Is it wrong for me to laugh at this?

I was going through all those new blogs from my open enrollment day, and found this little clip on Salt on Everything. The ending made me giggle.

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Awaiting protests and massive whining from the League of Thin-Skinned Prayer Monkies in 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...

If you thought that was funny, you should have watched X-Play before G4 stepped in to screw everything up.

I'd worship it...

By T. Bruce McNeely (not verified) on 02 May 2007 #permalink

That was even better than The Passion of the Christ 2: Electric Bugaloo

Wow, that was pretty ballsy. I guess we atheists have some friends at XPlay.

My favourite:

"This is the body of Christ."

Oh dear, I am definitely going to hell after spontaneously laughing at the ending. As I have always thought, if god exists and doesn't have a sense of humour, I am so screwed.

Wait, isn't this the actual plot of the Left Behind series?

My favourite:
"This is the body of Christ."

I'm sure there's a joke there about the second coming of Jesus...

"Regarding the ending, Jesus could play that all night long, or at least until he ran out of bullets."

You think a guy who can turn water into wine can't make bullets out of popcorn?

This is your brain.

This is Christ.

This is your brain on Christ.

This is your brain on Christ with a side order of bacon, toast with jam, and a cup of coffee.

Any questions?

Remember that Weird Al movie "UHF"? Had a trailer for "Ghandi II" that opened with Ghandi walking to his seat at a fancy restaurant with two hot chicks, sitting down, and deadpanning "I'll have the steak" as a throwaway line before gunning down the bad guys.
Never thought I'd say I'd seen a fake trailer as good as the ones in UHF, but I was mistaken.

I'm sure there's a joke there about the second coming of Jesus...

Oh. Maybe.

"And on the third day, He rose again...."

That's a hell heck of a long turnaround time.

By Xenophile (not verified) on 02 May 2007 #permalink

I believe that the correct response to "This is the body of Christ" is "Taste and see the goodness of the Lord," but my altar boy days are far behind me and I could have my lines mixed up.

Anyway, I could tell it wasn't a genuine trailer for a Mel Gibson movie because we didn't get any good Jewish stereotypes.

Zeno, I think it's "Lord, I am not worthy to receive you"...

Lots of well-turned lines in this short film... "Do you remember me now, Peter? Remember me now??"

Tulse said:

I'm sure there's a joke there [...]

Yep, and it caused a big ruckus when a freshman told it to the entire incoming class of MIT about two years ago. It was at one of those big orientation events, see, between the time the first-years arrive and when classes start. They were pulling people on stage and asking them to talk about themselves.

One kid gets shoved on stage, and the Dean of Admissions says, "Do you have any hobbies?"

"No, not really. Well, I tell jokes."

"Tell us a joke!"

"Er, my jokes are all, I guess you'd call them, off-color."

"Hey, it's all in good fun. Tell us a joke!"

"No, you don't understand: my jokes are all truly obscene. Half the people in this auditorium would be offended at the mildest of them."

"Well then, my on-the-edge friend, tell us the mildest of your jokes!"

"Okay, but whatever happens is your fault, not mine. . . Why do women love Jesus Christ?"

People in the audience call out, "I don't know."

"Because he's hung like this —" spreads out his arms "— and promises a second coming!"

Half the auditorium sits in shell-shocked silence while the other half quakes and rolls with gut-laughter.

I have just learned the true meaning of Christianity.

It exists to make us laugh hysterically.

Thank you, Jesus. You too, Mel.

Anyway, I could tell it wasn't a genuine trailer for a Mel Gibson movie because we didn't get any good Jewish stereotypes.


By Caledonian (not verified) on 03 May 2007 #permalink

One the best movie trailers I've seen yet, real or fake; hillarious.

I'm going to show it to my church committee group tomorrow. No, really - we're heretical Episcopalians heading for Hell, so WTF. I know it will be a hit.

Oh, I haven't had to struggle not to crease up so much since I saw the Star Wars Backstroke of the West screenshots.

That was bleeding hilarious.