More Bell post-game analysis

Chris Mooney has his summary post up, in which he predictably and incorrectly declares victory for the forces of empty rhetoric, and Greg Laden correctly declares victory for the puppies and small children, which, of course, was our side.

No word from Matt Nisbet yet. He's probably having a late breakfast of roast puppy, served by his army of child-slaves. (←framing.)

More like this

As expected, the Laden/Myers tag team utterly crushed the Nisbet/Mooney team. The decision was unanimous. Only a few crazy people might have found the framers at all persuasive. (It helps, too, that Nisbet/Mooney are on a plane flying away and won't be able to get out their side of the story until…
To my dismay, even after a good night's sleep and a fresh perusal of the paper, after reading both of Greg Laden's thorough articles, Mooney's latest summary, Orac's claim that it's nothing but tailoring your message to your audience, and Nisbet's roundup of responses, I'm still hopelessly confused…
You probably aren't going to believe this. But not only was the battle at the Bell Museum in Minneapolis last night pretty un-warlike; the participants actually seemed to find plenty of common ground. Both Greg Laden and, yes, even PZ Myers agreed that the framing of science can be a useful tool…
I really had intended for Tuesday's dog pictures to be my only comment on the recent framing debacle (well, Monday's expertise post was an oblique commentary on it, but nobody got that, which you can tell because the comments were civil and intelligent and interesting to read). But Chris Mooney is…

This deserves to become a new meta-rhetorical device! Just attach "←framing" to instances of over-the-top mudslinging. For example,

Those schmucks who run still haven't instituted decent math markup support. Clearly, they're getting paid off by the Wall Street Journal's op-ed writers, who want to keep America functionally innumerate so that they can continue to drive stretch-Hummer limousines to drug-fueled orgies where they snort lines of crack from the hipbones of nubile Young Republicans. (←framing.)

I resent the term 'cognitive miser'. Children today are merely 'cognitively penny-wise' and are carefully conserving their few moments of actual thought for important decisions in their old age.

Throw in a victory for kittens, and I'm aboard.

LOLFramer: I iz in ur Mooney, b-ing penny-wise.

Blake, "meta-rhetorical" would be rhetorics on rhetorics, wouldn't it? Like framing framers by LOLFramers.

By Torbjörn Larsson, OM (not verified) on 29 Sep 2007 #permalink

Where do I sign up for my own puppy-rôterie? And childslaves?

Heck, just point me in the direction of the puppy-kicking contest and I'm happy.

Bwa ha ha ha! Thanks for the great laugh after getting back from my long drive just now.
I'm working on my analysis of the event, photos, audio, etc. It was nice to meet each of the panelists for the first (or second) time, and too bad I didn't have the time to stay for the reception afterward! There will be more chances, we're all in this for the long haul.

I love the smell of atheists bashing each other in the morning!

By Manul Goldsenwhower (not verified) on 30 Sep 2007 #permalink

Throw in a victory for kittens, and I'm aboard.

LOLFramer: I iz in ur Mooney, b-ing penny-wise.

Blake, "meta-rhetorical" would be rhetorics on rhetorics, wouldn't it? Like framing framers by LOLFramers.

By Torbjörn Larsson, OM (not verified) on 29 Sep 2007 #permalink