Hooray! We're getting less money!

Academia is a strange little world—we're happy about this news!

The biggest winners from the University of Minnesota Board of Regents meeting? The 1,900 students at the Morris campus who saw their tuition go down by almost $1,000.

We're an even better bargain than before. Now we just need to get more students to take advantage of us…so enroll at the University of Minnesota Morris! Send your kids here!

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I would love to as I'm sure they'd get a great education ... and the saving on the tuition would just about cover the cost of the air tickets ! hmmmm (thinks) ...

By synthesist (not verified) on 28 Jun 2007 #permalink

Interesting. And next door in Michigan the State cut secondary funding to balance the budget so we're looking at double digit (10-14%) tuition increases. So much for our governor's committment to higher education.

Got a broadcast communications major and women's lacrosse team?
My eldest is starting to look for schools.

No lacrosse, although there is a lacrosse club -- here's the list of sports. We have a communications major, but not specifically in broadcast. This is a liberal arts college! She should come here and get an education both broad and deep, rather than narrow vocational training.

I sometimes wonder how my life would have been different if I went to the Morris campus instead of the Twin Cities campus all those many years ago. I hear Morris is a terrific school, a deliberately well kept secret.

But SIUC has over 20,000 students! Why would anyone want to go to such an impersonal factory school when they could come to Morris and get loads of personal attention and love? We're a tenth your size, and ten times better.

(Inter-school rivalries are fun. Let's join together and slag Harvard next.)

Great, the idiots at MnSCU* wouldn't even agree to cap the tuition at the current level. Our Winona State students are looking at another 3 to 5% raise.

*Minnesota State Colleges and Universities - all of the other non-U of Minnesota state schools. Seven 4 year uni's and a shit load of community and technical schools scattered throughout "greater Minnesota."

Good news for me! :)

By Kele Cable (not verified) on 28 Jun 2007 #permalink

No way. I envision Minnesota as a frozen tundra. Why would I want to send my kids to a school built on perma-frost? (I kid!)

I'm starting up this fall as a 24-year old freshman at Portland State. If I'd known that you guys at UM Morris didn't charge nonresident tuition and were that cheap maybe I would have applied there as well.

Go! Cougars! Go!

I'm glad to hear tuition is going in the right direction.

Hmmm . . . PZ pleads for people to,

Send your kids here!

right above a message entitled,

They're running out of virgins!

Could there be a problem with the supply of suitable sacrifice victims there in Morris?

By Chris Nedin (not verified) on 28 Jun 2007 #permalink