Needs fart noises

Here's a simple little video game: Michael Behe vs. The Mousetraps. It does need some sound effects, and it's far too easy for Behe to get ID points.


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Seeing how popular Behe is with the ID crowd the amount of points he gets seems rather low, not high.

By Who Cares (not verified) on 13 Oct 2007 #permalink

Thanks for sharing yet another of my posts! I made the game using MIT's Scratch program - I started by tinkering with an already-existing game, and created the mousetraps and Behe using clip art and photos available online. The great thing about Scratch is that anyone can take what I did and improve on it. If you do so (as I hope some of you may) do let me know.

One shortcoming I'm already aware of...the game desperately needs an appearance by the Flying Spaghetti Monster! :)'s far too easy for Behe to get ID points.

It's not as though winning over the ID crowd is hard. He could stumble drunkenly onstage wearing nothing but a lampshade, scrawl "flagellellumm" on the wall with his own feces, and pass out in a pool of vomit, and they'd still clap like trained seals.

By Sophist, FCD (not verified) on 13 Oct 2007 #permalink

Hell, show me that and I will clap. I will even pay admission.

It's not as though winning over the ID crowd is hard. He could stumble drunkenly onstage wearing nothing but a lampshade, scrawl "flagellellumm" on the wall with his own feces, and pass out in a pool of vomit, and they'd still clap like trained seals.

If only that were an exaggeration.

By truth machine (not verified) on 13 Oct 2007 #permalink