1 euro at IKEA.
I love it. But, just as its elder bro, it only has 5 tentacles. Are they ophans from a disfunctional octopus-starfish family?
or just in the process of growing tentacles one by one? :-D

At my daughter's 40th birthday party yesterday, a beau brought her a beanie baby octopus. It is a georgious mixed orange pink color and she was thrilled with it. I asked him if he read this blog (and he is the type) but he hadn't found it yet--so I will put him onto it soon. I tried to pod-nap the thing for my computer top but she is guarding it with her guard-cat (who may also have designs on it) so I am out of luck.