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Deep sea squid, unidentified species
Figure from The Deep(amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Claire Nouvian.
Histioteuthis heteropsis
Figure from The Deep(amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Claire Nouvian.
Stauroteuthis syrtensis
Figure from The Deep(amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Claire Nouvian.
Helicocranchia sp.
Figure from The Deep(amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Claire Nouvian.
Like a luminous galaxy, complete with the trails of orbits.
Looks like it's about to eat Jack Sparrow.
-The Flying Trilobite
Its beak is very well hidden in that shot - despite the wide backwards spread of the tentacle-arms. :-/
Totally OT, but your favorite playground bully, Michael Korn, is back updating his blog. Looks like he's sliding from science denial into Holocaust denial and working his way to justification of becoming a suicide bomber. I won't put a link directly to his insanity on your blog, but here's one from mine. Since he's already "accused" you of being Jewish and is now explaining why the Jews/Scientists need to be exterminated, I think you ought to have a look...
Like a luminous galaxy
wait...THAT can't be coincidence..it MUST be designed! Finally the proof Behe has been looking for!
Is that a photo? It looks like a painting (which might explain the "missing" beak).
PZ: Out of curiosity, why study zebrafishes when you could do cephalopods? Would it be too difficult to do evo-devo with them?
A little off topic ... Isn't it about time to start your Holiday wish list?
Cephalopods are very difficult to keep and breed, with a relatively long generation time. The opposite is true of zebrafish. Researchers generally like to have a decent chance of completing some research.
This is a truly beautiful cephalopod. After cutting it up, I would drop it in a hot wok with ginger and garlic, add a touch of soy and sugar, a few dried hot chilis, and drizzle with sesame oil. MMM>.
stunning. beautiful. i wish i could swim around with it.
I have put The Deep on my wish list, but who knows if I'll break down and buy it for myself long before the holidays. (Either that, or that coffeetable book about show chickens...)
No human (that is, "intelligently-designed" har har) parasol approaches the delicate elegance and graceful beauty of this stunningly gorgeous creature...
What's more, no parasol-maker has ever managed to evolve an example that moves autonomously, metabolizes, and reproduces itself.
SEF: Thanks. Human epidemiology studies have that problem. I started off doing the year 20 and 25 mortality studies on a long term mortality studies. The initial PI's have since retired and, in some cases, passed away.