So what are you calling “Mohammed”?

Here are a few ideas. Myself, I don't have a “Mohammed”, but I have decided to call any trip to the bathroom a Hajj.


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Be sure to read the artist's statement as well. Though never having written a comic myself, and therefore in no position to judge, I nevertheless feel that the statement is more entertaining than the comic itself.

He closes with:

"We Godless infidels may a bunch of fuckups and addicts and flakes, but we're better people than they are. If are only alternatives are existential confusion or Assholism, I know which side I'm on.

Does everyone remember the smurfs, and how they used to use the word smurf as a pronoun, adverb, adjective, noun, verb, nonsensical cry, etc? Well what if we all started doing that with Mohammad?
"We should Mohammad to it, so that we can have a Mohammady day, and get some of those Mohammad-Berry muffins."
In addition to this, we would have to start naming people with a description of their job, followed by Mohammad.
PZ= AtheistAgitator Mohammad.

Nagging Number 1 Son to do his chores is hereafter a fatwa. The ringtailed possum that visits me at night, and sometimes comes inside the house is now dubbed "Mohammed", and the other one that fights him is "Jesus". The bluetongued lizard I sometimes see is "Moses" and the cat next door is "Shiva".

Have I left anyone out? I like to be an equal opportunity bastard.

By John S. Wilkins (not verified) on 08 Dec 2007 #permalink

My girlfriend renamed our corkscrew Mohammed. I said though that unlike Mohammed, our corkscrew serves a purpose and I like having it around.

By Michael X (not verified) on 08 Dec 2007 #permalink

"My girlfriend renamed our corkscrew Mohammed. I said though that unlike Mohammed, our corkscrew serves a purpose and I like having it around."

Your corkscrew also does a better job letting Muslims have alcohol than Mohammed I did.

My girlfriend renamed our corkscrew Mohammed.

Better keep a close eye on that cork screw when there's young virgins in the house.

I always liked calling it the bottle opener the "church key."

A friend of mine, who worked at an overtly Christian office, actually named a certain external intromittent organ of his "Jesus" in protest. No telling if he made a public declaration of the naming at said office.

Yeah Thadd, she says she did it for the snark of not only the muslim ban on liquor, but also because, as inkadu has stated, our bottle opener is also called a church key. She favors equality in our mockery-of-religion-though-the-naming-of-our-bar-tools.

By Michael X (not verified) on 08 Dec 2007 #permalink

I am more worried about the Satanists,my cat answers to the name Lucifer.

I'm getting out my Muhammer later to hang up a picture. It's a very useful tool for applying blunt force.

And later in the month, Satan will be delivering presents here with his three little elves, Spooky, G-man and Baby J.

I prefer jihad to hajj for my bathroom trips.

Sorry, TMI....

Myself, I don't have a "Mohammed", but I have decided to call any trip to the bathroom a Hajj.

Well, "Hajji Myers" has a nice ring to it... :)

By Daggerstab (not verified) on 08 Dec 2007 #permalink

Hm... Well, before I go to bed I'm gonna go to the hadji and leave a nice big Mohammad.

I'm picturing more commercial applications:

Mohammad Country Ham
Mohammad Pure Pork Homestyle Sausage
Mohammad Bathroom Bowl Cleaner
Mohammad Cushioned Insoles ("Like Walking on 72 Virgins")
Mo' Cola

And maybe some toys from Mohammads R Us:

Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Mohammads
Jihad Jr. Master of Disguise Kit
Mohammad Magic 8 Ball ("Infidels Must Die!" "Reply Hazy, Try Again")
Mighty Mohammad "Religion of Peace" Sword Fight Game
I-Slam Pro Wrestling Ring (wrestler action figures sold separately)
My Little Mohammad
Stone Me Barbie (and Behead Me Ken)

Maybe a series of comedy films featuring Larry, Mo' and Curley ("Hey, Mohammad! --eye poke-- Ow! Nyuk nyuk nyuk! Why, you--!")

Mohammad's Greatest Hits DVD, featuring video of suicide bombings set to pop music

Ayesha Day Care "Where Every Little Girl is Treated Like Family"

Hello, First I should say that with my friends all through our studies we have very similar names for going to the toilet!
On the other hand I think this is not the best way to face this problem. As a scientist you should know how much lack of knowledge and information in these countries can affect people, so that propaganda from a religious leader can provoke such reactions. I can say this as someone who has grown up under the propaganda of religion in a religious country, which still has the highest number of censorship and propaganda. (for example look at Access Denied Map to get an idea of internet censorship in my country). I personally had the luck to live in a big city and parents that introduced me to books to show me that the world is not as small as the religious government is trying to say it is. I state that I am not religious and believe that religion divides people, but I don't find this the right way. This will just provoke more hatred and extreme reactions. I find that the best way to fight extremism is to spread knowledge and information. I'll be happy to discuss with you further on this.

Dammit, PZ - did you get ANY sleep last night?!!

Face it man, you're a blogoholic!


I call the skimming of the rising scum from my pot au feu as creaming off the Mohammad.

Ali, although I agree totally about spreading knowledge and information, that's a longer-term process. Having seen firsthand the murderous rage of some factions of Islam, I think we're long past the point of sitting down and talking calmly, or tiptoeing around each other's touchy spots, while we wait for reason to take hold.

Now is the BEST time to provoke the fanatics -- and even the hidden fanaticism in those who think of themselves as moderates.

We have one world to live in. If our neighbors are likely to rise up and murder us anytime we make a simple mistake of dress or speech, it's time to spotlight those freaky bastards and deal with them. In the modern era, people who are hair-trigger prone to explode into violence are simply not acceptable neighbors. Not ever, not anywhere in the world.

Meanwhile, I hope you'll bear in mind that the pointed humor I myself aim at Muslims is no different from (except it's probably less than) I aim at Christians. The only difference, as far as I can see, is that no amount of joking will cause mainstream Christians to demand that even an atheist like me be dragged out and killed.

Imagine playing out that Mohammad teddy bear flap from Sudan anywhere in the west. I guarantee that if a screaming mob gathered outside a jail demanding the death of an inmate, riot police would be on the scene in minutes, tear-gassing and arresting large numbers of them.

That dangerous difference is Islam's problem - not anybody else's. In the west, we do our best to protect society from the murderous fanatics - we put THEM in prison, sometimes we put THEM to death.

Now's the time for Islam to step up to the plate.

There's a saying in Texas that perfectly expresses the limits of tolerance: "Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke."

