Mike Huckabee is a wretched ignoramus

Larry Moran has one video clip, and here's another:

What the heck is wrong with this country that such a clueless git should be considered by many to be a viable candidate for president?

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Doooood!! He said "Creationism" instead of ID! Demski's going to be all over his butt for that one.
I want a macro that's a picture of Huckabee, with the caption "Sneaking creationism into the classroom without anyone noticing: You're doing it wrong."

"Mike Huckabee is a wretched ignoramus"

The sky is blue, ducks quack. Tell us something new.

Unfortunately, the U.S. is filled with just as many wretched ignoramuses. God bless the USA!

My favorite was, "If anybody wants to believe that they are the descendants of a primate, they are certainly welcome to do it." YOU ARE A PRIMATE!!!!!!! Although come to think of it, perhaps all primates should disown him....

It's the same Religious Right infestation of the GOP that lets Monica Goodling and 150 other graduates of Pat Robertson's Regent University have posts in the U.S. Justice Department. It's a national disgrace - down with the theocons!

Can we make the case that the invention of the wheel involved the (precursors of) the scientific method and, as such, creationists and their ilk must walk anywhere they need to go? It would at least slow down the idiocy.

So.. Not only is he completely ignorant about evolution, not only is he ignorant about the US constitution, not only is he completely ignorant about the Dover trial, he's too stupid to even cover it up and use the ID tag?

Wow. He's dumb.

Huckabee is a former Baptist minister, that about sums it up. (Magical thinking morons - all) Anyone know Romney's views on ID/creationism?

I was listening to a reporter covering Huckabee on NPR. To paraphrase, he tried to pin him down on whether creation really happened in six days and the earth is 6,000 years old. He apparently hemmed and hawed and said something to the effect of, you'd have to ask God.

So let me get this straight: he'd publicly hold an egregiously backward, divisive, anti-scientific position in public, but he's not REALLY sure about the details? Must...resist...urge...to...scream....

Wow, the evolutionary preachers are at it again. Don't you all get tired of spouting ignorance all over the web. Preach it boys! You preach evolution just alike a pentacost preacher preaches repentence. Grow up.

By Bill WIlson (not verified) on 30 Jan 2008 #permalink

Its all fine and good to point out how crazy huckabee is, but Romney is a more likely candidate at this point (maybe all the coverage here of Huckabee's faults has contributed to his declining popularity) and just as crazy on pushing religious matters. I'd like to see more posts highlighting Romneys problems since we're in danger of him actually winning.

The girl asking the question was very well spoken. There is some hope.

Too bad there isn't some way to just cut these anti-science folks off the teat completely, and let them wallow in hand-dug trenches of their own excrement while we move out into the stars.

You mean this Mike Huckabee, right? (Bonus Bush included)
What I would like to see from the ID people is a lesson plan. They should be press to provide a sample of one if they think that it should be taught in schools. Not a lesson plan about all the holes that they think that there are in evolution (ie crap they make up like "no transitional fossils") but a lesson plan of what ID is and what should be taught about it. That would make them have to produce something original, wouldn't it? Research money well spent. ;^)
Besides, when they refuse to do it maybe all but the dumbest will see that Is is not a theory or a hypothesis but a guess based on stuff that has been ruled unconstitutional and nothing more than a cash cow.

I think that Romney believes that Creation happened twice ~ first in Eden, then someplace in Missouri...

"Too bad there isn't some way to just cut these anti-science folks off the teat completely,..."
Yes, their churches tax exempt status needs to be removed. Immediately.

Bill Wilson = idiot

Mike Huckabee is dodging the questions being asked. This is disrespectful to the people asking the questions and the audience who deserves to hear a real answer. He is taking any and all opportunities to pander to creationists and push forward his theocratic agenda. I am confident that he will not be our next president. However this sets a terrible precedence for those candidates running in future presidential elections. I believe he is, in effect, creating a reserved space for future creationist candidates. I am aware that Pat Robertson ran a while back, but his status as a televangelist worked against him. Many people saw him as a 'Christ selling' TV personality running for office. Mike Huckabee is much better at playing off the humble and credible Christian man serving God and country. Where is a good scandal when we need one? UG!

Great news! Since exposure to other views is important to Huckabee, we can all expect Pastafarianism to get its day in the high school curriculum!

Huckabee is, effectively, out of the race. I just wish I could credit that to people realizing his Bronze Age belief system. But I doubt it.

That looks like Huckabee when he was a 100 lbs. heavier. I know we shouldn't be prejudiced against fat people who cook squirrels in popcorn poppers, but he'd never have been a serious contender if he hadn't lost that weight.

