Guillermo Gonzalez does two smart things

That silly Iowa State physics fellow who was denied tenure has finally admitted to something sensible. First:

Gonzalez said in an e-mail Monday that he is applying for tenure-track positions in case the Regents do not act in his favor.

Good for him! Tenure denials happen all the time, and smart academics pick themselves up off the floor, brush off the debris, and move on. Turning it into a major trial in which your self-esteem and reputation are shackled to false notions that one must retain this one job is a recipe for further self-destruction. Move on, Guillermo! Liberty University and a host of other bible colleges need you!

The second thing needs a little work, but it's getting close, and it is accurate.

"I'm convinced that I was denied tenure because of my [credulous, unproductive, failed] research," he wrote in the e-mail.

OK, he actually wrote, "I'm convinced that I was denied tenure because of my intelligent design research," but it means exactly the same thing.

Now, if he really wants to move on into a new position, one thing he has to realize is that he has to stop doing the same old stupid things that cost him his first one … like wasting time with a flop of a research plan designed by theocratic ideologues.

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Meanwhile, the Gonzalez case continues. The President of ISU has turned down Gonzalez's appeal: Because the issue of tenure is a personnel matter, I am not able to share the detailed rationale for the decision, although that has been provided to Dr. Gonzalez. But I can outline the areas of focus…
I almost feel sorry for Guillermo Gonzalez. The Discovery Institute is turning him into a political football, and making his denial of tenure a far greater mess than is warranted. They're going to hold a press conference on Monday. The fight will rage on over Iowa State University astronomy…
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Like the gift that never stops giving, the Discovery Institute is taking its dog and pony show on the road, and heading right here to Iowa in order to plead (via press conference) Discovery Institute fellow Guillermo Gonzalez's case for tenure. You may recall the Iowa State assistant professor of…

GG was an Assistant Prof of Astronomy, not a physics guy. And he's now a Senior Fellow (sic) of the Discovery Institute, which means he'll be doing something like astrology next.

Or, one could interpret thusly:

"I'm convinced that I was denied tenure because of my lack of research as I turned instead to religious speculations," he wrote in the e-mail.

Anyhow, what are these anti-scientists whining about? At least the prominent "victims" usually end up in some kind of ministerial position, as did Carolyn Crocker:

Dr. Caroline Crocker Named First Executive Director of the IDEA Center

January 15, 2008
Dr. Caroline Crocker, a biologist featured in the upcoming documentary film Expelled, has been hired as the Executive Director of the IDEA Center. A trained biologist who loves working with students, she received her Ph.D. in immunopharmacology from Southampton University, U.K., and an M.Sc. in medical microbiology from Birmingham University, U.K.

Dr. Crocker taught various biology courses for five years at George Mason University (GMU) and Northern Virginia Community College. While at GMU, she won three grants, including one from the Center for Teaching Excellence, and she received commendations for high student ratings and wrote a cell biology workbook. Nonetheless, after she mentioned intelligent design in a class at George Mason in 2004, she was subsequently banned from lecturing. Her story is told as part of the upcoming documentary film about persecuted pro-ID scientists, Expelled, featuring Ben Stein.

"Having personally witnessed the hostility in the academy towards intelligent design, I am excited about helping students in IDEA Clubs to investigate intelligent design in an intellectually honest manner," said Dr. Crocker.

Uncommon Descent
24 January 2008
Eugenie Scott has competition

Here she is, in a position just made for failed scientists, and she's still whining about "persecution." I don't know if I have more contempt for them for their inability to think, or for their constant self-pitying whingeing over "persecution."

Glen D

Maybe he could do research on all the gaps in the fossil record...or he could just get out teh fingerpaints and tinfoilhats, and produce pictures of people riding around on dinosaurs.

Does this mean it would be a wise career move to hold off on publishing what I think will be a revolutionary, landmark paper that uses intelligent falling to explain galactic rotation curves?

I mean, it's a unifying explanation that works in astronomy and biology? What could possibly be more parsimonious than that?

Gonzalez has a bright future ahead of him. Don't kid yourselves. How many bible colleges like Liberty, Oral Roberts, Bob Jones, the ICR in Texas plus the fleet of lesser lights have a real live astronomer who believes in creationism?