Liven up your next party when a dull moment happens by jumping up and yelling, "Ewwwww! Who cut the mohammad?" For an extra laugh, blame it on the dog.

Never has the world more needed a billion Mohammad bobble-head dolls.

We might also need to flood the market with anatomically correct Mohammad action figures. (Comes complete with all you see here. Stones not included.)

By Gilipollas Caraculo (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

We could revise our oaths. "I swear by the balls of the baby Muhammad ...."

New ejaculations? "Muhammad's ass-crack, look at all those alligators!"

Muhammad's left nut! Muhammad's clinkers! Allah's anal leakage! The possibilities are endless.

By Gilipollas Caraculo (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

I've starting calling my porcelain bowl Mohammed and I give him an offering at least once a day...P(iss)B(e)U(nto)H(im).

The kitty litter box is called Joseph and the cats seem to be very happy with that...I'm not so happy because of the required daily clean-up (I'm hoping more Joseph caused problems don't occur starting in Jan '09).

Oh, and my toilet paper is call Jesus.

Hank Fox, can I come live in your America, it sounds better than mine.

"Meanwhile, I hope you'll bear in mind that the pointed humor I myself aim at Muslims is no different from (except it's probably less than) I aim at Christians. The only difference, as far as I can see, is that no amount of joking will cause mainstream Christians to demand that even an atheist like me be dragged out and killed."
They do it to Muslims and homosexuals though, and I am pretty sure the Klan has it out for Atheists too. Not to mention the death threats people in Dover got for supporting the winning side. Lets also not forget sites aimed at killing doctors who perform abortions

"Imagine playing out that Mohammad teddy bear flap from Sudan anywhere in the west. I guarantee that if a screaming mob gathered outside a jail demanding the death of an inmate, riot police would be on the scene in minutes, tear-gassing and arresting large numbers of them."
Except that there are people at all executions and many trials who form large violent seeming groups calling for the death penalty.

"That dangerous difference is Islam's problem - not anybody else's. In the west, we do our best to protect society from the murderous fanatics - we put THEM in prison, sometimes we put THEM to death."
Or, we make them president, or train them to take over other countries and install dictatorships, or we let them live a life hidden by a white hood.

"There's a saying in Texas that perfectly expresses the limits of tolerance: "Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.""

Didn't Texas just fire someone for their atheist beliefs?

Thadd #24; I lived in Texas and I know the saying well. Of course, it is also a saying in Minnesota, Oklahoma and California (and probably everywhere else, too.)

But Hank left out the full context. In Texas, it is properly directed at "politically correct liberals." Uppity Liberals who use it in Texas get lynched along with their gay-boy buddies.

Okay, Thadd, you got me on the comment about presidents.

But most of the rest of those example-crowds are just loud-mouthed weenies. Nobody in them doubts that they'd be dealt with harshly if they actually tried to storm a jail and string somebody up.

The Klan today is about a half-dozen banjo-plucking limp-dicked dullards who haven't yet figured out they don't matter, plus a bunch of wanna-bes caught in a rebellious snapshot moment of life while they wait for something else to catch their attention. Egged on by a media hungry for side-show freaks.

Individuals here might push the limits, but nobody doubts they exist. Not even that vicious little twit Bill O'Reilly dares to campaign actively for somebody to be put to death by Christian vigilantes. (Well, Ann Coulter might do it, but Ann's really just one of the side-show freaks, interesting only because she's covered in juicy mental sores.)

A couple years ago I might have agreed that no one would have stormed a jail to kill someone, but since then I have realized that people show up to protest in support of the death penalty cases and for some reason our government tortures people.

Apparently, we don't need to storm places to kill people, we lock them up in Cuba.

"...we're better people than they are."

The mere fact that "we" make that statement proves it's falsity.

By Ian Gould (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

"Now is the BEST time to provoke the fanatics -- and even the hidden fanaticism in those who think of themselves as moderates."

I agree, who's up for provoking some Jewish fanatics by painting Swastikas on a synagogue?

But I'm sure that's totally different.

By Ian Gould (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

Then we can throw cow's blood into a Hindu temple during Devali, but I'm sure that's totally different too.

By Ian Gould (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

"Meanwhile, I hope you'll bear in mind that the pointed humor I myself aim at Muslims is no different from (except it's probably less than) I aim at Christians. The only difference, as far as I can see, is that no amount of joking will cause mainstream Christians to demand that even an atheist like me be dragged out and killed."

I'm sure you can cite simply hundreds of examples of "mainstream" Muslims (as opposed to a few hundred nutjobs who represent the views of most Muslims as well as Fred Phelps represents the views of most heterosexuals) demanding your death.

Oh and before anyone drags out the Danish cartoon example: almost all of the people killed were protesters killed by the security forces of their (mostly US-backed) governments.

I wonder how many deaths Christians would have caused if the NYPD had responded to the Piss Christ demonstrations by firing live rounds into the crowds?

By Ian Gould (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

The thing is, Ian, Hinduism and Judaism aren't actively trying to take over the world. Christianity and Islam are, and thus they must be reminded of the fundamental insanity of their faith in order to hold them off.

Now, it's not that Hinudism and Judaism aren't funadmentally insane, but they're not really claiming 9/11 was the gay's fault and they never held up a sign proclaiming "Behead all that claim Islam is a violent religion".

By Anonymous (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

PZ, if you presented an indentical cartoon illustrating Zionist fundamentalism and how Zionist fundamentalism is murdering Palestine women and children at this moment, you would be attacked for vicious anti-Semitism.

Why is such blatant anti-Muslimism not equal and identical to any criticism of Israeli murder in Palestine being labeled anti-Semitism.

Aren't most objective scientists opposed to all forms of blind fundamentalism?

Will Zionist cyber typists come out of the cyber-sphere to attack my very reasonable observation?

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

As Zionism is clearly and successfully propagandizing the entire world with the most massive billion dollar dis-information campaign ever waged, Islam is routinely presented in the media as trying to take over the world?

The ongoing murder of more one-half million Iraqi Muslims is in no way being engineered by Israeli-First Neo-cons?

See anonymous above with her objective comment.

Try to find anything in the media about Jimmy Carter's prescient book, PEACE NOT APARTIED?

Try to find anything about the Israeli CONCENTRATION CAMP IN GAZA designed to exterminate the Palestinian people.

If fundamentalist Zionism is not a menace, we should ignore it and focus on Muslim funmdamentalism?

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

Who put the Ham into Mohammed anyway?

By Scrofulum (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

Try to find anything about the Israeli CONCENTRATION CAMP IN GAZA designed to exterminate the Palestinian people.

