Woo hoo IV!

I just finished grading all the genetics final exams, and submitted final grades to the registrar!

I've just got two independent study papers that need to be turned in and graded, and then I will be completely done.


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Alice is right, I have been locked in grading jail. For my amusement, and for the sake of posting something, here's a look at how I've been doing my hard time: Number of intro-level papers graded: 72 Number of intro-level papers to go: 0 (WooHoo!) Number of multiple choice questions ready to go…
(to borrow a meme from La Isis) Dear Students, I understand that you took your exams on Monday and that our class meets next on Wednesday. I know that you are anxious to find out how you are doing in the class. Believe it or not, I am anxious to know how well I am in doing in helping you learn the…
I spent last Friday grading for my five-week summer class. It took about nine hours*, which wasn't that bad, considering that the main graded work consisted of papers. I like making students write. It lets me see their thought processes, and helps me differentiate between the students who can…

Congratulations! Have a nice summer. I remembered the poem about fifty times not being too many to see trees in bloom, so I hied off to Toronto's High Park to see the cherries and apples blooming. They are mostly finished, although the two in my back yard are still going strong. You probably still have snow on the ground, but that just means that you have a chance not to miss them in your neighbourhood. You should have hardy apples at least, I hope.

As a current cubicle warrior in Corporate America I have fond memories of the seasonal rhythms of Academe. Enjoy your Summer, and get crackin' on that book!

By Mosasaurus rex (not verified) on 14 May 2007 #permalink

I'm taking a Genetics course this summer semester. Any suggestions on good supplemental texts/materials than can give me a jump on the subject matter?

Summer semesters tend to be pretty overwhelming if you don't start right away and also neevr leave the library - I've got two weeks to get an edge. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Grading was the part of professing I despised most. Not reading and commenting on student papers -- that's part of teaching, and I liked it, though not as much as performing in class. (Yeah, teaching is a kind of performance, and the best training I had for it was hanging around drama students and being in student-directed one-act plays at Macalester College in 1958-59.) But assigning a final grade -- a single letter summing up a semester's work -- was exceedingly difficult for me.


I just need to:

1 - Find a tenure-track job opening
2 - Pad my CV
3 - Apply for the job
4 - Get shortlisted
5 - Interview
6 - Get offered a job
7 - Start teaching
8 - Grade my courses

and I'll be done too!
(Gotten as far as 5. Pretty frustrating.)

By Nathaniel (not verified) on 14 May 2007 #permalink

Two independent studies in one semester!? I attended a university slightly larger than the one you teach at, and I had the hardest time finding a professor willing to supervise the independent study I had. I can't think of a single professor in any of the three department I hung around in (History, Computer Science, and Physics) who supervised more than 1 independent study per academic year.

By K. Engels (not verified) on 14 May 2007 #permalink

AE Housman
Loveliest of Trees, A Shropshire Lad

Loveliest of trees, the cherry now
Is hung with bloom along the bough,
And stands about the woodland ride
Wearing white for Eastertide.

Now, of my three score years and ten,
Twenty will not come again,
And take from seventy springs a score,
It only leaves me fifty more.

And since to look at things in bloom
Fifty springs are little room,
About the woodlands I will go
To see the cherry hung with snow.

For Monado, (hope the html tags are OK.) I quite like this one too!

I've got science to do! But it'll have to wait till after I've finished my marking :(

I love teaching, but I hate marking assignments. Maybe I should employ an over-worked grad student to do it for me! Oh, wait. I AM an over-worked grad student :(