In the spirit of the season

Since we're entering the holiday season, and I wouldn't want to be accused of contributing to the War on Christmas (oh, horrors!), here are some fortuitously christmassy entertainments.

If you're shopping for just the right gift for that devout Christian, look into the Twelve Days of Kitschmas. These are exactly the kind of garish ticky-tack most appropriate for your beloved followers of the prosperity gospel.

But perhaps you want to share with more spiritually minded loved ones. How about some Bible verses? In fact, how about the most badass verses in the entire Bible? 1 Samuel 18 suggests some great presents for your father-in-law, too.


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Sarcastically celebrating 15 ways of how idiotically violent the bible is, is a great way to show how idiotically violent the bible is. And I'm amused to see you link to Your tentacles really must be everywhere...

By Michael X (not verified) on 28 Nov 2007 #permalink

I'm imagining a song:

On the first day of Kitschmas, my true love gave to me ...
An in-flat-a-ble Frosty the Snowman.

On the second day of Kitschmas, my true love gave to me ...
Two Chick Tracts,
And an in-flat-a-ble Frosty the Snowman.

Anyone of you lyrically inclined feel like writing the rest?

I want it to mention plastic angels, you hear? And maybe a Virgin Mary Wristwatch. Extra points if you can manage to include the (not safe for work) Jackhammer Jesus.

And if you're MUSICALLY inclined, I wouldn't mind hearing the actual song.


While searching for a link to an image of the Virgin Mary Wristwatch (they exist, I've seen one), I came across this DEFINITELY NOT SAFE FOR WORK Madonna and Child.

I love the Maria memory stick. Complete with LED light-up sacred heart and halo with "Oh Maria keep my data safe."

Too bad my desire for kitchsy woo doesn't go up to 69 euros.

I would suggest that fans look up Isaiah 13.

Said the Little Boy to the Working Mom
Do you see what I see?
Cable channel three-seventeen--
Do you see what I see?
A toy! A toy! A laser-action gun
It will bring me hours of fun
It will bring me hours of fun!

Said the Working Mom to the Absent Dad
Do you hear what I hear?
Listen to your son, Absent Dad
Do you hear what I hear?
Your kid! Your kid! Is driving me insane
And your check is late once again
And your check is late once again!

Said the Absent Dad to the Learned Judge
Do you know what I know?
Sitting on your bench, Learned Judge
Do you know what I know?
My job! My job! Was outsourced to Bhopal
Now I have no money at all
Now I have no money at all!

Said the Learned Judge to the President
Do you see what I see?
On your Crawford ranch, President--
Do you see what I see?
The time, the time, for posturing is past
We must all do something, and fast
We must all do something, and fast!

Said the Prez, to the People Everywhere
Listen to what I say!
Go and shop, People Everywhere!
Listen to what I say!
Just swipe your card, and don't forget your PIN
You must shop like thrift is a sin!
If you don't, the Terrorists win!

Thanks for reminding me of the Ship of Fools site, home of the Kitschmas stuff. (Is there a Freudian meaning there, coded in Yiddish?) Haven't visited in a while, and it's still a funny site.

By Faithful Reader (not verified) on 29 Nov 2007 #permalink

Bad Ass Verses = Fun For The Family

I think the "No Grabbing the Junk Commandment" should have been one of the original ten. It makes a hell of a lot more sense than "I am the 'lord' your 'god' blah blah blah give me cash."

I loved the 9 most badass bible verses, and from there I checked out the 10 Creepies Craigslist Casual Encounters. All I gotta say is WOW.

Desired Demo:
Women who are attracted to cult-leader types.

"Sodomy is the ultimate act of trust. You could really get hurt if you resist. But pushing past that fear, by passing through it, lite rally the joy that lies on the other side of convention ... If you're an atheist, you will get to know God experientially, from being fucked in the ass."

People are fucked up.

Cuttlefish makes me a sad panda.

Is it just me or does the "Holy Toast" in the 12 days of Kitschmas look like the Flying Spaghetti Monster?

Couldn't get past #7 on the bad ass bible thing, sorry! ;^)

love that one comment from the bad-ass bible verse post:

Martin Luther King may have had a dream, but Moses had a body count.


I have always loved the 'kids who mock bald prophets will be eaten by bears' quote.

Especially the specificity of the number: 42!

Testing 1,2,3...

By Rorschach (not verified) on 12 Apr 2009 #permalink