Try to calm down a little.

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

I made a ham sandwich and named it "mohammed" (mustard be upon him).

Nagging Number 1 Son to do his chores is hereafter a fatwa.

Dude, you just earned 17.2 virgins* in the afterlife with that one!!! Awesome!!

(* are bacteria OK?)

"The thing is, Ian, Hinduism and Judaism aren't actively trying to take over the world. Christianity and Islam are, and thus they must be reminded of the fundamental insanity of their faith in order to hold them off.

Now, it's not that Hinudism and Judaism aren't funadmentally insane, but they're not really claiming 9/11 was the gay's fault and they never held up a sign proclaiming "Behead all that claim Islam is a violent religion"."

I would suggest you go and read a book called "Archaeological Fantasies" by Fagan.

There is a really good article in there about Hindu/Indian nut jobs who deface temples and are utilizing various fundamentalist techniques to attempt to rewrite history without Aryans in India. As for Jews, there are many Jewish fundamentalists who are all for terrible measures against Muslims.

I think that in honor of this thread I am going to name my left testicle "jesus" and my right testicle "mohammed" -- that way, in the spirit of ecumenicalism, they will work together for the common cause.

The Muslim Iraqis were "framed by communications geniuses" as trying to take over the world with their weapons of mass destruction, so the Zionists paid the Mericans to send the most powerful military force in the world to kill the Muslim Iraqis for their anti-Semitism.

And it goes on.

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

Calling something Jesus or Mohammad - blasphemy in those religions that pisses them off, but that's about it.

Swastika display - symbolizes the extermination of an entire race plus other groups.

Defiling a temple - destroys private property.

One of these things is not like the others...

By uknesvuinng (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

David, the Israelis are murdering the Palestinians in Gaza now.

I am not calm about murder.

I am not calm about murdering anybody for any reason or in the name of any religion.

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

"Who put the ham in Mohammad anyway?" is supposed to be comical.

"I call my toilet bowl Mohammad," is a real laffer.

Who put the ham in the synagogue, is anti-Semitism.

Let's piss on Abraham, is anti-Semitic.

Anti-Muslimism is for laughs ...?

Anti-Semitism is hurtful and hateful.

Where is the scientific objectivity here?

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

Haunting yet another blog thread, we have gerald spezio ranting about his favorite topic again.

I present the best of gerald spezio from past thread comments at various blogs (I won't provide links so this post doesn't get caught in the filter - you can find them through googling these excerpts):

"Only Israeli/Americans can have "dual citizenship" in both Israel and the U.S.
It is a very special U. S. LAW for very special people." [Note: FALSE]

"Let's you goyim and Iran fight for our Zionist right to the Palestinian's land."

"The smaht Zionists are laughing their arses off as working class mericuns on the fascist dole get blown to smithereens. All for the promised land and the chosen people. Smaht.

Memba, smaht lawyer Joe Lieberman, the Zionist Senator from Israel, was Al Gore's running mate just six years ago. And keep focusing on the oil too. And the Halocaust - the Halocaust."

"I avoid any further waste of brain cells paying any attention to paid off Israeli politicans/agents, especially lawyers Hillarious and Obama. According to you, they did agonize about DARFUR.

I am, of course, supposed to believe that all this focus on DARFUR is the result of pure chance and/or ethical concerns for human suffering?"

Aside from all the Mohammed and Jesus naming, here's my new favorite: Whenever someone interrupts a round of witty conversation with some lame, off-the-mark, trolling sneer, I'd say, "Wow! Nice Ian Gould, there!"

-- CV

By CortxVortx (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

To wit: Wow, gerald spezio, nice ian gould, there!

-- CV

By CortxVortx (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

Sorry, everything I have is called Eric. Maybe after Christmas, though.

Also, according to Monty Python, Kemal Attaturk had an entire menagerie called Abdul!

By dwarf zebu (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

Hank, Thanks a lot for your reply. My point is that as someone living in the US having access to the free media, you cannot blame those that do not have all your privileges!
Although I principally am against putting ANYONE to death, I agree that fanatics do not believe in the modern world. Well fanatics are the same, Taliban fanatics are the same as those being trained in Jesus Camp in the US, to have a better world all fanatics should be stopped. I do believe though that extremism cannot be a good answer to extremism, It just provokes more fanatics.

As Zionism is clearly and successfully propagandizing the entire world with the most massive billion dollar dis-information campaign ever waged, Islam is routinely presented in the media as trying to take over the world?

The ongoing murder of more one-half million Iraqi Muslims is in no way being engineered by Israeli-First Neo-cons?

Oh, goody.

So tell us: What do you think of the Holocaust?

If I had a pet pig, you can be assured that I would name him Mohammed.

Orac, I think that the ongoing Holocaust of the Palestinian People in the monstrous genocidal Gaza CONCENTRATION CAMP designed by the Israelis is the crime of the times.

It is happening NOW.

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

I thought going to the bathroom was referred to as "dropping the prophets off at the pool"?

By Eric Paulsen (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

The thing is, Ian, Hinduism and Judaism aren't actively trying to take over the world.

Neither is Islam. And the assertions to the contrary usually come from the far right wingers. The same people who warn about how the Mexicans are planning a Reconquista. Basically people who don't know their history or their present. Of course, they are aided by hysterical people like you who want to dislike every religion so badly that you insist that the evils of one small part is the evils of the whole. Or better yet, that a governments lack of control over its people, as in Sudan, means that they supported the protests of the people.

It seems that a lot of you here want to make religion out to be worse than it really is, even if what it is is bad enough.

On the anti-semitic topic, I've seen the videos of Jewish settlers in Palestine and their abhorrent behavior, beating children and such, and you know how they justify their behavior? I bet you do. It is because God gave them that land. 2000+ years ago.

"The crime of the times". That makes it sound quite sexy and modern, doesn't it? Yeah! Let's have some more of that.

I don't like the sound of these "boncentration bamps"...

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

And I call a friend of mine Muhammad, because that is his name; but, I feel no compunction to name some inanimate object Muhammad so that I can be considered the athiest of the atheists.

Orac, the Nazi Holocaust against the innocent Jewish people was the crime of the century.

The US Holocaust against the innocent Vietnamese people was the worst US crime prior to the US/Israeli/Zionist Holocaust of the innocent Iraqi people.

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

I call my toilet bowl Mohammad is a different statement from
I call my toilet bowl Bhudda or Jesus or Abraham?

This is objective science trying to find truth?

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

Murder is funny?

