It's alive!

The Panda's Thumb is back online again, in case you've been missing it.


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A bit busy today, so I'll direct you elsewhere for some good reading. First, afarensis is thinking about re-naming his blog Aetiology Jr. after writing another post on bacterial meta-genomics in the sea; Mike discusses the Republican War on Epidemiology; John has more about the candiru I…
If you've been following Richard Hoppe's coverage of the John Freshwater trial on the Panda's Thumb, you know this event has been dragging along like the OJ trial, only with less media pandemonium and now, at last, a less unsatisfying outcome. Freshwater, you may recall, is the bible-thumping…
Yowza — Afarensis got put in charge of maintaining the links page at the Panda's Thumb, and he has put together a huge collection of various resources for the evo-creo wars. It even includes pseudoscience links — you've got to appreciate a cataloging scheme that lumps Uncommon Descent and the…
I have no idea how they figure this out, but according to this page, here's what this blog is worth: My blog is worth $157,506.66.How much is your blog worth? If anyone would like to offer even half of that, you've got a deal. On the other hand, their formula for figuring it out must be pretty…

Hip Hip Hooray!

By Paguroidea (not verified) on 07 Jun 2007 #permalink

It seems to be down again, at least for me.