Crowson's Evolution Blues

It's a slide show! It's a song! Watch and listen to Crowson's Evolution Blues! You won't know whether to tap your toes, laugh, or cry.

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Great show/song! Now I've got that tune caught in my head.

By Paguroidea (not verified) on 17 Mar 2007 #permalink

I am unbale to post, just testing on another feed.

Good stuff. Thank you very much.

By Francesco Franco (not verified) on 18 Mar 2007 #permalink

Brilliant! I watched it twice to get all the writing :)

Thanks for posting!

Do you consider your self an angry man?

Great post, very funny music video. Thanks.

I know I'd be angry if IDiots or anyone tried to water down or outright remove science from my kids classroom.


Brian J
'Brilliant! I watched it twice to get all the writing'

I too had to watch twice to read it all.
Now to play it again just for the music...