Help some skeptics

The atheists, skeptics, and secular humanists of Fresno have formed up and consolidate, and now they're looking for a name for their group. Since, in the absence of an infusion of God's creative will, they couldn't possibly come up with an idea of their own, they've started a contest to come up with an appropriate label for their nest of elitist vipers in the bosom of Christendom. Can someone here think of a good name?


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Good to see another grassroots/local group attempting stabilization. As they indicated on their blog, membership numbers swell and shrink, but coming up with a good name and URL should help draw interest.


The Religion Haters.

The United Atheist Alliance is the only logical conclusion, for Science's sake! I will feast on the opposition's entrails... on my tummy!

By Erik the Otter (not verified) on 06 Aug 2007 #permalink

Fresnoans Against God

By notthedroids (not verified) on 06 Aug 2007 #permalink

What about a more cryptic like the...

Apple and Snake Society

Round Earth Society

FARP... Fresno Association for Rational People

Skeptics, Materialists, Atheists and Rational Thinkers?

Actually, I think "Nest of Elitist Vipers in the Bosom of Christendom" sums it up quite nicely.

In all seriousness . . .

Acronymic names are way overdone. They should choose something simple and to the point, for example "Fresno Skeptics".

By notthedroids (not verified) on 06 Aug 2007 #permalink

Hmm... the FASHists (Fresno Atheist Skeptic Humanists) - FREe to Say NO.

Heresy "R" Us

"The atheists, skeptics, and secular humanists of Fresno"

You said it yourself, PZ. Good work.

Keeping the name clear as to their purpose would be beneficial towards gaining momentum.

By joltvolta (not verified) on 06 Aug 2007 #permalink

Fresno Free Finkers? Too silly.

Fresno Atheist Rationalist Koalition (FARK)? No, already taken.

FresNoReligion? I like it! (I'm ashamed to say)

By T. Bruce McNeely (not verified) on 06 Aug 2007 #permalink

The Fresno Tabernacle Choir?

Oh, how did I forget to mention this? The entire Fresno area is crazy for the Fresno State Bulldogs. The local skeptics could call themselves Darwin's Bulldogs.

(No, I've never been a Bulldogs fan. As an asportual male, I just don't care.)

(Oh, and I don't like raisins either.)

Fresno United Council for the Kalology of Skeptics? :D No real intent to call them "fucks," but I had to satisfy my childish sense of humor.

By John Frum (not verified) on 06 Aug 2007 #permalink

If they call it FresNO Gods Club, they are open to accepting one God. You know, like the No Homers Club

[/obsessive simspsons fan]

United and

Outta our lives,

By CalGeorge (not verified) on 06 Aug 2007 #permalink

"Out In The Tules Skeptics' Society" might be a good one.

Or, "The Tulare Lake Commemorative Coalition".

The Fresno BEElievers. NOT!

By CalGeorge (not verified) on 06 Aug 2007 #permalink

The Anaxagoras Society?

Or, a step further, The Altar of Lampsacus?

Alliance of

By Foobarski (not verified) on 06 Aug 2007 #permalink

Fresno Popular People's Front
People's Popular Front of Fresno
Fresno People's Front of Fresno

bernarda (#20): "Out In The Tules Skeptics' Society" might be a good one.

Or, "The Tulare Lake Commemorative Coalition".

Not going to happen, Bernarda. No Fresno group is going to adopt a name that would be more pertinent to the adjacent county. Just south of Fresno county is Tulare county, complete with the city of Tulare, the killing tule fog, and a rabbit disease named tularemia in the county's honor. Most Fresnans would consider a Tulare-related name beneath them. Or so I believe. (Perhaps I should be more skeptical.)

Nobody's Fools
Eyes Wide Open

By Rose Colored Glasses (not verified) on 06 Aug 2007 #permalink

One More Reason To Gather Kindling - "OMRTGK"

Hmmm. Doesn't exactly sing, does it? Well, maybe it'll catch fire eventually.

fresno atheists against christian tyranny society
or "FACTS"

ok its lame.

A Foul Stench in the Nostrils of God

Zeno's idea is uncomfortably close to my own: The California Reasons.

By CJColucci (not verified) on 06 Aug 2007 #permalink

inspired by the first response...

