Aww, it's so sweet

A reader sent me a link to this myspace page (don't quail in horror just yet!) called Bark, Hide and Horn—it's by some folkies, and includes some songs. Love songs about mating molluscs and ants and various invertebrates! It's very romantic. Listen if you've long had a lingering suspicion that you were born into the wrong phylum, or if just appreciate love no matter what the species involved are.

Consider it some theme music for the Circus of the Spineless, which will be appearing right here later today.

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tags: Circus of the Spineless, invertebrates, insects, arachnids, plants, algae, blog carnival Welcome to Circus of the Spineless! This is the migratory blog carnival that specializes in all things spineless, and the contributions that you'll find here range from essays and photoessays, to…
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Since we now know that a person's music says a lot about what that person's like, I thought I'd tell you a little bit about myself by sharing some of my music. I can't give you a list of my ten favorite songs (the data Rentfrow and Gosling used in their study), because to be honest, my favorite…

Listen if you've long had a lingering suspicion that you were born into the wrong phylum, or if just appreciate love no matter what the species involved are.

I can't help thinking, "species-reassignment surgery" when I read that.

"My ass was the ball and my thorax the chain"

I think I've found some new music for my myspace page!

marginally off-topic aussie joke:

what does a wombat do?

it eats roots shoots and leaves.

(explan: 'root' is aussi slang for f*ck)

sometimes i amuse myself.