Geeks in Love

This is the truest and most heart-warming song on the interwebs. We know that if you aren't a geek or a nerd you secretly envy us.


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And I who was convinced that geeks of this magnitude only reproduced asexually (parthenogenesis?), due to the obvious difficulties of finding a like-minded partner...

Frighteningly enough, my husband and I got all the geeky references in that. I didn't notice a Dr. Who reference, though! I'm shocked.

As I've told my daughter many times ---
They might call you geek now, but later they will have to call you boss.

By Ken Mareld (not verified) on 09 Sep 2007 #permalink

Sweet - I've had that bookmarked for at least a year. My 6-year-old daughter must ask me once a week to watch it. I thought I was a big geek myself, but even I didn't get all the references.

True nerds will use the pause at the top to go through it frame by frame though - there are a few things that only pop for one frame. ;)

It does indeed warrant frame-by-frame (or slow motion) viewing, but the interface makes doing so awkward.

I'll have to watch it with the pause button. It was far too fast, with things like the UFO captioned "I WANT TO DECEIVE" popping up for less than a second. I won't get any Dr. Who references, though; I'm not an American nerd.

Off-topic: scroll down to the 2nd comic of this page for a good parody of creationism in schools.

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 09 Sep 2007 #permalink

There are some daleks on the tennis court. Oh, and I won't get any Dr. Who references, though; I'm not an American nerd. -- it's a BBC show, the first B is British...

Oh. I did know it was on the BBC too, but I didn't know that's where it comes from. Anyway, I've never seen a single episode...

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 09 Sep 2007 #permalink

David Marjanovic - Dr Who is a British program (i.e. not America), although the good Dr is from the planet Gallifrey.

#9 David,

Obviously, you're not a british nerd either. For a real American reference, watch for Joel and the bots from mst3k.

Thanks, PZ! (Smacks forehead with hand) How did I miss *Daleks*, fer cryin' out loud!

I'll have to watch it with the pause button. It was far too fast, with things like the UFO captioned "I WANT TO DECEIVE" popping up for less than a second. I won't get any Dr. Who references, though; I'm not an American nerd.

Off-topic: scroll down to the 2nd comic of this page for a good parody of creationism in schools.

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 09 Sep 2007 #permalink

Oh. I did know it was on the BBC too, but I didn't know that's where it comes from. Anyway, I've never seen a single episode...

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 09 Sep 2007 #permalink