"The Only Logical Conclusion"

By Eduardo Vila (not verified) on 06 Aug 2007 #permalink

Secular Humanists In Fresno.Shit for short.Couldn't resist.I tried.

By spartanrider (not verified) on 06 Aug 2007 #permalink

Fresno starts with a 'T'?

You hinted at the solution yourself, PZ: "atheists, skeptics, and secular humanists of Fresno".

I propose: Fresno ASS.

Nest of Elitist Vipers would make for a great band name.

By jufulu, FCD (not verified) on 06 Aug 2007 #permalink

The Society Of People Who Know That Fresno's Very Existence Proves There Is No God?

By Anton Mates (not verified) on 06 Aug 2007 #permalink

No Fresno group is going to adopt a name that would be more pertinent to the adjacent county. Just south of Fresno county is Tulare county, complete with the city of Tulare, the killing tule fog, and a rabbit disease named tularemia in the county's honor. Most Fresnans would consider a Tulare-related name beneath them. Or so I believe.

Hey, I'm originally from Tulare. What do those Fresnans know?? ;-)

Compassionate Conservative Christians (C^3)


How about "The Crushing Fist of Despair"?

It's nonspecific while simultaneously descriptive of the reactions received from superstitious barbarians.

Just a thought.

Fresnoans [for]
Openly [and]

By CalGeorge (not verified) on 06 Aug 2007 #permalink

The Can O' Worms society?

By Scrofulum (not verified) on 06 Aug 2007 #permalink


Darwin's Bulldogs

(Bulldogs is a Fresno thing. It's the Fresno St. Bulldogs. They have no pro teams so the Bulldogs are EVERYTHING there. Adopting the Bulldog will really piss off the religious, which are legion there).

The Judas Society.

By Justin Moretti (not verified) on 06 Aug 2007 #permalink

Slightly off-topic, an add for a charity on TV this weekend gave me the idea for the Atheist Children's Fund.
"Help the Children. Because this is the only life they have."

By YetAnotherKevin (not verified) on 06 Aug 2007 #permalink

The Atheist Problem. Not Fresno-specific, but I've always loved that form of self-deprecating titling.

Ripping off Godspeed You Black Emperor, how about "Void and Waste?" Nahum 2:10 - "She is empty, and void, and waste: and the heart melteth, and the knees smite together, and much pain is in all loins, and the faces of them all gather blackness."

By Mindbleach (not verified) on 06 Aug 2007 #permalink

Nest of Elitist Vipers could be a great name for a Metal band.

By jufulu, FCD (not verified) on 06 Aug 2007 #permalink

Maybe God created the big bang. It is not out of the realm of possiblity. Science proves things can not just appear from nothing. So there must be something beyond science. This is coming from an agnostic.

One vote for Darwin's Bulldogs because of that 'local connexion' and a bit of 'Hi, Huxley' as a talking point. A bit of local flavour that leaves an opening for a 'pat' provocation and a friendly explanation. Rally 'round the Team and such. Got 'em confused? Walk right in with a well honed polemic bereft of pejoratives.
Got a spirited 'Full Moon Society' sort of local tie?
Ye skilled arbiters please post a "Vote Here" page!
Best o' times to bretheren in Fresno.

zeno and leon, I was referring to Fresno's glorious past. From Wiki.

"The County of Fresno was formed in 1856. It was named for the abundant mountain ash trees lining the San Joaquin River. Fresno is the Spanish word for white ash trees. The county was much larger than it is today, comprising its current area plus all of what became Madera County and parts of what are now San Benito, Tulare, Kings, Inyo, and Mono counties."

Of course there is another marking point in Fresno's history,

"The Fresno Municipal Sanitary Landfill was the first modern landfill in the United States, and incorporated several important innovations to waste disposal, including trenching, compacting, and the daily covering of trash with dirt. It was opened in 1937 and closed in 1987. Today, it has the unusual distinction of being a National Historic Landmark as well as a Superfund Site.[8]"

Let's see, how about the Fresno Sanitary Skeptics Society or the Fresno Society for the Religion Sanitary Landfill.

Virtual particles, evaporating black holes.

Alright that's fine but where did these black holes come from and virtual particles. Science can only take you so far.