Did you take the “blog readability test”?

Then you might want to read this—it looks like it was a trojan horse for a spammer. I notice that some of the more web-savvy bloggers edited out the sneaky code when posting it, but the rest of you might want to look back at the code.

(hat tip to Coturnix)


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I knew something was wrong when the answer came back so quickly for my site and rated it "high school." It didn't even take the time to read the Meta data, how could it possibly rate the content?

I am not saying that Tangled Up in Blue Guy should be higher rated, I am just saying it didn't get rated.

I always take out the gratuitous code that doesn't look like it does anything useful. All I've got on my blog is the graphic, but I'll probably get rid of that now as well.

I also routinely examine and take out extra code when I do quizes and rating or anything like that. A lot of these things either include or are fronts for advertising. I don't see anything really extraordinary about this one in particular.

html literacy FTW.

By arachnophilia (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

Isn't this sort of thing usually the case when it comes to these blog tests and quizzes? I'd always assumed so, which is one reason I'm not in the habit of posting them. They almost ALWAYS have a link back to a page filled with ads. Even if it's just Blogthings, I'd prefer not to be getting anyone rich based on my results to some lame "Which Carebear are You?" quiz.

Ooooh, do they have an atheist Care Bear?

What does he have on his tummy?

i had already deleted the extra link under the image, but after reading this i also replaced their image with mine so they can't serve up an different one.

i liked decrepitoldfool's idea though.

.... i just went back and noticed that that older 'film rating' test did something similar with a dating site. i just revised the code accordingly. it points to the original, but the image is mine.

pz, you have that one on your blog as well.

i'm too lazy to go through the older posts for now.

Since I use Linux, I cannot be affected by this kind of spam, but in the version I put on my site, I believe I edited out the bad code. Or at least most of it. I'll have to check when I get back to the Blog Cave.

Now, I 've looked at the original source of this problem, and I don't get it... What is Aurther whining about? Has he never seen an ad before? I simply altered mine so that the ad was disarmed, in fact, improved.

I pumped in a couple of websites and the ratings
seemed reasonable except for a couple of anomalies
and then noted on the Periodic Table (XI-13):

"Also I pumped in a web-site that is currently an empty template for OurProvost and out popped the opinion that the blog was college level. Kind of hard to imagine the basis for this conclusion since there aren't any posts yet.

Caveat lector."

I am very leery of weird html that isn't completely
transparent so didn't bite on that.



I am always suspicious of these things. I saved the graphic alone and posted it without any of their coding. However, I did send other people to look at it; they may not have been so cautious. Mea culpa.

That's the last time I even look at online "tests" and quizzes.

It's not a Trojan, a virus, or malware. It's just sneaky advertising. Can we please not spread panic, the next thing this will be showing up in one of those hysterical "flaming monitor virus" chainmails.