Friday Cephalopod: School's approaching

Sepioteuthis lessoniana

(via Andre Seale)

More like this

This week's Friday Cephalopod is reader submitted. Sepioteuthis lessoniana And there's more at Andre Seale's gallery!
Cephalopod solidarity! (via Andre Seale)
Sepioteuthis lessoniana Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.
Sepioteuthis lessoniana Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.

Your eyes, PZ, must resemble those of the above lessoniana judging by the 1am and 6am posts :)

By astromcnaught (not verified) on 20 Jul 2007 #permalink

One of my fondest snorkeling memories -- Tioman Island, Malaysia. On a snorkeling trip, they let us out in water that was about 50 feet deep, but clear as day. Squids looking just like these were for some reason lined up -- I counted 22 of them in a row -- about a meter apart from each other. I have no idea what the motivation behind the behavior was, but it was fascinating.

The good part is at about one minute.

By John Emerson (not verified) on 20 Jul 2007 #permalink

This is my first post here, although I have been lurking around here for a while. Your Courtier's reply was the funniest thing I had read in a while. I immensely enjoy your magnificient diatribes against religion But I have to ask?!!! Why Cephalopods?!!:)

To #7


I have observed the same behavior while snorkeling with my wife in Roatan, Honduras. We were in about 8 ft of water. The cool thing about snorkeling out to the school was that when we were still and the water settled down, the squid would adjust thier line to line up behind us. It was truly a beautiful thing.