
Nooooooo!! The proliferation of special purpose wiki encyclopedias has gone too far!


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I find this latest "Wookie" most refreshing. At least it doesn't pretend to be true, unlike Conservapedia...

Would you rather have multiple page articles on Nute Gunray on Wikipedia itself? I think it's a good thing to sequester the prodigious fanwankery away from everything else...

By lazybratsche (not verified) on 21 Mar 2007 #permalink

Wookipedia has been around forever in internet terms -since 2005-, as has Memory Alpha (a wiki for Star Trek running since 2003- http://www.memory-alpha.org). At least their only hidden agendas involve exposing the depths of sci-fi geekery to the world.

PZ, when are you going to start Cephelopedia?

You have to admit, though, that the name was just begging to be used. Internet geeks being what they are, the site would have been created whether or not it had the "pedia" suffix.

As a True Nerd, I personally really like Wookiepedia.


Considering the state of coverage in the actual Wikipedia, isn't this a bit redundant?

The proliferation of special purpose wiki encyclopedias has gone too far!

Yes, we will soon need a wiki to keep track of them all.

Which reminds me of a scifi short story, where a galactic civilization dies because of a small misindexation, involving how to fix the index with the real data behind the index to the index to... to the index to the data. One misindexation leads to another. And the physical position of the raw data was of course in the index to the index to ...

Thank Google that won't happen to us...

By Torbjörn Larsson (not verified) on 21 Mar 2007 #permalink

I think they should make a Shyriiwook language Wikipedia. They already have Klingon.

On the plus side, for your class next year you could have the students make a wiki, and then have Pharyngulites keep it updated. No work on your part, and a good EvoDevo wiki online!

Finally! Jeez, what took them so long.

Farewell, Pharyngula! I have found a new love.

By CalGeorge (not verified) on 21 Mar 2007 #permalink

Yes we've know about iron chariots, islamtub and jewtube and conservapedia...

Isn't wikipedia's primary function already to act as a repository for geek-minutiae? Why do we need a Wookieepedia or a BattlestarWiki or a StarTrek-Klingon-Language-TechManualWiki?

PZ, when are you going to start Cephelopedia?

Posted by: Karen | March 21, 2007 12:13 PM

I think it would be better named "Wikisquidia," even if it does include articles on additional cephalopods.

Anyway, with Wookieepedia I at least have a chance of beating my kid at Trivial Pursuit Star Wars Edition. I'm not going to tell him about this one.

That's great, but I think Wookiepedia has too much liberal bias. BBY dating doesn't acknowledge the birth of Jesus. Someone should really make a conservative Wookiepedia for all us Star Wars creationist freaks who think the Wookie baramin were transported across the galaxies in Noah's Corellian freighter.

Upon seeing the name, I thought it would be an encyclopedia of Orac's essays on woo.

Nice to have a wiki that isn't called wiki-whatever.

Star Wars leaves me cold, but Wookieepedia makes me happy for one simple reason: it has ten times as many articles as Conservapedia.

I was CERTAIN that clicking that like would give us a translation of Wikipedia into Wookie:

Rawrr rawar rarar rrrr aaaaawr grrrr raaw, grr oooooowrar....

By DrNathaniel (not verified) on 21 Mar 2007 #permalink

Blake: I save that spelling for when they're around to be annoyed ;-)

I think you all have a case of Conservapaediaphilia.

Read it aloud. Sound it out.

The proliferation of special purpose wiki encyclopedias has gone too far!

Yes, we will soon need a wiki to keep track of them all.

Which reminds me of a scifi short story, where a galactic civilization dies because of a small misindexation, involving how to fix the index with the real data behind the index to the index to... to the index to the data. One misindexation leads to another. And the physical position of the raw data was of course in the index to the index to ...

Thank Google that won't happen to us...

By Torbjörn Larsson (not verified) on 21 Mar 2007 #permalink