Well versed in science

Bob read this and sent me some even better stuff:

Completely in verse:

Joseph F. Bunnett and Francis J. Kearley (1971). Comparative mobility of halogens in reactions of dihalobenzenes with potassium amide in ammonia (pdf). Journal of Organic Chemistry 36(1): 184 - 186; DOI: 10.1021/jo00800a036

In verse AND musical notation:

HM ShapiroFluorescent dyes for differential counts by flow cytometry: does histochemistry tell us much more than cell geometry? (pdf). J Histochem Cytochem, 1977 Aug;25(8):976-89.

Now I need to rewrite my old papers in verse...for instance:

There once was a quail flock
That had an eye for a clock.
Those who had eyes
Said "see how time flies?"
And those who had none thought those were lies.

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Yes, here it is (from the first paper above)in its entirety:

"NOTE FROM EDITOR.-Although we are open to new styles and formats for scientific publication, we must admit to surprise upon receiving this paper.However, me find the paper to be novel in its chemistry, and readable in its verse. Because of the somewhat increased space requirements and possible difficulty to some of our nonpoetically inclined readers, manuscripts in this format face an uncertain future in this office. However, we take this opportunity to encourage readers and authors to examine carefully a new format represented by the articles on pages 3591-3646 and the Editor's Notice in the November 1970 issue of this journal."