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

Is this guy worth arguing with?

gerald spezio, comment on Dissident Voice, October 18th, 2007 at 5:58 am:

"All the leading candidates are licensed and trained lawyer/whores on the Zionist payroll.

Check them; Hillarious, Edwards, Obama, Guiliani, Romney, Thompson

All these whores have been carefully schooled to stand and deliver for their paying client. ...

The probability that the toiling schmuckery/electorate will get the "option of voting in" Hillarious the yuppie lawyer and Zionist whore is very high, as you can readily see every day. ...

Israel will continue its status as the chosen state of the chosen people.

The untermenschen will continue to starve and die.


gerald spezio, comment on Dissident Voice, October 16th, 2007 at 7:10 am:

"And some more not too imaginative fiction;
Our hero and Demo Al Gore is triumphfully elected, but croaks later from too much loving political therapy from a beautiful feminist yuppie lawyer on her way up named Meyrev from Tel Aviv.

Yalie lawyer and Senator from Israel, Joe Lieberman legally ascends to the Throne of Supernation and assumes total control of its awesome power for goodness and mercy.

Joe calls on his legal skills and his lawyer colleagues in the US Senate to establish himself as Abraham's own infallible Fuhrer. ...







Nice use of ALL CAPS, dude.

I had a "Baby Jesus Buttplug" lying around, but I didn't it really looked that distinctly Jesus-y, or even male, so...

I christened (baptized) her Mohammed.

By mohammed_his_b… (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

Murder is funny?

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

More greatest hits:

gerald spezio Amazon review: An Introduction to Feminist Epistemologies (Introducing Philosophy)
by Alessandra Tanesini

"Feminist Heavens (Yup, there are several) are where feminist epistemologists go when they put their epistemologies to good use. Only feminists are there and everybody has a wonderful time for ever and ever."

More gerald spezio Dissident Voice posts:

"Janet Reno, Esq. - Feminist lawyer and champion of false child abuse convictions as a sure-fire career route to Supernation's top lawyering job."

"Hilarious Clinton/Oprah Winfrey - the pure Goddess/feminist ticket to a loving Matriarchy finally"

"Hilarious doesn't want just up - she wants the top rung.
Hilarious is the alpha feminist."

gerald spezio comments on The Intersection blog:

"And let's pitch the feminist angle, too. Feminism is a terrific hook. Gender, gender; that will help us fog up the debate."

gerald spezio, comment on Aardvarchaelogy:

"Hillary's peeyar people are right in there goddessing."

Murder is pretty funny, but nowhere near as hilarious as you gerald-bunny. You're just adorable, you are. I'm sure everyone in here would just love to take you home and spend a wild night with you, rowr.
Love and kisses and cuddles,
The Zionist Conspiracy

Psst, Ted D, GS is a NWO disinfo agent.

Hmm, that makes it complicated. I can't quite remember which side I'm supposed to be on.
Darn it, I'll just go back to my tentacled monstrosities then. Now there's a World Order you can depend on. Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!

I call my toilet bowl Mohammad is a different statement from I call my toilet bowl Bhudda or Jesus or Abraham?

Gerald, if you tried arguing against statements that people have actually made, rather than statements that you wish people would have made because your feeble debating skills aren't up to anything more challenging, people might stop regarding you as a lunatic.

By Der Bruno Stroszek (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

The organized Zionist cyber typists type.

But never address the Israelis routinely murdering the defenseless Palestinian women and children in the Gaza CONCENTRATION CAMP.

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

I think quite a number of people here should watch the excellent documentary "The power of Nightmares".

By negentropyeater (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

All right, coathangrrr, how about this: Just because people I dislike (far right wingers in this case) hold an extreme version of a view that I have (I think extremist Muslims are bad, they think all Muslims are extremists), that does not automatically make my opinion suspect. Islam as a whole is not out to take over the world. But elements within that religion would like it to be otherwise. Mocking those extreme elements is not a bad thing, even if it may hurt the feelings of more sensible Muslims. To just sit quietly and avoid all conflict is not, to me, an appealing option. All it takes is for good men to be silent and all that. True, there is a need for rational discussion. But there is also most definitely room for satire, mockery and general ridicule of frankly preposterous acts from some lunatics. Why pull punches just because the topic is religion? If I think someone is being stupid, I will say so. And in my case, I will often use some level of humour (even if it is base) to do it.

As for Palestine and Israel... I've known a couple of Palestinians, and they were perfectly nice people. I'm sure most Israelis are too. But really, both sides in that conflict are utterly, utterly idiotic. People who may be quite pleasant individually act like morons when in the collective. I couldn't pick sides in that conflict if I tried. They both need to go in the naughty corner as far as I'm concerned.

Is that meaningful disagreement enough? I've got trolls to feed. They're hungry...

At 10:31 Responding to the clear anti-Muslimism of PZ's post, I said the following;

PZ, if you presented an indentical cartoon illustrating Zionist fundamentalism and how Zionist fundamentalism is murdering Palestine women and children at this moment, you would be attacked for vicious anti-Semitism.

Why is such blatant anti-Muslimism not equal and identical to any criticism of Israeli murder in Palestine being labeled anti-Semitism.

Aren't most objective scientists opposed to all forms of blind fundamentalism?

Will Zionist cyber typists come out of the cyber-sphere to attack my very reasonable observation?

Although many cyber typists appeared, not one of them addressed my very critical question in any way.

Only childish content-less personal attacks.

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

I agree with Gerald.

Pegging the Judeo/Christian fundamentalists against the Islamo hundamentalists is just going to spin this fabricated war of religion even more.
Some very rich an powerful people are fueling this.

By negentropyeater (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

"The Power of Nightmares" by Adam Curtis is online.

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

Islam as a whole is not out to take over the world. But elements within that religion would like it to be otherwise.

This view is precisely the problem. Where exactly are these supposed groups and where do they say that they want to take over the world? Yes, some of them say they want to resurrect the Khalifate, but that means the Islamic world. Yes, some of them want to attack the U.S., but the reasons for that are political and they don't want to take over the U.S.

Mocking those extreme elements is not a bad thing, even if it may hurt the feelings of more sensible Muslims. To just sit quietly and avoid all conflict is not, to me, an appealing option.

Which would be great if you were mocking the elements that you refer to, which, assuming they even exist, you are not. You are claiming that calling a toilet mohammed on a message board somewhere that pretty much not a single person in Sudan is going to read is mocking muslims who want to take over the world? How is that not avoiding conflict?

Why pull punches just because the topic is religion?

