Hovind will be sharing a cell with Satan for a few more years

Awww, Kent Hovind's appeal has been denied. I feel a bit sorry for his wife, the poor dupe, but Kent will just have more time to convert "lost souls" in jail, so he can't complain. Well, except for the fact that Satan is in bunk #22. That must be awkward.

(via The Austringer)

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He should pray for Jesus to send his coconut-eating T. Rex to devour Satan and the other lost souls.

I read the article, as well as numerous others about this case, and I cannot find anything that prompts your sorrow for his wife, or why she is a "dupe". Is there something that you know that I don't, or is it just that a woman is inherently less responsible for her actions than a man?

Hehe. That makes me giggle.

I read the comments and think, "WOW! Those are some deluded whackos."

The comments are hilarious!

By Steve_C (Secul… (not verified) on 20 Apr 2007 #permalink

GSmith, I didn't have the least bit of sympathy for his wife until I heard the tapes of the phone conversations from the jail. That started to make me realize that she is so devoted to fulfilling the role of the biblical wife that she might be being dragged through this. I don't think she is as complicit as Hovind himself.

By ttoulouse (not verified) on 20 Apr 2007 #permalink

Somebody tell that wacko Hovind to leave me the f*ck alone!

One reason to be a little less judgmental of Jo Hovind is that in all of Hovind's events and tapes that I have seen, she is not out there babbling about creationism. If there is information out there that she was an active collaborator, rather than a passive one, I'd change my mind.

She's still a crook who profited from fraud, though, so no matter what, she deserves the sentence she gets.

The sad mortal Hovind has followed my plan perfectly.

heh heh heh...

I have a special place in hell just for him. He gets to hand feed a pack of velociraptors coconuts.

She's still a crook who profited from fraud, though, so no matter what, she deserves the sentence she gets.

The Carmela Soprano of Dino-land.

By Christian Burnham (not verified) on 20 Apr 2007 #permalink

I had a brief, unworthy moment of schadenfreude when I realised that Hovind had been jailed with violent criminals instead of going to some Club Fed prison for rich people. If I were religious, I'd ask for forgiveness. Since I'm not, I don't really feel guilty in the slightest. (Go, "Satan"!)

While I foound bunk #22 to be funny, what I thought was better was bunk #14, ie: thinks he knows a better way, but we think he needs Jesus.

Yah, cuz look where Jesus got you.

Bunk #14 - New comer whose Dad was a preacher. Attends Bible study, but thinks he knows a better way. Obviously, his way didn't work for him. We think he still needs Jesus.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Obviously your way didn't work for you either.

I read the article, as well as numerous others about this case, and I cannot find anything that prompts your sorrow for his wife, or why she is a "dupe". Is there something that you know that I don't, or is it just that a woman is inherently less responsible for her actions than a man?

A woman who has been brainwashed into believing she should be submissive and obedient to her husband and follow his lead in everything can reasonably be considered a victim, despite her technically voluntary complicity.

from CSEBlogs: (emphasis mine)

5:00 am Heard PA announcement, "Bunk Three, Hovind, H O V I N D, ATW" (ATW means you are going home!)
5:00 - 5:30 am Packed up stuff and gave books away to inmates
5:30 am Had prayer time with ten men who love Jesus and me, to ask God's blessing as I leave to go home
5:45 am Heard PA announcement, "Correction to earlier announcement. Bunk Three, Hovind, H O V I N D, no ATW--being transported."
5:46 am Taken by guards down to sit in the ice cold "tank" and wait
6:30 am Moved by car to a different part of the jail to another freezing cold "tank" to wait
9:10 am Saw Federal Marshals arrive to transport me to a Federal Prison Camp in Pensacola. This minimum security federal facility was designed for 300 but houses 700 men. All these men work to help maintain military bases in the area.

Far be it from me to interpret the signs of Our Lord, but I guess God told him "No".

By AtheistAcolyte (not verified) on 20 Apr 2007 #permalink

Do you think that Kent has a similar list of evilutionist bloggers?

Pharyngula Blogger - Lost soul. No progress with him yet.



Notice there are ZERO negative comments on that page with Hovind's prison ministry stories. I'll bet they censor anything not totally pro-evangelist.

Still, if anybody cared to, it might be possible to slip a comment past the filter:

Dear Dr. Hovind, It thrills me to read about you sharing your ministry with these hardened criminals. I believe with all my heart there is a REASON you are where you are. I have no doubt that you're just exactly where you need to be to make the world a better place.



"Totally lost" souls? Doesn't sound like a Christian attitude to me!

By Willo the Wisp (not verified) on 20 Apr 2007 #permalink

"Most grew rapidly in the Lord as they attended our three Bible studies a day"

Could this be the cause of the obesity problem the states is now facing?

According to his daughter, Marlissa, Kent is no longer allowed to use the phone for 6 months after someone told him to visit him sometime.

The moderator at cseblogs.com has allowed comments from both sides, though the blog is now mainly about Hovind in jail rather than evolution vs. creationism.

I was thinking about creating a petition to counter the Free Hovind petition.

"Dear Mr. Hovind,

"God has a perfect plan for your life. This is it."

Dunno about you, but it makes me smile!

