In case you've been wondering about John A. Davison…

But you haven't, have you?

He's still around, and still occasionally trying to get comments past my filters here. He has a blog — Evolution Is Finished, with one article with no real content, and a few comments, mostly by John A. Davison. He's still whining repetitively at ISCID. He was going on and on at a site called OneBlogADay, but that site seems to have disappeared; I hope it didn't implode in disgust at the way it was hijacked by the preening duo of the obtuse JAD and his talking hemorrhoid, VMartin. But just in case you've missed him, he has discovered a brand new outlet, the Expelled blog. At last, he's found an environment enriched with the feculent putridity of Ben Stein's compost which allows his inanity to grow and flourish, reinforced by the ripe goofiness of swarms of other creationists.

Not recommended, but presented as a public notification of the whereabouts of one of the dumbest people on the internet.

More like this

I was interviewed on a website over a month ago, and unfortunately John A. Davison and his infected polyp, VMartin, took over the comments there and went on and on in their ridiculous way. They're still going at it. Even more absurdly, the droning duo are bragging on ISCID, in an awesome example of…
This simpering sycophant to John A. Davison has been spamming the site recently, yammering away to get everyone's attention despite the fact that he has been banned. Please do not reply to V.Martin, or anyone who is babbling about Davison — their posts will be deleted as soon as I notice them. This…
He told on me! That wicked rat-fink has reported me to the provost of my university, and now I'm a-tremblin' in my pajamas. Here's the text of the letter he claims to have sent in, revealing my perfidy to the administration. Dear Tom Sullivan, Provost, University of Minnesota, My name is John A.…
Clear off a space on the floor near you, because soon you'll be rolling around laughing on it. You may recall that John A. Davison, infamous advocate of Intelligent Design, started a blog of his own, titled Prescribed Evolution, back in November of 2005. It generated a lot of hilarity because it…

"an environment enriched with the feculent putridity of Ben Stein's compost"

-I think I'm going to puke!

By robotaholic (not verified) on 10 Dec 2007 #permalink

Robotaholic beat me to it--nicely phrased, PZ!

"Feculent putridity"? Such language brings to mind the admonition of my English comp instructor in college, who frequently cautioned us against the use of what he called "pretentious diction". But I also recall that he was a part-time instructor whose full-time job was pastor of a small right-wing congregation, a vocation he couldn't help but reveal in his choice of essay topics (the evils of promiscuous sex, the dangers of the welfare state, the emptiness of relativism). If he were alive today, no doubt he would shake his bony finger at you, much as he occasionally did at me back then.

However, I did get him to concede that purple prose should be acceptable in those cases where it was merely a case of accurate description. I'll bet that defense is exactly the right one in this instance.

I go back and forth between being fascinated by Davison's particularly hilarious pathology of mental illness and being bored to tears by it. It's been a while since I've seen him poke his head out. Might have to go see on which side it will fall on today.

That Blogspot blog was really pathetic. Worse than most blogspot attempts. Most gave it a couple weeks before giving up. He just had that one entry...and the comments! Comment 1: John A. Davidson. Comment 2: Removed by author. Comment 3: John A. Davidson replying to comment 2. Then he adds a few comments about global warming that any other blogger would probably start a new topic with. Someone answers his challenge with a refrence to a scientific article, but John A. Davidson goes on about how that person did not follow directions. Then a few creationists post who are not impressed, then a huge series of "comment removed"s. Wow. Looks like that entire blog lasted 10 days before people stopped caring except for the occasional comment thrown in months later.

Yeah, I remember seeing some gems from him when you linked to the Expelled movie site a few months ago. I feel bad for the guy; seems like he has mental problems (even beyond creationism). Good place for him.

I still can't figure whether or not he loves it so.

By charlemagne (not verified) on 10 Dec 2007 #permalink

John Davison must live in a world filled with sparkles and moonbeams. What a sad, preening, little fool.

John Davison must live in a world filled with sparkles and moonbeams. What a sad, preening, little fool.

Well I see his little world filled with poorly lit alleys and locked doors and people peering at him from the darkness.

