Nidhi Nova…nice!

Everyone should congratulate the Scientific Indian and spouse on the birth of their daughter — and on their excellent taste in names!


More like this

I have some friends who selected a similarly great name for their child. The mother, whose family came from India, supplied the Sanskrit name "Satya", and the father, who is a biologist, supplied "Tethys", after the primordial sea as well as the Titaness. I think it's one of the best names I have heard of. And their little girl is one of the loveliest children I have ever seen.

Makes me think of Nikki Nova. Don't google that name if you are at work.

LOL, Nikki Nova. World needs another pr0n star.

What good is an exotic name when white man can't pronounce it properly.
Trust me 99% that think this is cool name could not pronounce if you gave them money
to do so.

And your point, other than to sound like a total shit, would be?

By Bride of Shrek (not verified) on 18 Dec 2007 #permalink