That really is the question at the root of all of this. The thing is, I'm not saying that you shouldn't satirize Islam because it's a religion, I'm saying you are all being purile, ignorant and small-minded by doing so in the manner that you are. In fact, the way Muslims are portrayed today is nearly exactly the same way they were portrayed one hundred or two hundred years ago, which is to say, as yeling savage barbarians.

So why is it that this blog never talks about the history of science in the Islamic world? Or the current science in the Islamic world? It isn't as if it doesn't exist.

Moreover, where exactly is the "satire" in this thread? I mean, PZ's original post was at least witty. The rest of the thread has been a whole bunch of poop, pig and dog references about Muhammad. That sounds like simple insults, not satire.

Ted, two million Palestinians are already in the ugly corner.

The Palestinians are in an Israeli concentration camp in Gaza and they are starving and dying.

The Israelis have cut off most of the Palestinians water.

Israeli fighter jets made in the USA strafe and bomb the Palestinians.

The Palestinians are being murdered by the Israelis.

The Israelis are now trying to label the the Palestinians as REFUGEES even though the Palestinians were the only people occupying Palestine when the Jewish settlers first arrived.

The Israelis new plan for peace gives the Palestinians the option of a cash payment to leave Palestine.

This is vicious apartied - not Peace!

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

Many of the comments are so cruel and inhumane that they are obscene.

I am confident that PZ's intent was to expose idiotic Muslim fundamentalism as being more similar than different from any other religious fundamentalism.

Even PZ is fallible. He is a scientist.

It is literally impossible for Muslim fundamentalism to be very much more or less ignorant than any other fundamentalism, including anti-Semitism.

Some of the responses should alarm us about our potential for cruelty.

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

David, the Israelis are murdering the Palestinians in Gaza now.

I am not calm about murder.

I am not calm about murdering anybody for any reason or in the name of any religion.

You wrote "exterminate" and "CONCENTRATION CAMP". (And then in comment 54 you repeated "CONCENTRATION CAMP" and added "genocidal". And in comment 72 you did it AGAIN, again in all-caps.) That's what I mean. While I know that Baruch Goldstein types exist (and while I think that they should all be locked up in a soul asylum with thick walls), they aren't getting what they want, and you know that full well.

the US/Israeli/Zionist Holocaust of the innocent Iraqi people.

See? You're exaggerating again.

Mind you: I'm not defending any murder. I've read the two Lancet papers on Iraq and haven't found any mistake. It still isn't a holocaust. There are degrees of "unspeakably evil"; by trying to merge them all, you hurt your own cause, because you make yourself ridiculous.

Also, what "Zionist" involvement is there in Iraq? Wasn't it enough that Fearless Flightsuit wanted to be a War President and that Richard the Lying-Hearted, not to mention Wolfowitz who openly admitted it, wanted lots of cheap oil?

This is objective science trying to find truth?

No, troll, it's a bunch of atheists having fun at the expense of religion, and you know that full well.

Responding to the clear anti-Muslimism of PZ's post

Have you forgotten how PZ reacted to the "women into the back of the bus" incident in Israel a few months ago? Or are you trolling again?


For what it's worth, I agree with comment 75. The Geneva Accord was a great idea, or at least the least bad idea I've seen on that topic.

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

I am confident that PZ's intent was to expose idiotic Muslim fundamentalism as being more similar than different from any other religious fundamentalism.

It is literally impossible for Muslim fundamentalism to be very much more or less ignorant than any other fundamentalism, including anti-Semitism.

How do these two sentences contradict each other? Or what have I missed?

Besides, you might want to learn to spell apartheid. The -heid part is a suffix that means "-ness", and ie is pronounced "ee" in most western European languages, including Afrikaans.

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink
Islam as a whole is not out to take over the world. But elements within that religion would like it to be otherwise.

This view is precisely the problem. Where exactly are these supposed groups and where do they say that they want to take over the world? Yes, some of them say they want to resurrect the Khalifate, but that means the Islamic world. Yes, some of them want to attack the U.S., but the reasons for that are political and they don't want to take over the U.S.

Please understand me. I am not saying that there are any credible, concrete threats from Islamic groups to take over the world. I am saying that the view exists that if this were to happen, it would be a very good thing. It will not happen. But to say that no Muslim thinks that converting the entire world to Islam would be a good thing seems a tad naive. Substitute "Christians" and "Christianity" there, and the same things will be true. But don't confuse a hypothetical scenario with the actual world.

Which would be great if you were mocking the elements that you refer to, which, assuming they even exist, you are not. You are claiming that calling a toilet mohammed on a message board somewhere that pretty much not a single person in Sudan is going to read is mocking muslims who want to take over the world? How is that not avoiding conflict?

How is my mocking them dependent of them being aware of it? Can I only express an opinion if someone with an opposing opinion is present? Sorry, but I'm reading what you say there as either that I should shut up about what I think, or that I should go to Sudan and pick a fight. I'm sorry, but avoiding conflict is not the same thing as not actively seeking conflict. I will defend my opinions and statements if needed, but I don't go out of my way to provoke others. I'm sorry if I'm not aggressive enough in my mockery.

In fact, the way Muslims are portrayed today is nearly exactly the same way they were portrayed one hundred or two hundred years ago, which is to say, as yeling savage barbarians.

As I've said, I know that most Muslims are as sensible as religious people of every other religion (take that as you will), but it is hard to deny that some people, sometimes, live up to that stereotype. A stereotype, I might add, that I'd never encountered until the last few years. I used to think that most people everywhere were mostly sensible. But then we get rioting over inconsequential matters of religious dogma, death threats over trivialities... I don't view Muslims as a group as bad people. But there are bad people in their midst, and sometimes they drag less bad people along with them. And yes, I know that it's as much a socio-economic thing as it is religious. That doesn't change the fact that it's stupid. And don't think for a second that I'm not aware that any group, under the right (or wrong) circumstances could act this way. It's just that this time it happens to be Muslims.

So why is it that this blog never talks about the history of science in the Islamic world? Or the current science in the Islamic world? It isn't as if it doesn't exist.

Why doesn't left-wing blogs talk about all the good policies that right-wing politicians have had? Or vice versa? Maybe, just maybe, it's not really relevant in most situations. Rome was a centre of culture around the year 0. Does that mean that the Dark Ages never happened, or that they were less dark?

Moreover, where exactly is the "satire" in this thread? I mean, PZ's original post was at least witty. The rest of the thread has been a whole bunch of poop, pig and dog references about Muhammad. That sounds like simple insults, not satire.

If you will notice, I did not claim this thread as satire. In fact, I specifically mentioned base humour. They may not be funny, but they are still jokes. And I think insults are implied when I use the word mocking.

