Today's carnivals

The latest Change of Shift is up on The Nurse Practitioner's Place

The Teaching Carnival is back after a long hiatus. The Teaching Carnival 3.2 is up on Planned Obsolescence

And start writing and submitting your posts for the next Praxis, on March 15th 2009, at The Lay Scientist, and for The Giant's Shoulders on March 16th at The Evilutionary Biologist.


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The next edition of Praxis, the blog carnival about the life in and business of science, will alight on The Lay Scientist tomorrow, March 15th! The next edition of The Giant's Shoulders, the blog carnival of history of science, will be on March 16th on The Evilutionary Biologist. So hurry up and…
Encephalon #58 is up on Highlight HEALTH Carnival of the Green #153 is up on Natural Collection And don't forget to submit your posts for the next edition of The Giant's Shoulders, to be held on November 15th on PodBlack Cat, and the next edition of Praxis to be held on November 15th at The Lay…
The next edition of Praxis will be on January 15th 2009, at the Pod Black Cat. There are only 2 days left until the deadline for the 7th edition of The Giant's Shoulders, to be held at The Questionable Authority. Next Carnival of the Liberals will be on Accidental Blogger tomorrow, but you still…
The next edition of Praxis will be arriving on January 15th 2009 at Pod Black Cat. The 7th edition of The Giant's Shoulders will be held on January 15th 2009 at The Questionable Authority. Start submitting your entries.