If you like your puns visual…

…you'll find this site amusing: Churches ad hoc: a divine comedy.

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…you'll like this paleontological flickrset.
Our fevered friends at StopTheACLU have issued a "Code Red Alert" because the ACLU is trying to get the courts to allow people of different religions to be able to swear on something other than the Bible when taking an oath in court (they don't have specific links, so you'll have to scroll about…
It's PZ Myers, who has been no friend to the crackers, burying two books of holy scripture and planting daffodils on them. Or, at least, I think it's PZ (I can tell by his nice suit). And it might not be daffodils. Whatever. The point is, if you support the right of a person to make a point by…
tags: Downfall, Even Hitler Made a Hitler Parody, internet meme, technology, Hitler, satire, parody, humor, comedy, fucking hilarious, streaming video If you've been following the Hitler Parodies video meme on YouTube (197 unique videos so far!), then you'll appreciate this amusing parody where…

Woah... I think I've seen the sign in chapter 6 "A Point of View" used as kitsch in a local burger restuarant.

I now have an excuse to go to lunch there. Thanks.

By wildcardjack (not verified) on 03 Aug 2007 #permalink

Not only is the content quite clever, the photography is technically top-notch.

I'm ordering a copy of the book. This is also a very clever way to promote a photography book; right now the market for photography books is pretty much stunned into a death-spiral, so photographers have to get creative. Good for him!

Interesting pictures. Especially the Indian Baptist one with the caption "Half Creed." How nice - brings back the halcion days of 1876.

whoops - I'm also reminded to double-check my spelling. I meant halcyon. Halcion is a sleeping pill.

I hope it doesn't sedate the sarcasm. :)

Didn't have a camera, but once walked past a church in Santa Fe, NM that was on the corner of a side street with no outlet. They'd named the side street Faith Way.

So the street sign read: FAITH WAY - DEAD END.

Does the Auto-da-fe pic display as a small black rectangle for everyone, or is it just me?

By Reality Czech (not verified) on 03 Aug 2007 #permalink


The Auto da Fe pic shows the right rear of a 1980's Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz complete with Jesus fish and christian clergy sticker.

agree: technically really really good photography. Laughed at some. groaned at others. bemused by some.

For anyone who's tried to take photographs that go beyond 'snapshots' -- the compositional aspect of these photos were truly great... It takes a realy good 'eye' to see such possibilities - and to do so in so many cases...

I need to see more of this guy's work (Mall-aise was technically good, but a more documentary and the 'humor' seemed more forced)

The sign above the door of my sister's church reminded exiting parishioners: "You are now entering the mission field."

It reminded me a little bit of Douglas' Adam's "asylum" in So Long...

Douglas Adams', rather. That was quite a train wreck of possessive apostrophes.

Perhaps this is too much professional interest...

In the Amazon marketplace you can pick up the book for a $1 new +$3.99 S&H.

cheapskate, marketplace dealer, a little cruel... Send the guy a few bucks in the mail.

By wildcardjack (not verified) on 03 Aug 2007 #permalink

I suppose that this is as good a place as anywhere to note that if you forget the real Pharyngula's address, and go to pharyngula.blogspot.com, you're taken to an amazing place. Truly amazing.

If you like your puns visual...

... but not too abysmal?

I was expecting an old Steve Reeves movie!

By Sarcastro (not verified) on 06 Aug 2007 #permalink