What you're basically saying, it seems to me, is that you disapprove of the tone of this thread. That's fine, I can't say it's made me laugh either. But to go from there to saying that it's wrong, but to go from there to the conclusion that there are no bad elements in the Muslim world... that's too much of a stretch for me.
This time it's Islam. Next time it may be Christianity, or Buddhism, or some other religion. When they do something stupid (and arresting someone for naming a teddy bear a certain name is stupid, as is congregating in mobs outside the prison), I don't see any reason not to insult the stupid people. It may make the less stupid people take notice. Or it may just be a way to kill some time on the internet.

But to say that no Muslim thinks that converting the entire world to Islam would be a good thing seems a tad naive.

Saying that some part of a group want everyone in the world to agree with them is rather absurd, because that's really the "threat" you are talking about here.

A stereotype, I might add, that I'd never encountered until the last few years.

Given the portrayal in film of Muslims, I highly doubt that you haven't seen the stereotype of the angry religious Muslim before the last few years. As I said, it goes back literaly hundreds of years. Go and check out Edward Said's Orientalism for a good break down.

This time it's Islam. Next time it may be Christianity, or Buddhism, or some other religion.

The difference is that we, if you live in the U.S., Britain, or Australia, are not actively killing people of those religions and threatening even more countries with invasion. These types of stereotype are exactly what allow for actions such as these by our governments. I don't know, maybe you support those actions, but I don't. I also think that it is appalling that atheists are playing right into the hands of the Christian Dominionists and encouraging the view of Muslims as savages.

"PZ, if you presented an indentical cartoon illustrating Zionist fundamentalism and how Zionist fundamentalism is murdering Palestine women and children at this moment, you would be attacked for vicious anti-Semitism.

Why is such blatant anti-Muslimism not equal and identical to any criticism of Israeli murder in Palestine being labeled anti-Semitism.

Aren't most objective scientists opposed to all forms of blind fundamentalism?

Will Zionist cyber typists come out of the cyber-sphere to attack my very reasonable observation?"

Naaah. It was only a matter of time before some moonbat would make the comparison between wanting to beat a women to death cuz her class named a teddy mohammed or giving a women 200 lashes for the crime of being in a car with a man who wasn't her husband or family relative, and people getting killed in the armed conflict between the Israelis and Hamas.

Not to be outdone when then get this missive from Gerald "
Try to find anything about the Israeli CONCENTRATION CAMP IN GAZA designed to exterminate the Palestinian people."

Hmmm. Now those Israelis are just incredible. Why, leaving Gaza was a stroke of genious. They must've have known that Hamas would secure total victory and turn gaza into a hell hole far worse than when
it was run by the Israelis.

Oh, Gerald how about this?…

her crime by the way, was being a Xtian in Gaza. Your right, Gerald, there is an extermination underway in Gaza. Only its one group of pals trying to liquidate another group of pals.

"If fundamentalist Zionism is not a menace, we should ignore it and focus on Muslim funmdamentalism?"

Its unlikely you understand what Zionism is, much less "fundamentalist zionism".

However, I suggest Gerald keep at it. Eventually, Columbia U. may offer him a tenure track postion.

By Stuart Weinstein (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

I also think that it is appalling that atheists are playing right into the hands of the Christian Dominionists and encouraging the view of Muslims as savages.

Well, most individual Muslims probably aren't "savages", but it's obvious that the radical, fundamentalist ones are. I say the same for the fundamentalist Christians, Jews, Hindus, etc. If the West didn't have so many liberals to keep them from attaining power, the fundie Christians and Jews would be behaving just like the Muslims. Criticizing Muslim fanaticism does not mean bending over to the Zionists or Christofascists.

By Brandon P. (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

Right, now you're just repeating allegations that I have already replied to.

Saying that some part of a group want everyone in the world to agree with them is rather absurd, because that's really the "threat" you are talking about here.

Let me quote myself in the paragraph that you are responding to: "I am not saying that there are any credible, concrete threats from Islamic groups to take over the world." I can't make it much clearer than that, I'm afraid.

Given the portrayal in film of Muslims, I highly doubt that you haven't seen the stereotype of the angry religious Muslim before the last few years.

I'm not saying it doesn't exist, and has existed for a long time. I'm saying it's not something I personally had taken any notice of. If I did, I probably put it down to racism rather than religious stereotypes. I notice that you have no response for my actual point, which was that sometimes (no, not always, far from it) some people (in any group you care to name, but far from everyone in any particular group) live up to stereotypes. Which, strangely enough, has nothing to do with which movies I have seen.

The difference is that we, if you live in the U.S., Britain, or Australia, are not actively killing people of those religions and threatening even more countries with invasion. These types of stereotype are exactly what allow for actions such as these by our governments. I don't know, maybe you support those actions, but I don't. I also think that it is appalling that atheists are playing right into the hands of the Christian Dominionists and encouraging the view of Muslims as savages.

I don't live in the U.S., Britain, or Australia. I am quite opposed to those countries threatening and invading other countries (it's cute how you imply that I'm not, and quite dishonest of you; I just lost all respect for you). But I fail to realise how this is relevant as to whether or not certain actions on the part of some Muslims are incredibly silly or not. The mere act of pointing out this silliness and ridiculing it is fuelling acts of war? I think you overestimate the importance of stupid jokes. We should refrain from speaking out because in some twisted way our opinions could be construed as supporting something we're obviously against? Your logic baffles me.
And the only one in this thread who has connected the words "Muslim" and "savage" is you. Someone here is carrying around a lot of stereotypes. I don't think it's me. Oh, I have many pre-conceived notions about people. I just don't assume that they are true or false without checking what the world is actually like.

Good night.

Ted D.:Let me quote myself in the paragraph that you are responding to: "I am not saying that there are any credible, concrete threats from Islamic groups to take over the world." I can't make it much clearer than that, I'm afraid.

Well, why bring it up then. There are atheists who want the whole world to be atheist. Does that matter? If not, why should it with Muslims? The original point was that the thread here is not making fun of fundamentalists who want to take over the world, which you somehow denied. Wanting everyone to agree with you is totally different than wanting to take over the world.

Ted D.:I notice that you have no response for my actual point, which was that sometimes (no, not always, far from it) some people (in any group you care to name, but far from everyone in any particular group) live up to stereotypes. Which, strangely enough, has nothing to do with which movies I have seen.

Again, what is your point? How does this matter at all, when what consistently happens in threads like this is that Muslims in general are insulted, not just the ones that "live up to the stereotypes."

