I like summertime poetry

Especially poems that talk about origami thoracotomies—they're like a shortcut to my heart.


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Reading this article reminds me that I forgot to talk about the poetry reading from a few weeks ago. In lieu of a regular colloquium talk one week this term, we co-hosted a poetry reading by George Drew, a local poet with a book of physics-themed poems. There are some sample poems on that site,…
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[Editor's Note: The narrator, in addition to being a day late again, has identified this week's poet by his given name; since most readers won't recognize this we shall provide the poet's nom de plume: Pablo Neruda.] No one would ever argue against the claim that Neruda was one of the 20th…

Reminds me of Gilbert White's "The Naturalist's Summer-Evening Walk," in which the balmy weather makes everyone else "happy," "sooth'd" or full of "glee" or "relief;" but:

Not so the museful sage: -- abroad he walks
Contemplative, if haply he may find
What cause controuls the tempest's rage, or whence
Amidst the savage season winter smiles.

For days, for weeks, prevails the placid calm.
At length some drops prelude a change: the sun
With ray refracted bursts the parting gloom;
When all the chequer'd sky is one bright glare.
Mutters the wind at eve: th' horizon round
With angry aspect scowls: down rush the showers,
And float the delug'd paths, and miry fields.

I'm not one for poetry, but I enjoyed the previous entry, "Kutcher Shocks Nation, Reveals Bush Administration As 'Elaborate Hoax'."