Carnivalia and and open thread

The Tangled Bank

The next Tangled Bank will be held at Greg Laden's digs on 20 June — send those links in to me or

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Carnivals! Carnival of Education #156 A belated Carnival of the Liberals #57 Carnival of the Liberals #58 Grand Rounds Friday Ark #178 The Boneyard #13 Oekologie #14 A Tangled Bank announcement! The next Tangled Bank will be at Greg Laden's place, so send those links in to me or…
Here are a few new carnivals: Oekologie #5 Friday Ark #139 I and the Bird #49 The next Tangled Bank will be at geek counterpoint on Wednesday, 23 May — send those links in to me or
Another week, another collection of carnivals, and important calls for submissions to more carnivals. Carnival of Mathematics #2 Disability Carnival #9 Friday Ark #127 Carnival of Education #107 I and the Bird #43 Send me links! The Circus of the Spineless #18 is going to be right here…
Gee, people seem to have slowed in sending me announcements, or it's a slow summer week, but I only have two carnivals to report: I and the Bird #53 (it's their second anniversary!) and Friday Ark #147. I can also say that next week is time for the Tangled Bank, to be held at The Voltage Gate on…

Not at all. You know, I've got my email all set up to sort out carnival announcements for me and toss them into a tidy little folder that I open up at the end of the week, and use to put together these quick lists. Put me on your mailing list!

Got that? A GOP lawmaker quietly gave a ministry some ships for secular work (medical assistance). The ministry sold the ships and made nearly a half-million dollars (on cop shows, they call this "flipping" property). The government didn't know about any of this -- under the faith-based initiative, there's no accountability, audits, or follow-through after the earmark goes through. Religious groups get all the benefits and none of the strings. The government just assumes ministries are doing good work and deserve the unchecked earmarks.

Cephalopod sex alert! Giant cuttlefish are having a big, colorful, and slightly awkward orgy off the coast of Australia right now. With video.