
That Dunford fella has already gone to see the Lucy exhibit in Houston … and he's bragging about it on the interwebs. This makes me soooo jealous.

Oh well, he is paying the price. He may have gotten to see Lucy on opening day, but in exchange he has to live in Texas.


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... or have had the foresight to be "just visiting" then. I'm not sure which is more incredible: Someone living in Texas (by choice) or visiting Texas (by choice). ;-)

I heard the Creation Museum wanted to display Lucy but they couldn't decide which animatronic dinosaur to make her ride.

Quote pyramid!

There's more than one opportunity I've passed on because it would have involved living in Texas, I'll just add this one to the list.

As someone who lived in Texas for 6 years, I just wanted to get the jump on all the "hey, austin is so great it makes up for the rest of the state!" people and say this:

No, no it doesn't.

I recently moved to Houston, and my wife and I will hopefully get by the exhibit this weekend. By the way, as a Texan and a lawyer, two of PZ's favorite demographics, it's a wonder Prof. Myers is still my leader. What can I's just ingrained in me to follow a white guy with a beard from waaaaay up north.

By redstripe (not verified) on 01 Sep 2007 #permalink

Oh, I should clarify: we moved to Houston from Fort Worth, so we're quite familiar with the lovely state of Texas.

By redstripe (not verified) on 01 Sep 2007 #permalink

I saw a simile at the 2000 World Fair, and it was impressively emotional to see the reconstruction of those puny bones. A recognizable kinship from far away in time and space, illustrating both the fragility of individual life and the strength of life as a process.

And somehow you wanted to hug that small thing and tell her and yourself that it turned out all right even if her family lost her.

I'm not sure which is more incredible: Someone living in Texas (by choice) or visiting Texas (by choice). ;-)

Would you believe I did both? (In the line of work, but still.) Oh, I would have preferred returning to Hawaii instead to surf some more so maybe that doesn't count.

But I agree that it could be, um, gutwrenching at times. Texas isn't quite the ideal of equality and free thinking that you wish for. People preferred to take turns at the pool to avoid racial conflicts... They sure grow them differently in Texas. (I hope.)

By Torbjörn Larsson, OM (not verified) on 01 Sep 2007 #permalink

I think it was Grant or Sherman who made the "Live in Hell" comment. But in any case I want to know how long the lines are to see Lucy. If they've been short I'll go in the next week or two. If they're long, I'll wait.

Anyone seen it yet? Will I give in to temptation and be the first Pharyngulan to post a real comment about the Lucy exhibit? I'll take the bus/rail combo to get there so I can get good and drunk at Valhalla afterward.

I saw a simile at the 2000 World Fair, and it was impressively emotional to see the reconstruction of those puny bones. A recognizable kinship from far away in time and space, illustrating both the fragility of individual life and the strength of life as a process.

And somehow you wanted to hug that small thing and tell her and yourself that it turned out all right even if her family lost her.

I'm not sure which is more incredible: Someone living in Texas (by choice) or visiting Texas (by choice). ;-)

Would you believe I did both? (In the line of work, but still.) Oh, I would have preferred returning to Hawaii instead to surf some more so maybe that doesn't count.

But I agree that it could be, um, gutwrenching at times. Texas isn't quite the ideal of equality and free thinking that you wish for. People preferred to take turns at the pool to avoid racial conflicts... They sure grow them differently in Texas. (I hope.)

By Torbjörn Larsson, OM (not verified) on 01 Sep 2007 #permalink