Finding scientists with real degrees from real institutions who will babble on about demons, angels, and creationism is hard. You can find far more scientists in detox centers and mental hospitals.

Some fundie haven of bronze age mythology will snap him up in a heartbeat. Of course, he will never do any more research but when you believe all science is described in 2 pages of 4,000 year old mythology, who cares? A square peg in a square hole.

How can you have a Doctorate in Immunopharmacology and not believe in evolution? Does she deny that the nasty bugs are evolving antibiotic resistance? Or, does she thing the Godhead is reaching down and "creating" new bugs?

she received her Ph.D. in immunopharmacology from Southampton University, U.K., and an M.Sc. in medical microbiology from Birmingham University, U.K.

Well, there you go. She went to redbrick unis, therefore, her degrees are worthless.*/snark*

Before anyone jumps me, I went to a redbrick uni and am just kidding.

Gonzales seems to be implying that tenure is a matter of time serving. This paper shows… that tenure achievement is around 50%. So his chances were never that good.

But I agree he will be elevated to the status of ID expert with many papers published in the 'Peer reviewed, cutting edge' Answers Research Journal.

Let's face it, who would ever have even heard of a third rate, minor college professor like Behe, if he were not an 'expert' in irreducible complexity.

"How can you have a Doctorate in Immunopharmacology and not believe in evolution? Does she deny that the nasty bugs are evolving antibiotic resistance? Or, does she thing the Godhead is reaching down and "creating" new bugs?"

The same old "micro/macroevolution" bullshit, I assume.

What research? Does he consider writing a popular book research like the other ID folk?

By Benjamin L. Harville (not verified) on 30 Jan 2008 #permalink

Have contempt for the whining, sympathy and pity for the inability to think. But have absolute contempt and disparagement for the type of personality that actively chooses to mislead others, among which are numbered many of those who most need sympathy and pity.

"The same old "micro/macroevolution" bullshit, I assume."

How does miroevolution + time not = macroevolution

By The Backpacker (not verified) on 30 Jan 2008 #permalink

Behe, for all his testimony during Dover, is simply a marketing ploy by Lehigh to bring in the Catholic/home skooled/charterskool student that might go elsewhere.

"Now, if he really wants to move on into a new position, one thing he has to realize is that he has to stop doing the same old stupid things that cost him his first one"

Actually PZ, as you pointed out he doesn't have to do anything like that. He just needs to take his same old stupid things to a University of Stupid Things, like Liberty. Isn't that why such places exist, as a Stupid Sanctuary?

By Alexandra (not verified) on 30 Jan 2008 #permalink

How does miroevolution + time not = macroevolution

Easy: if you're a cdesign proponentsist, it doesn't. QED.

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 30 Jan 2008 #permalink

What research? Does he consider writing a popular book research like the other ID folk?

Since he put his book Privileged Planet on his list of publications to be considered for tenure, the answer is yes.

How does mi[c]roevolution + time not = macroevolution[?]

Not enough time, obviously. Don't you know the world's only a few thousand years old?

By John Scanlon, FCD (not verified) on 30 Jan 2008 #permalink

"Having personally witnessed the hostility in the academy towards intelligent design, I am excited about helping students in IDEA Clubs to investigate intelligent design in an intellectually honest manner," said Dr. Crocker.

I'd like to see that.
(I won't hold my breath.)

Alas, Gonzalez has screwed himself out of any future job by simply not having the qualifications from the previous job.

Publications: nil

Students: nil


Now, the DI and Gonzalez can squabble about publications, students and grants, but the facts are what they are, and any hiring body will be able to sift wheat from chaff.

Sorry for Gonzalez but his career is chaff so far.

Alas, Gonzalez has screwed himself out of any future job by simply not having the qualifications from the previous job.

You think the folks at Liberty or Bob Jones will actually care about those "qualifications"?

"I'm convinced that I was denied tenure because of my [credulous, unproductive, failed] research," he wrote in the e-mail.

Ok, but what was the research?

Asserting that we can observe the universe really well right where we are is 'research'?

What a nasty bunch of sickos. You call youselves scientists? B.S. Linko

How does miroevolution + time not = macroevolution

Easy: if you're a cdesign proponentsist, it doesn't. QED.

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 30 Jan 2008 #permalink