Would you believe that there was a poster at the European Society for Evolutionary Biology meetings touting the destructive works of a known creationist? Photographic evidence is available!
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Chuck Norris does not sleep...he waits.
I get "google error" when i try to open the "evidence" link.
Same error here. I even tried to go to the straight blogspot page and still didn't work.
Blogger must be down. Try again a little later all you worrying nancies.
Quite shameful, the european society is quite credible overall.
When Chuck Norris takes a bath, he doesn't get wet.
The water gets Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris does not do push-ups. He lays on his stomach and pushes the Earth down.
Haha! This was definitely a high-point at a very hot, very sweaty and very crowded poster session! We've been having really hot weather in Uppsala these past few weeks.
I was presenting my own poster so I didn't walk around that much, but when I did nobody seemed to get the joke. Furrowed brows and serious faces abounded.
I lol'd.
And they say that the scientific establishment suppresses anti-evolutionary ideas....
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Nuck Chorris?
Eh? What is that?
You eat nuck chorris? Is good? We all eat?
Upon reflection and a smacking of lips, is good. Yes. Good. Good to eat nuck chorris.
Eh... it is your opinion that the guy's work is 'destructive'. You ought to have a bit more space for what others are thinking, not just what you think about this topic. I'm not really a creationist either (in the truest sense of what it means) but I have the brains to know that they are also doing some very important work and producing some amazing discoveries. You should be a little more open-minded.