I doubt he really wants children exposed to all the "theories", just to the Christian one. He probably wouldn't want their time wasted by being taught the sort of non scientific nonsense for which there is a total lack of evidence as seen in the dozens of other creation myths. I don't know about him, but many who push Creationism would even object to those because they don't want the government teaching their children such religious ideas.

By G. Shelley (not verified) on 30 Jan 2008 #permalink

He hasn't won any states since Iowa, right? Please right?

"Huckabee is, effectively, out of the race. I just wish I could credit that to people realizing his Bronze Age belief system. But I doubt it."

He may be out of the race, but there is some talk of having him as a VP candidate if McCain wins the nomination. Given McCain's age and health, having Huckabee as the President of the US is a distant, but very real, possibility.

Relax guys/gals, I'm pretty sure he's referring to the FSM 'Creation Story'.

Anon (#20):

Huckabee is, effectively, out of the race.

Uh, think again. Forget PZ's "considered by many to be viable"; Huck is currently the front-runner to be picked as the GOP nominee for Vice President. If John McCain gets the top-of-the-ticket nomination (which seems very probable), Huckabee is the overwhelming favorite to be his running mate.

We haven't seen the last of this guy, folks. Unfortunately.

If the churches want a say in government, like private individuals, or say like large corporations, let'm pay taxes
then they can have their say.

But I'd like to regress for a second. Bruce mentioned the invention of the wheel earlier, and that got me thinking. Where is that, arguably on of the most important tech discoveries ever, in the bible? Tubalcane gets nods for inventing music, (as I read it) Noah came up with wine (and incest) but I don't remember anywhere the wheel is documented.

Unlike most religious people,I've read the bible, three times. It's quite possible I missed the reference, so help me out.

So, he wants to give exposure to the basis of those who believe in creationism.

He knows very well that such a "basis" is only that collection of ancient (and not especially good from a philological standpoint) myths called the Bible.

And it's the "all sides" canard again, like science is just politics. IOW, apparently to him it is sensibly the same as politics, and he'll play politics with the science curricula.

(you know, it would have been easier to read that short bit of drivel, with nothing of consequence being lost).

Glen D

I do think Huckabee's admiration for the bronze age deepsixed his candidacy. He really has no support other than knuckle walking, banana eating Xian fundie apes who claim not to be apes.

He also has negligible education. A degree from a bible college in Arkansas in something not particularly rigorous and a year at a Baptist seminary.

He is a theocratic extremist and that has become apparent as people examine the detritus of his career.

Uh, think again. Forget PZ's "considered by many to be viable"; Huck is currently the front-runner to be picked as the GOP nominee for Vice President. If John McCain gets the top-of-the-ticket nomination (which seems very probable), Huckabee is the overwhelming favorite to be his running mate.

We haven't seen the last of this guy, folks. Unfortunately.

I don't know if he's the top contender for VP or not, but the pundits do claim that there's a tacit agreement that if Huckabee stays in the race, presumably siphoning off conservative primary votes from Romney, McCain will help him settle his campaign debts.

I have some hope that McCain has more principles than to pick Huckabee as his running mate, but I'm not placing any money on that hope.

Glen D

Wow, everyone here ignored the troll! I'm honestly very impressed with the Pharyngula community.

As for the McCain-Huckabee ticket, the problem is that people who wouldn't vote for McCain aren't going to vote for McCain-Huckabee, and those who wouldn't vote for Huckabee would mostly not vote for McCain-Huckabee either. Realistically, McCain-Huckabee only gets the intersection of their supporters, not the union, and so this ticket isn't that likely.

huckabee, the dope,er,pope,romney, dumbski,er, dembski,
behe,et al (all lower case, as that is what they are),
and all the insane crap floating around our planet, makes
me wonder if a superior and godless civilization in another
Galaxy, perhaps the great Andromeda, is howling with
uncontrolable laughter at all of this insane crap, and
just keeps the death ray ready in case this garbage seeps
toward them when earth has to be abandoned from a possible
catacylsmic explosion of global insanity. I only hope the
Hubble Space Telescope doesn't detect this galactic wonder
and thereby have the insanity spread to their world as I am
sure they will endeavor to try and do. Keep that death ray
cocked and unleash at the first hint of a savior coming to
show you the errors of your civilization! Warp speed!

this country is so fucked.

