
Graphic-intensive collection of pretty pictures below the fold: beware.










Cephalopod poetry also counts as art.


By Algernon Charles Sin-Burn

Strange beauty, eight-limbed and eight-handed,
    Whence camest to dazzle our eyes?
With thy bosom bespangled and banded
    With the hues of the seas and the skies;
Is thy home European or Asian,
    O mystical monster marine?
Part molluscous and partly crustacean,
    Betwixt and between.

Wast thou born to the sound of sea trumpets?
    Hast thou eaten and drunk to excess
Of the sponges -- thy muffins and crumpets,
    Of the seaweed -- thy mustard and cress?
Wast thou nurtured in caverns of coral,
    Remote from reproof or restraint?
Art thou innocent, art thou immoral,
    Sinburnian or Saint?

Lithe limbs, curling free, as a creeper
    That creeps in a desolate place,
To enroll and envelop the sleeper
    In a silent and stealthy embrace,
Cruel beak craning forward to bite us,
    Our juices to drain and to drink,
Or to whelm us in waves of Cocytus,
    Indelible ink!

O breast, that 'twere rapture to writhe on!
    O arms 'twere delicious to feel
Clinging close with the crush of the Python,
    When she maketh her murderous meal!
In thy eight-fold embraces enfolden,
    Let our empty existence escape,
Give us death that is glorious and golden,
    Crushed all out of shape!

Ah! thy red lips, lascivious and luscious,
    With death in their amorous kiss,
Cling round us, and clasp us, and crush us,
    With bitings of agonised bliss;
We are sick with the poison of pleasure,
    Dispense us the potion of pain;
Ope thy mouth to its uttermost measure
    And bite us again!

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The forth one down's a pen? Oh....
You know, I really thought it was something else.

Thomas Abdul Al-Kincade: Painter of Madness

you forgot the immortal Ogden Nash poem:

Tell me, O Octopus, I begs
Is those things arms, or is they legs?
I marvel at thee, Octopus;
If I were thou, I'd call me Us.

Curse you for showing me that pen, PZ. Do you know how insanely difficult it is to justify buying a pen that costs between $3,750 and $18,000?!?

Does anyone want to buy a kidney?

That's . . . a . . . spectacular . . . poem.

Somebody just made my day.

Also, love the mouse-over comments, PZ! I want the pen too. Have to stick with Bics until my student loan is paid off, though . . . Sigh.

By ctenotrish, FCD (not verified) on 13 Aug 2007 #permalink