Ted.:I don't live in the U.S., Britain, or Australia. I am quite opposed to those countries threatening and invading other countries (it's cute how you imply that I'm not, and quite dishonest of you; I just lost all respect for you).

Sorry, I honestly didn't mean to imply that you were for invading those countries, I meant to phrase it so I wasn't being accusing because you honestly didn't seem like you supported the wars. Poor wording on my part.

Ted D.:But I fail to realise how this is relevant as to whether or not certain actions on the part of some Muslims are incredibly silly or not. The mere act of pointing out this silliness and ridiculing it is fuelling acts of war?

Ridicule of peoples is a very powerful thing and given that we live in a world where the majority of oppressive states with Muslim majority peoples are supported by the U.S. and where the U.S. regularly attacks Muslim countries, supports Israeli attacks on civilians with massive amounts of cash* and with the colonial history in the middle east and other Muslim majority countries it sure as hell matters. There is a long history of the west ridiculing and belittling the Muslim world that contributes to the actions the west takes against said world. On the last thread about this teddy-bear nonsense someone posted a link to a description of one of Britain's colonial incursions into Sudan describing it as "the only good thing to happen to Sudan and its excuse for a government". Sounds pretty full of hate and incitement to me. These things don't take place in a vacuum and if you were actually engaged in a conversation with someone who was Muslim I'm sure you would not start calling your toilet Muhommad, nor would most of the people on this thread.

Brandon P.:Well, most individual Muslims probably aren't "savages", but it's obvious that the radical, fundamentalist ones are.

Really? Because I imagine you really don't know any radical, fundamentalist Muslims from anywhere other than news report. So of course it's "obvious" that they are savages, because we get told that they are savages over and over again.

Ted D.:Let me quote myself in the paragraph that you are responding to: "I am not saying that there are any credible, concrete threats from Islamic groups to take over the world." I can't make it much clearer than that, I'm afraid.

Coath: Well, why bring it up then. There are atheists who want the whole world to be atheist.

I don't know of any atheists who have flown jets filled with people into buildings, do you?

I was going to let this pass. But your post is so chock full of foolishness, I can't in the end, let it pass.

Coath: Does that matter? If not, why should it with Muslims? The original point was that the thread here is not making fun of fundamentalists who want to take over the world, which you somehow denied. Wanting everyone to agree with you is totally different than wanting to take over the world.

Uhhh. Sorry, but the goal of radical Islam is to continue Jihad until the West is liberated and is Islamic.

Ted D.:I notice that you have no response for my actual point, which was that sometimes (no, not always, far from it) some people (in any group you care to name, but far from everyone in any particular group) live up to stereotypes. Which, strangely enough, has nothing to do with which movies I have seen.

Coath: Again, what is your point? How does this matter at all, when what consistently happens in threads like this is that Muslims in general are insulted, not just the ones that "live up to the stereotypes."

Its funny how few complain about the islamic radicals insulting their own religion with the outrageous things they do. Hussein Ibish puts the blame on the radicals. You want to blame the comics. DO you believe the riots in Denmark were justified? If not, why not?

Ted.:I don't live in the U.S., Britain, or Australia. I am quite opposed to those countries threatening and invading other countries (it's cute how you imply that I'm not, and quite dishonest of you; I just lost all respect for you).

Sorry, I honestly didn't mean to imply that you were for invading those countries, I meant to phrase it so I wasn't being accusing because you honestly didn't seem like you supported the wars. Poor wording on my part.

Ted D.:But I fail to realise how this is relevant as to whether or not certain actions on the part of some Muslims are incredibly silly or not. The mere act of pointing out this silliness and ridiculing it is fuelling acts of war?

Coath: Ridicule of peoples is a very powerful thing and given that we live in a world where the majority of oppressive states with Muslim majority peoples are supported by the U.S. and where the U.S.

Indeed we should surrender our rights to freedom of expression cuz somebody, somewhere may be upset. I might have a modicum of sympathy in this case, except that arab newspapers routinely, daily, insult other religions and ethnic groups. You can find much of that at

Coath: regularly attacks Muslim countries, supports Israeli attacks on civilians with massive amounts of

please document any attacks made by Israelis with the sole purpose of inflicting casualties on civilians.

Coath: cash* and with the colonial history in the middle east and other Muslim majority countries it sure as hell matters. There is a long history of the west ridiculing and belittling the Muslim world that contributes to the actions the west takes against said world.

So freaking what? I just got back from South America. Few areas of the world were as tortured by Europe as the indigenous people of that continent. Yet I don't see any of them flying planes into buildings.

And of course for centuries while the Ottomans and the Caliphate held sway, everything was just cozy right?

Coath: On the last thread about this teddy-bear nonsense someone posted a link to a description of one of Britain's colonial incursions into Sudan describing it as "the only good thing to happen to Sudan and its excuse for a government". Sounds pretty full of hate and incitement to me.

Given your previous remarks, this one is rendered lame as well.

Coath: These things don't take place in a vacuum and if you were actually engaged in a conversation with someone who was Muslim I'm sure you would not start calling your toilet Muhommad, nor would most of the people on this thread.

No, things sure don't take place in a vacuum. Neither did the reason for this thread.

Brandon P.:Well, most individual Muslims probably aren't "savages", but it's obvious that the radical, fundamentalist ones are.

Coath: Really? Because I imagine you really don't know any radical, fundamentalist Muslims from anywhere other than news report.

Well how many do you know big mouth?

By Stuart Weinstein (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

Someone in the office had a teddy bear on their desk with a sign saying "I've named my bear Jesus Christ. Is everyone OK with that?".

I told him that he could name his bear after whichever fictional character he liked. People were still scratching their heads as I walked off!

Someone in the office had a teddy bear on their desk with a sign saying "I've named my bear Jesus Christ. Is everyone OK with that?".

I told him that he could name his bear after whichever fictional character he liked. People were still scratching their heads as I walked off!

I'd be scratching my head too, as I doubt Jesus was a fictional character.

Now as to his being the " son of god"..., well thats another matter.

By Stuart Weinstein (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

I was thinking about naming my Cthulhu plushie "Mohammed", but I'm afraid of offending the Great Old Ones.

Who, by the way, aren't all that evil. Really. All those stories about them eating people and driving them insane are just propaganda. And also, you have to understand that they're a bit pissed off, after all, they've been forced to sleep under the sea for millennia! They're being oppressed!

