Can someone tell me the way to Brokeback Observatory?

I never get stalkers like this. What is the secret of Phil's animal magnetism?

(via Depleted Cranium)

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Be careful what you wish for...

I assumed this was going to be some hate fest YouTube
attack. Excellent, really got me chuckling first thing
on a Tuesday morning.

I guess you just got to get more national exposure... so, get yourself on some radio show, or bark down Wolf Blitzer... and just like magic there will be the groupies ;)

Or, you could just be satisfied with us geeks hanging around your blog. After all, you still have a real job. On the other hand, you have a bunch of young technophiles in your classes, I assume... just make it an assignment :p

By TheJerrylander (not verified) on 31 Jul 2007 #permalink


PZ, you have your charms, but sorry, I'm not switiching teams and going all Brokeback for you. Sean Connery in From Russia With Love, perhaps, but middle aged professors from the USA, unlikely.

Obviously you are now hertbroken and damned near suicidal. So to stave off that impending tragedy: it's not you, it's me.

There, reassured now? Or merely concerned?


There's no question that the skepdudes are way hotter than their religious counterparts.

Oh, yeah, and the skepchicks, too. :-)

That's brilliant. Well, PZ, we like you, but we really like like Phil. It's all about the size of your scope. You use a microscope, and he uses a telescope --A big, naughty telescope.

Anybody editing footage of some-one they admire to Bonny Tyler is very likely to be highly unstable mentally and should get a restraining order of at least 500 km.

The trouble with octoPodZ is that they hang tight and never let go.

But they are are yummy.

should get a restraining order of at least 500 km

That is necessary but not sufficient - at a guess that guy have erected a telescope larger than Dr Phil's. Let us plan to make Phil the first astronomer on the Moon!

By Torbjörn Larsson, OM (not verified) on 31 Jul 2007 #permalink

PZ, do you need a hug? What, why are you running away?

By Unstable Isotope (not verified) on 31 Jul 2007 #permalink

You need to speak at TAM, PZ.
And, yes, that's pronounced "Pee-Zed". As another TAM speaker, Richard Dawkins, rightly claims...

Anybody editing footage of some-one they admire to Bonny Tyler is very likely to be highly unstable mentally and should get a restraining order of at least 500 km.

OK, exactly what is a "total eclipse of the heart?" I get the eclipse/astronomy thing, but this sounds like one of those situtations in which everyone was calling in radio programs to dedicate Whitney Houston's recording of "I Will Always Love You," without realizing the damned thing was about breaking up.

It's all about the pate.

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 31 Jul 2007 #permalink

Someone needs to send this to Phil, like, now.

By OptimusShr (not verified) on 31 Jul 2007 #permalink

Phil has eleven fingernails. What could be more fascinating than that?

I thought it was going to be a frothing hate-fest, too, but it was rather poignant.

How did he get Adam from "Mystbusters" as a fan? I'm jealous!

It's not Phil, animal magnetism aside. It's the song - "Total eclipse of the heart" is known to induce an intense desire to create video parodies and post them. Likely the hapless creator was just browsing Bad Astronomy when the song's video parody powers hit him.

This is one of the saner ones.

(The braver of you can search youtube for "total eclipse teen titans")

What's the point, Pee-Zed? We know our advances won't be reciprocated if we have backbones and only two measly legs.

Aw, is your ego hungry? :)

I'll make one for you if you really need it, but you'll have to help fund my deep-sea search for you. And I won't hug you, so keep the tentacles to yourself.

Most of those photos seem to be from James Randi's Amazing Meetings (I've been to all 5.) So I second kimpatsu #9. Go to TAM6 -- better yet, speakat TAM6 next June in Vegas -- and you, too, can gather your disgusting little pack of adoring groupies, toadies, and sycophants around you. And I will have to make a difficult choice.

Oh yeah. And pose in the buff for the Skepchik calendar. It's for science.

Hey, Steve deMilo - You have nailed it. Something about Phil and his pate makes me just want to shave my head and send him my hair as proof of my "buddy kind of way" of saying I love his, his, skepticness. Yep, that's gotta be it.

Oh, this is so awkward I can't even fix my syntax.

Ok, Teen Titan shipping is a little bit scary.

Love the Phil, though. That's the best laugh I've had in days.

but this sounds like one of those situtations in which everyone was calling in radio programs to dedicate Whitney Houston's recording of "I Will Always Love You," without realizing the damned thing was about breaking up

On a somewhat related note, I am not an aeronautical engineer, so you should take this with a big grain of salt, but I always wondered about Bette Midler's "Wind Beneath My Wings"--isn't that force dragging down on the wings? Or at least in the way I've always understood how airplanes fly, which is probably watered down beyond recognition by anyone who really knows the domain.

Shouldn't the song be about lift, or "Wind *Above* My Wings"?

--R., who clearly needs to get a life

"Brokeback Observatory"???

I'm not gay! I never said it was anything beyond wanting to be good buddy-buddy friends on this!

BTW: It's been viewed like 5000+ times on youtube, which wasn't what I was expecting. I may have created a monster. Had I known it would get that much of attention i would have edited it a bit better..

The trouble with octoPodZ is that they hang tight and never let go.

But they are are yummy.

should get a restraining order of at least 500 km

That is necessary but not sufficient - at a guess that guy have erected a telescope larger than Dr Phil's. Let us plan to make Phil the first astronomer on the Moon!

By Torbjörn Larsson, OM (not verified) on 31 Jul 2007 #permalink