#1 on Google!

The World's Fair has a new meme: find the terms that return your blog as the first hit. Here is the overview:

I'd like to suggest a meme, where the premise is that you will attempt to find 5 statements, which if you were to type into google (preferably google.com, but we'll take the other country specific ones if need be), you'll find that you are returned with your blog as the number one hit.

This is easy.

I like the first one. Nobody can spell "Pharyngula" and most have a hard time pronouncing it, so I just tell people to google the two letters "PZ", and there I am.

The second is obvious.

The third is a little surprising: it returns very few links. I thought it would be a much more common term.

The fourth and fifth…I just looked at the common search terms that bring people here.

As Janet suggests, your search results may vary.


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Something a little lighter after all that Watson-puke of recent days... ...The World's Fair's exceptional "I rank number one on google!" meme!!!! I'd like to suggest a meme, where the premise is that you will attempt to find 5 statements, which if you were to type into google (preferably google.com…
David Ng at The World's Fair wants me to play along before I head to the airport. Here are the rules: I'd like to suggest a meme, where the premise is that you will attempt to find 5 statements, which if you were to type into google (preferably google.com, but we'll take the other country…
This morning, I was thinking about the truth experiment, and its iPod giveaway, and it occured to me that all this google ranking might be parlayed into a fun meme. Anyway, here goes: I'd like to suggest a meme, where the premise is that you will attempt to find 5 statements, which if you were to…
Dave at the World's Fair has an idea for a "meme": [Y]ou will attempt to find 5 statements, which if you were to type into google (preferably google.com, but we'll take the other country specific ones if need be), you'll find that you are returned with your blog as the number one hit. This was,…

"Chez Watt"

By Ferrous Patella (not verified) on 24 Oct 2007 #permalink

You should have tried to google Pharyngula but spelled incorrectly.

I tried a few that brought you back as the main hit:

When you are number #1 hit on Google "tentacle sex" search, then Phargnula has arrived.

Actually, when porn sites try steeling your' site name, that's when you really have arrived.

So do the words in the phrases have to be mutually exclusive?

So far I've got:

* It's um a cliticization
* bowling PB baby
* abstemious cliticization

I guess it would help if I had updated the blog in the past year or so...

"Steven Alleyn" (my pseudonym) seems to do a pretty good job.
"Montrealer's view" works too
"Moopthas" works very well - go figure
"pauline marois se represent anglophone" is probably my favourite
"Rushing to Get things Done" is the title of one of my blog posts...

One of the searches that leads to my site being #1 on Google is "LOLctopus", which is completely due to the Friday cephalopod of a couple months ago.

Other searches for which I'm the first hit include: "snowflake chronology" and "robot python generator".

Well, it's my home page and not my blog, but it never ceases to amaze me that I'm the #1 google hit for the word "it's".

I made number one for:

"Nazi Yeti in flying saucers"
"Nazi mammoth"
"frozen mammoth penis"
"nude photos of Ann Coulter"

I truly have a classy blog.

Hey PZ, you also get ALL of the billing (either directly or indirectly) on the first page of results for "random biological ejaculations". Although I'm sure you'd be pretty far down the list if you only searched on the last term of that phrase.

My claim to fame is "rent a snake".

Go figure.

However, none of those are STATEMENTS. They are just words or phrases. I want complete sentences Pee Zed!

By Donalbain (not verified) on 24 Oct 2007 #permalink

pz and the I'm Feeling Lucky button works, but my pz myers bookmark on my iGoogle homepage is even faster.

I posted my list too.

1. King Aardvark - #2 is a company called King Aardvark Web Design, and their logo is kind of similar to mine. But it's not me.

2. high school religion classes - from a popular early post of mine included in CotG.

3. John Tesh kick in the nuts - though, honestly, any name I've ever mentioned + kick in the nuts leads to my blog as the #1 hit. This is from a couple of posts about my contempt for Christian pop music.

4. behe dawkins pissed - a ficticious scrap between the two authors.

5. apostles look like morons half the time - a Christian troll dropped by and we had a brief argument about this - not whether they do look like morons (they do) but about the implications of them looking like morons.

I'm still #1 for my name, "Geoff Arnold", even though there are a couple of other Geoffs chasing me. More important, I'm #1 for the phrase "liberal atheist dreamer"!

I used to be the #1 hit for the word "euphemism", but now I've been bumped to #3 by Wikipedia and some dictionary site.

Still #1 for "euphemism generator".

Also #1 for "Brian Eno to the Rescue!" but only if it's in quotes.

* Seattle Fingersmith door prize
* Martha's Undead Removal

I'm somewhat motivated now to write an article for the sole purpose of capturing really odd phrases.

I'm still first for:

-mental midgets like Dinesh D'Souza
-closeted gimp-suit wearing evangelicals
-Professor Dawkins hugs like a grizzly
-It's a Shame There's No Such Thing As Hell

But seem to have slipped to second place for "victim of an evil ideology" :(

Here's a few more for PZ:

Caledonian ejaculations
Dumbski zebrafish
Homosexual squid
Godless liberal octopus
Friday cephalopod

I'm quite proud of this one: reasons not to believe in lies about evolution

Less so for this one: solutions for a hairy back

Someone just found me with hobbit porno video, but thankfully I was not #1.

Well, I'm first for:

commie-pinko blackbelt
Fuck you, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
Cheney Nosferatu Helluva Halloween
better fish perforated horse condoms
holy fuckinoly

I got a few obvious ones to start with:

-Stupid Reality (No great surprise there)
-Stupid Kirk Cameron Pain (Hehe)
-My Brain Exploding
-Atheist Kung Fu

But then I realized that because I use so much sarcasm in my arguments, a lot of people were getting my blog through search terms that were the opposite of what I was saying. With this in mind I also got number one for:

-Stupid Reality Believes in Biblical Literalism
-Stupid Reality Contributes to Global Warming
-Stupid Reality has Broken the Internet

But my personal favorite would have to be:

-Stupid Reality is Pope of the Catholic Church


You have no idea how happy it makes me to be the first one to mention this:


Did you mean to spell it "evilutionist"? maybe it would return more hits as "evolutionist"?

By Pat McDowell (not verified) on 24 Oct 2007 #permalink

A year or so ago, mine came up first for a search of
- pictures underpants

(no quotes)

I'd written about the Underpants of Science Museum at UT Austin and posted some pictures.

My spot was soon to be supplanted though, by pictures of Saddam in his undies.

*"Their octopus gods" (must be in quotes, and must have "their". *sigh*)

*hippocampally organized memories (cool, no quotes--357 hits)

*Einstein Poseur Wrong (15,100 hits)

*"Just a little bit faster than light" (without quotes, 1,720,000 hits, and I am nowhere near the top. With quotes, I am number one!!!....of two.)

And the my crowning achievement....

*Just like it says in Genesis (No quotes needed! 2,020,000 hits, and I am first!)