By Darwin's Minion (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

As I've already mentioned on the forums, If I ever suffer the misfortune of getting cancer the tumour is to be called "Mohammed".
In fact "Mohammed" should replace "tumour" as the proper medical term.

I don't know of any atheists who have flown jets filled with people into buildings, do you?

The point was that Mulsims aren't trying to take over the world. Not the ones that flew planes into building and not the ones that are setting off bombs all over Iraq.

Uhhh. Sorry, but the goal of radical Islam is to continue Jihad until the West is liberated and is Islamic.

So, you have some sort of support for this? Or you just make bald assertions about peoples motives and let tham stand on their own. Let me repeat for those who have not read: Radical Islam has no stated plans to conquer the world, anyone who tells you otherwise is lying.

Indeed we should surrender our rights to freedom of expression cuz somebody, somewhere may be upset.

It is clear you don't actually have an argument here, as you need to appeal to the first amendment. As if I said you should be censored. Nonsense, no where did I say you should be censored.

please document any attacks made by Israelis with the sole purpose of inflicting casualties on civilians.

Oh, so people that get killed without the full intention of the Israelis aren't really dead? Or do they not count? They are obviously not as important to you, because more Palestinian civilians die at the hands of Israelis than Israeli civilians at the hands of Palestinians. You show your bias a little too much.

So freaking what? I just got back from South America. Few areas of the world were as tortured by Europe as the indigenous people of that continent. Yet I don't see any of them flying planes into buildings.

Historically speaking, the majority of terrorist attacks on American interests have been carried out by groups or individuals from south or central America. Of course crap like this thread obscure that fact, because everyone is so damn happy with themselves for making poop jokes and blaming the Palestinians for their problems that they can't see the forest for the trees.

And of course for centuries while the Ottomans and the Caliphate held sway, everything was just cozy right?

The Khalifate and the Ottomans were some of the most advanced states of their time. Yes, they had problems, but Europe genrally had bigger problems, check out Spain under the Khalifate versus under the Spanish.

Given your previous remarks, this one is rendered lame as well.

Sorry, didn't realize you were an apologist for colonialism.

Well how many do you know big mouth?

Exactly my point. I don't know any, so I'm not going to go around making statements about people whom I know nothing except what the news tells me.

So, you have some sort of support for this? Or you just make bald assertions about peoples motives and let tham stand on their own.
Sorry, didn't realize you were an apologist for colonialism.
...I'm not going to go around making statements about people whom I know nothing...
Posted by: coathangrrr | December 10, 2007 9:37 AM

Coath:"I don't know of any atheists who have flown jets filled with people into buildings, do you?

The point was that Mulsims aren't trying to take over the world. Not the ones that flew planes into building and not the ones that are setting off bombs all over Iraq.

Uhhh. Sorry, but the goal of radical Islam is to continue Jihad until the West is liberated and is Islamic.

So, you have some sort of support for this? Or you just make bald assertions about peoples motives and let tham stand on their own. Let me repeat for those who have not read: Radical Islam has no stated plans to conquer the world, anyone who tells you otherwise is lying."

Let me repeat one more time, The goal of radical Islam is nothing less that the Islamic takeover of the West. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar.

It amazes me that folks like Coauth demand evidence and proof for views that contradict theirs, but notice that he supplies nothing, absolutely nothing to support his postions other than mere assertion.

What a hypocrite.

By Stuart Weinstein (not verified) on 10 Dec 2007 #permalink

It amazes me that folks like Coauth demand evidence and proof for views that contradict theirs, but notice that he supplies nothing, absolutely nothing to support his postions other than mere assertion.

What a hypocrite.

The huge difference is that if you are making positive claims about the beliefs of a group of people and I am making a negative claim. If you are right then it should be simple for you to find evidence showing that "The goal of radical Islam is nothing less that the Islamic takeover of the West." In fact, I have found no one that can show this. The best they can do is find a verse or two from the Quran, given without context of course, that might or might not be interpreted as meaning that Islam needs to kill everyone who isn't Muslim.

Of course, you expect me to prove a negative, so I guess I'll just provide links to every single thing every Muslim in the world has ever said as proof that they don't want to take over the world.

You sound about as paranoid as the Anti-Zionist troll up tread.

Try to find anything about the Israeli CONCENTRATION CAMP IN GAZA designed to exterminate the Palestinian people.

Try to calm down a little.

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

David, the Israelis are murdering the Palestinians in Gaza now.

I am not calm about murder.

I am not calm about murdering anybody for any reason or in the name of any religion.

You wrote "exterminate" and "CONCENTRATION CAMP". (And then in comment 54 you repeated "CONCENTRATION CAMP" and added "genocidal". And in comment 72 you did it AGAIN, again in all-caps.) That's what I mean. While I know that Baruch Goldstein types exist (and while I think that they should all be locked up in a soul asylum with thick walls), they aren't getting what they want, and you know that full well.

the US/Israeli/Zionist Holocaust of the innocent Iraqi people.

See? You're exaggerating again.

Mind you: I'm not defending any murder. I've read the two Lancet papers on Iraq and haven't found any mistake. It still isn't a holocaust. There are degrees of "unspeakably evil"; by trying to merge them all, you hurt your own cause, because you make yourself ridiculous.

Also, what "Zionist" involvement is there in Iraq? Wasn't it enough that Fearless Flightsuit wanted to be a War President and that Richard the Lying-Hearted, not to mention Wolfowitz who openly admitted it, wanted lots of cheap oil?

This is objective science trying to find truth?

No, troll, it's a bunch of atheists having fun at the expense of religion, and you know that full well.

Responding to the clear anti-Muslimism of PZ's post

Have you forgotten how PZ reacted to the "women into the back of the bus" incident in Israel a few months ago? Or are you trolling again?


For what it's worth, I agree with comment 75. The Geneva Accord was a great idea, or at least the least bad idea I've seen on that topic.

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

I am confident that PZ's intent was to expose idiotic Muslim fundamentalism as being more similar than different from any other religious fundamentalism.

It is literally impossible for Muslim fundamentalism to be very much more or less ignorant than any other fundamentalism, including anti-Semitism.

How do these two sentences contradict each other? Or what have I missed?

Besides, you might want to learn to spell apartheid. The -heid part is a suffix that means "-ness", and ie is pronounced "ee" in most western European languages, including Afrikaans.

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 09 Dec 2007 #permalink

The muslim have taken the West. Hussein Obama has been elected president of the USA ( Hussein it's like Saddam Hussein).

It's the best joke you could do (after the invasion of Iraq), thank you so much.

Mickey Mousse in djelaba, and Daisy with a tchador !
What's next ?