Mohler (and Myers) in the news

That article I wrote on the Albert Mohler's bizarre endorsement of gene therapy for gay fetuses got quoted in an AP article on the subject. Unfortunately, they don't provide enough info for readers to find their way back here, but it does give a good range of perspectives anyway.

More like this

Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, now thinks that high-tech, fetal research is OK — if it leads to a cure for homosexuality. If a biological basis is found, and if a prenatal test is then developed, and if a successful treatment to reverse the sexual orientation…
I had no idea. The poor bigot wrote that nasty anti-gay screed that I criticized, and the Examiner decided that his plagiarizing hateful ways were not exactly what they wanted to promote. He has complained on his blog about how Christians are a persecuted minority, starring Daniel Spratlin as…
Here we go again. Because he's been in the news lately, I've been writing a lot about the "brave maverick doctor" known as Stanislaw Burzynski who claims to have spectacular results treating normally incurable cancers using something he calls antineoplastons. Unfortunately, the reason Burzynski has…
The fundamentalist community has a strong interest for some bizarre reason in converting homosexuals into heterosexuals. They consider homosexuality nothing but a bad personal choice, and therefore all gay people need is a little Jesus and they'll switch back to finding the other sex more…

It's still really cool you have AP reporters snooping around for quotes. Or at least people who direct your blog to them.

Hello AP!

I have an idea for Mohler on which AP does not write about.

Adultery is a sin, right? Well, we can just surgically take out the gametes, store them for use and chemically castrate all people so they will not have a sex drive. Then we just hand out a baby to them every year to raise. Of course, all babies will be preselected and indoctrinated to be good Aryan Christian children because those liberal infidels think it is okay to let gay people be gay!

Seriously, he's fundamentalist enough to use "evil science" to create his perfect Christian world.

Congrats, PZ! The Mohler story infuriated me when I read it in the Star Tribune this morning...until I saw your name at the bottom. I'm glad I knew about Pharyngula to read your full post. Nice work!

If Mohler things altering a fetus' genetic makeup to "cure" homosexuality (almost certainly impossible), then how would he rationalize parents who wanted a "designer" baby. You know, males who were straight (of course), had blond hair and blue eyes, would stand 6'4" and weigh 210 lbs when grown, have a "strong jaw", and so on. Talk about immoral conduct. And he thinks an abortion in the first trimester is immoral! Mohler is nuts in more ways than one.

Dr. Jack Drescher, a New York City psychiatrist critical of those who consider homosexuality a disorder, commended Mohler's openness to the prospect that it is biologically based. "This represents a major shift," Drescher said. "This is a man who actually has an open mind, who is struggling to reconcile his religious beliefs with facts that contradict it."

Oh, whoopie. *Throws confetti* Just wait until they come up with the "idea" that they can biologically "cure" atheism, non-Christian religions, a preference for punk rock, and modern art in the same manner.

*Gets ticket for littering*

Anyone who reads the bible knows where Mohler is coming from and understands that sin is sin. However, the uneducated, reading-deficient, and starved for truth American who disagrees is completely in the dark on some basic words like SIN, God (big G) and Jesus Christ. Christ came to save the world not to condemn it, however, there are things that cause him to wonder about our sanity. If you actually read what Mohler says and understand the Bible and what it means, you'd be able to see the truth.

By Biblically Sound (not verified) on 27 Mar 2007 #permalink

Yeah. Ok. And a lie is a lie.

Maybe if you actually let go of your god belief you would understand science.

Try not to pull a muscle.