Biochemistry with the Celebrity Stars!

I'd watch this.

Hey, can we get a pairing of Celine Dion with Larry Moran?


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Hey! I also have a high-school diploma!

The assigned tasks were rather unequal. Isolate a gene vs. solve the folding problem?

The assigned tasks were rather unequal. Isolate a gene vs. solve the folding problem?

Well, given his dissertation they probably thought it fair to give him something harder.

Damn Billy Bubba, that science is hard!

This show might actually serve a great social purpose if it could show just how hard science is compared to other activities. Almost all of us can take dance classes and get at least poorly proficient. But we can't all be research biochemists, not even bad ones.

Actually doing this (admittedly with serious intent and appropriate activities) would be interesting.

Of course, isn't that what PBS does already?

How long have you hated Larry?


BTW, the Chinese guy really says "I like men".

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 14 Apr 2007 #permalink

Check out the old Ealing comedy The Man In The White Suit some time. Joan Greenwood talking polymer chemistry in one of the sexiest voices known to mankind.

I am reminded of Denise Richards in the James Bond film The World Is Not Enough, pretending to be, in her words, "an atomic scientist" (Presumably what real scientists would call a nuclear physicist>. I can't figure out why she didn't win an Oscar for that role.

God that film (the Bond one, not the biochemistry one) pissed me off. It really put the lie to the claim that post-Goldeneye Bond girls were substantial, even feminist roles. Richards's entire job in that film consists of three things:

1) Be the butt of a really crappy sexual pun.
2) Wear a wet shirt.
3) Press a button when Bond tells her to.

By Ginger Yellow (not verified) on 15 Apr 2007 #permalink

Oh, Strahan is definitely single, after an extremely public, messy and expensive divorce.

Fortunately, all I care about is what he does on a football field.

Denise Richards had lines in that movie? I didn't realize that. But there were a couple of things distracting me when she was on screen.


BTW, the Chinese guy really says "I like men".

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 14 Apr 2007 #permalink