Vote for squid!

He's the only one who would put up a fight.


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You know. As a Democrat I'm offended by such things. Though, I don't really have a spine to stand up for my beliefs. So I'll let you win today...

In all fairness, the Republicans have spines, that's how they dominate the Democrats to such an extraordinary extent.

By Gordon Stephens (not verified) on 03 Jan 2008 #permalink

I'd accept that they are spineless
If they'd only choose to whine less
Though, in truth, when one's not whining, then it simply disappears.
We can see they have no backbone,
But it isn't like they lack bone,
Rather oddly, they've collected it, it seems, between their ears.

Do amoebae even qualify for spinelessness? I mean, they don't even have enough cells to make one, unless they were all spine.

Not true PZ, the Jelly Fish can fight thanks to their stinging cells on their tentacles. The Democrats on the other hand apparently have no natural defenses at all.

By Natasha Yar-Routh (not verified) on 03 Jan 2008 #permalink

I'm with Bobryuu. They should replace amoebae and squid with snails and sponges. Worms, jellyfish, snails, and sponges would a fair description of recent congresses.

In all fairness, the Republicans have spines

Yeah, yeah. So do sea urchins.


What about the arthropods?! The single largest phylum of life, including non-animals, and they get no representation at all here. Of course, they have hard parts, and several are quite capable of putting up a fight if they need to, so I suppose that the message might get compromised.

Any way one looks at it, though, the cartoon puts a pretty low value on invertebrates, which does rather annoy. Invertebrates are opisthokonts, too! (Not that there is anything wrong with not being an opisthokont....)

Amoebas can put up one heck of a fight, as many travellers can attest.

I heard that a jellyfish was once elected to Congress, but had to resign over a corruption scandal that was brought to light in a sting operation.


Though the worm looks like a harmless oligocheate, I would have to say there are plenty of polycheate annelids that would put up a good fight if your tried handling them.

By Shaggy Maniac (not verified) on 03 Jan 2008 #permalink

Leeches, dung beetles, aphids . . .

Vote Cthulhlu! why settle for a Lesser Evil