I just read through some of the comments on that blog. I guess we should read those from time to time to remind ourselves that there really are that many insane people out there. AND they are allowed to vote and procreate! Its hard to believe that people just refuse to "believe" something that simply scares them even when the evidence supports it. Religion simply isn't helping anyone. Quite the opposite.

His blog left me with a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. I think J Myers and Rev. BigDumbChimp might be on to something with the "mental illness/problesm" thing. All that repetition and the increasing use of quotes... Ugh.

I'm embarassed to say i was actually wondering what had happened to him just the other day. I wish he'd never infected my mind.

By Carpworld (not verified) on 10 Dec 2007 #permalink

The festering, puss-filled, theological agony that is Ben Stein deserves a commentor like John A Davison. How's that for "pretentious diction"?

'2 Creos 1 blog', perhaps?

You gotta love it when an idiotic blog actually has a true statement in their tagline:

"There is apparently not a single living organism that will ever become anything very different from what it is right now."

Of course, all that really demonstrates is that Mr. Davison has no understanding of the topic he purports to discuss. How many times do we have to explain that organisms don't evolve, species do?

By Braxton Thomason (not verified) on 10 Dec 2007 #permalink

God, I loves me some John A. Davison.

Arguing with him gives me the same satisfaction I get from taking a really big crap.

By wÓÒ† (not verified) on 10 Dec 2007 #permalink

Sort of a guilty pleasure, this, laughing at the paranoid schiz's, as they rant on about their persecution.

Or would be guilty, except that they manage to persuade others that Bedlam's the place, and delusions are science and truth.

Saddest of all is the fact that JAD is a voice of reason at Expelled, when compared to Philip, Shel S, Walter Ruloff, Kevin Miller, and Ben Stein.

Glen D

That religious conservative who called intelligent design "the Da Vinci code of biology," the article he linked to ("Intelligent Design, and Other Dumb Ideas") and the You Tube link to Ken Miller were the best parts of that page.

As for JAD, yes, I've wondered about him ever since I kicked him off my blog for calling me a chauvinist term (because I wouldn't freely advertise his verbal diarrhea at ISCID). He's obviously mentally ill, and swings between moments of brilliant hilarity and abusive behavior that is truly beneath him. Oh well, I prefer to remember the time that he, in a moment of lucidity and kindness, actually wished me well on exams. He's lost in himself, and I do feel sorry for him.

Isn't he the one who makes up a new blog every time he wants to make a new post, because he hasn't figured out how to make multiple posts on the same one?

Isn't he the one who makes up a new blog every time he wants to make a new post, because he hasn't figured out how to make multiple posts on the same one?

Yes the same one. And each of his new blogs are filled with comments mainly from himself arguing with comments he deleted or even arguing with himself at times.

If Mr. McMurphy doesn't want to take his medication orally, I'm sure we can arrange that he can have it some other way. But I don't think that he would like it.

Interesting to see him drive away his fellow morons

That had to be expected. After all, stupid carries in itself the seed of its own destruction.

(HA HA HA HA....)

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 10 Dec 2007 #permalink

As a relative newcomer here, I have to say I don't miss John A Davidson. It didn't take many of his comments for me to put him firmly into the "wanker/troll/jerkboy" category.

Wow. Reading those comments was a painful experience.

Random comment mining from JAD on that thread:
What exactly is a "homozygous atheist"? He used Dawkins as an example. I've never heard that one before.
By extension, would a "heterozygous atheist" actually be an agnostic, then?

I will admit I have not made his acquaintance before, so maybe that's a usual term from him and I'm just unaware.

"There is apparently not a single living organism that will ever become anything very different from what it is right now."

So he doesn't consider a fertilized egg "a living organism".

How enlightened for one of his creed. No problem with early abortion, eh?

Are you saying that whereas most people compose comments, JAD decomposes them?

Interesting to see him drive away his fellow morons

That had to be expected. After all, stupid carries in itself the seed of its own destruction.

(HA HA HA HA....)

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 10 Dec 2007 #permalink