Friday Cephalopod: Sinistaire off Bonaire


Seaducer sent me this photo, taken on a dive near Bonaire—the colors and shadows and the meaty, fleshy look of the beast give it a wonderfully baleful look.

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I'm not sure that I believe Seaducer's story. That shot has to have been taken near Innsmouth.

Wow! I was totally bummed that the main flash didn't fire, I never dreamed that one day my work would make it to Friday Cephalopod!

*sniff sniff* I feel so honored!

Consistent with the fiction references, the whole experience was surreal. I have a couple of videos of the encounter as well, if anyone is interested. Send an email to seaducer at verizon dot net.

Keep in mind they are like 8 megs each.

Wow! I was totally bummed that the main flash didn't fire, I never dreamed that one day my work would make it to Friday Cephalopod!

*sniff sniff* I feel so honored!

Consistent with the fiction references, the whole experience was surreal. I have a couple of videos of the encounter as well, if anyone is interested. Send an email to seaducer at verizon dot net.

Keep in mind they are like 8 megs each.