-- CV

By CortxVortx (not verified) on 20 Apr 2007 #permalink

"All of us are praying for you to be released,"

If God can intervene in our justice system, then what about miscarriages of justice? Does God just allow innocent people to be incarcerated?

Either you allow God to intervene and he is responsible for injustice, or he doesn't intervene at all and praying for release is pointless.

By ferfuracious (not verified) on 20 Apr 2007 #permalink

Since I personally feel that the IRS are thieves I am not thrilled that anyone should be denied their freedom for keeping their own money that they earned. Why do you take such pleasure in the fact that human beings can be put in a cage for not giving their money to the IRS that did not do anything to earn it? The IRS are thieves in suits that take homes and ruin lives. They are worse than lawyers. They are the scum of the earth, the only thing lower are child molesters. Why do you profane the name of Jesus? Is this how you demonstrate your maturity and intelligence? You missed the mark. You come off sounding juvenile and petty. Discussion should be based on mutual respect. Rev up those IQs

The IRS are thieves? Taxation is theft? Which dream do you live in, Ponytail?

Try Peter Singer's "The President of Good and Evil" - within chapter 2 of this generally excellent examination of George Dubya's 'ethics' you'll find some enlightenment on the nature of taxation.

Yes, taxation can be unfair - when it is unfairly levied. Taxation itself, though, is a recognition of the duty incumbent on all citizens to support the nation in which they live and work. The sytem is not perfect, of course - tax breaks for the rich, etc. - but the answer is realistic tax reform. Tax abolition is just childish.

As for 'profaning the name of Jesus' - whatever happened to 'render unto Ceasar...'? Kent Hovind has a) broken the law of the land, and b) disobeyed his 'spiritual leader'. For part a he deserves jail and in part b shows himself to be a hypocrite.

Couldn't have happened to a nicer lunatic.

By Lee Harrison (not verified) on 21 Apr 2007 #permalink

This thread's rubbish. I haven't seen anyone express any sympathy for poor Satan having to share a cell with Hovind.

Can't we look into our little black hearts and feel some pity for Satan's plight? OK, so he's responsible for denying Christ and tempting some woman to eat an apple- but does he really deserve this punishment?

If I were Satan, I'd be taking my case to the international court of human rights.

By Christian Burnham (not verified) on 21 Apr 2007 #permalink

If I were Satan, I'd be taking my case to the international court of human rights.

I'd imagine that Satan's case would fit perfectly under the cruel and unusual punishment clause.

By Lee Harrison (not verified) on 21 Apr 2007 #permalink

Hank Fox: Ooh, that's nasty. In a nice sort of way!

By David Harmon (not verified) on 21 Apr 2007 #permalink

Wait! I'm confused. According to the Rev. Robertson, I thought Satan was inside the VT shooter. Now I hear he's in Cell 22--what, did he get work release?

I'm very possibly confused here (wouldn't be the first time!), but I thought the USA, or at least the current bUshSA, didn't sign up to any international laws or courts--or the even the idea of "rule of law"--much less the International Court of Human Rights?

Hey, you are mentioned in a comment #35:

Dear Professor Paul (PZ) Myers and fellow Pharyngula bloggers,

What a sorry and unprofessional blog you have developed and promote. You deal with falsehoods, innuendos and untruths that are promoted on your website in a most juvenile and hateful manner. Just remember that every idle word you have spoken shall be called into judgement when you stand before your creator. What kind of wise guy remarks do all of you have prepared for that day?

36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

I don't recall seeing any of your remarks on Dr. Hovind's CSE blog where you could receive your due criticism for childish remarks. Please come out and show us how wonderfully intelligent and witty you really are, or will you simply hide yourselves in the cowardice of adolescent insults.

G'day all,


I had lots of nice things to say to my creators, mom and pop, last weekend. I've no other.

Not only does having to share a cell with Hovind constitute cruel & unusual punishment, but being assigned to guard him violates health & safety regulations.

Wait! I'm confused. According to the Rev. Robertson, I thought Satan was inside the VT shooter. Now I hear he's in Cell 22--what, did he get work release?

Every now and then, God lets him out, to test the faith of men ...

Azkyroth: You raise an interesting question (or rather, remind us of one) that we as a society are really having trouble with these days (as neuroscience and psychology etc. change our notions of responsibility). Can one give up one's responsibility like that? When?

Lee Harrison: Indeed. How does one justify an infinite punishment for anything? Of course, we have Aquinas' famously elitist answer, but ...

Everyone sucks up to Jesus in prison.

By Steve_C (Secul… (not verified) on 23 Apr 2007 #permalink

Wow, you evolutionists are surely simple minded. Can you not see that what Kent speaks are at least some truths? Why so closed minded? Your religion is not based on fact, so what makes you so bold and mighty? Evolution is the simple most stupid idea ever.......I know, you will get upset since I said this, and reply with hostility..that is what you do. You are of mindless beasts, and that of course is what you believe you are, so I am not surprised at that kind of response. I do however have pity on you, for I do not want to see you go to hell....but that is your choice. Well, I pray for you, and even though you do not believe in that, I do it out of love of all of you. I do not hate you, I want you to understand what is right. God bless you all, and I hope you too will accept science for what it truly is.