Arrr, spaghetti again?


More like this

(via My Confined Space)
(via My Confined Space)
Looks like it's a tetrapod past a sponge. (via My Confined Space)

Is sunday communion a Spaghetti dinner?

I have been a devout Pastafarian for over a year now. I am deeply offended by those of you making fun of our venerated savior, FSM.

This is the USA and freedom of religion means you can't say mean things about my silly, superstitious, and mind-numbingly stupid beliefs! I demand an apology from each of you that poked fun at His sacred image or I'm going to sue!

That or a case of beer. Either way I'm good.

OEJ, Ship's Navigator

Well, that puts a new spin on "take and eat of this, for this is my body."

By CJColucci (not verified) on 05 Mar 2007 #permalink

I'm with OEJ. This post is offensive. Images of the FSM must never be shown without a side of grated parmesan! FSM FTW!

By demallien (not verified) on 05 Mar 2007 #permalink

Well shiver me timbers . This is more evidence that the Ancients knew of His Holy Noodlyness also . RAmen

By terrible tim (not verified) on 05 Mar 2007 #permalink

"Now how d'you crucify that"

... with lots of nails..