Say hello to…

…the Evilutionary Biologist. Another evilutionist enters the blogosphere!


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Jennifer Jacquet of Shifting Baselines has a new blog, called Guilty Planet. Go and have a look, and welcome the new blog to the blogosphere!
The Giant's Shoulders #9 are now up on The Evilutionary Biologist Four Stone Hearth #62 is up on Osteologiska föreningen The 94th Carnival of Space is up on Out of the Cradle Friday Ark #234 is up on Modulator
So while you all were having fun watching the VP debate last night, I was at (am at) Viral Evolution 2008 listening to Marco Vignuzzi and Susanna Manrubia and Evilutionary Biologist talk about viral evolution. We are also drinking beer. Im. So. Happy. BRB!
The next edition of Praxis, the blog carnival about the life in and business of science, will alight on The Lay Scientist tomorrow, March 15th! The next edition of The Giant's Shoulders, the blog carnival of history of science, will be on March 16th on The Evilutionary Biologist. So hurry up and…

Very handsome feller...

By Heather S (not verified) on 11 Apr 2007 #permalink

Evilutionist he may be, but how long before he receives the honorable designation of Darwinist by the FODI*

Welcome to the blogosphere.

*Friends of Discovery Institute

By Desert Donkey (not verified) on 11 Apr 2007 #permalink

Hello. :D

I've read all the posts so far, and I like it! I especially liked the mood-altering bacteria post.

" He studies viruses! "
and is an evolutionary biologist ... very promising
I'am looking forward

" I especially liked the mood-altering bacteria post."
Very nice , indeed