It is partially science's fault that the average american is confused about evolution.
These folks only know one definition of the word theory and it is not the scientific definition. If we are to communicate reality to these child-like folks, we need a new popular definition of the scientific concept
of what constitutes a scientific theory. Most americans do not like to think critically - they are tired, worn down and these clowns like Huckabee take advantage of any loopholes they can find to present their idiotic and specious arguments.

By tomas golstch (not verified) on 30 Jan 2008 #permalink

This relates to something I have been asking for quite a while now.

When the Enlightenment first started the US was at the very forefront of that movement. Many of the leading figures were either involved in American independence or influenced those who were. Today that is not the case. Western Europe leads in pushing forward Enlightenment values, as can be seen by the number of countries there that have passed laws allowing same sex partnerships legal recognition. Further evidence can be found in the declining numbers of people who attend church or professes strong religious views. This is not to say things are perfect in Western Europe, far from it, but it is a salient point that Huckabee would not be a viable candidate for political office there.

How did the US go from being at the forefront of the Enlightenment to being a country where some act as though it had never happened ?

By Matt Penfold (not verified) on 30 Jan 2008 #permalink

buffalodavid #27

Tubal-Cain invented metal working:

Genesis 4:22 "Zillah also had a son, Tubal-Cain, who forged all kinds of tools out of [g] bronze and iron."

Arguably a pretty good invention. I guess the Bible feels that the wheel is "Intuitively obvious to the casual observer" and not worthy of mention. Or it was not invented until *after* the Flood.

"What the heck is wrong with this country that such a clueless git should be considered by many to be a viable candidate for president?"

Simple, most people are fucking stupid.

By Ivanna Puke (not verified) on 30 Jan 2008 #permalink

When people say they want "all points of view" taught, it seems like they expect truth to be democratic, as if we can take a vote to decide what happened historically. Do you really want to teach all points of view, including the one that's correct and one (ID) that's wildly false?

How did the US go from being at the forefront of the Enlightenment to being a country where some act as though it had never happened ?

This is one reason.

By RamblinDude (not verified) on 30 Jan 2008 #permalink

These folks only know one definition of the word theory and it is not the scientific definition. If we are to communicate reality to these child-like folks, we need a new popular definition of the scientific concept of what constitutes a scientific theory

I don't think that's why so many Americans have difficulty with evolution. If that were true, why is there not the same problem with Quantum Theory or General Theory of Relativity? They're both probably at least as mis-understood as Evolution, but there are far fewer people demanding that physicists "teach the controversy".

You won't hear Dembski, or this idiot, Huckabee saying, "Ah, but Intelligent Design theory is only a theory", or "Creationism is just a theory", but you do hear, "Evolutionary theory is only a theory". The problem isn't the scientific terminology, the problem is purely and simply because it clashes with preconceived ideology.

He's still the best gift the Republicans could have given us. Oh please mythical christian god, let the Huckster win in the primaries... and give me a pony.

By Eric Paulsen (not verified) on 30 Jan 2008 #permalink

We'll see how super tuesday washes out.

Romney may do well in the west. Huckabee in the south.

Right now McCain is the front runner.

Either way... the democrats are lookin good.

And Bill Wilson is an idiot.

# 39 That is a truly pathetic expose on the current
status of the knowledge of high school kids. I don't
give a crap on their ignorance of that fake fakir ghandi, whose god did not save him, but not knowing my man
Thomas Edison is demeaning and unforgivable. Besides the
electric light bulb, if it wasn't for Tom, we would not
have the music compact disc which he started it all with
the phonograph. My admiration for those that knew a few of
the questions, but a huckabee award to those ignorant shits
who barely had a clue to any of them.

re: #16 No representation without taxation!


'How did the US go from being at the forefront of the Enlightenment to being a country where some act as though it had never happened?'
I think you partially answered you own question. the US stopped being at the forefront of the enlightenment when black people and homosexuals wanted to be people too.

"He's still the best gift the Republicans could have given us."

You guys keep saying that. People said that about Reagan. And Bush Jr.


How did the US go from being at the forefront of the Enlightenment to being a country where some act as though it had never happened ?

This is another reason.

Re #35: America was never at the forefront of the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment started in the 1600's, with Descartes, Newton and Locke. At that time, New England was ruled by Puritans who burned people (1690's) and the Atlantic coast was ruled by planters interested in profits. The Enlightenment really picks up steam between 1700 and 1750 (Rousseau, Swift, Voltaire, Hume, many of the Scots); America, in the 1740's, is undergoing the Great Awakening (`Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God' is from 1741). America didn't really get into the Enlightenment until after the 1760's, by which time the Romantic reaction against the Enlightenment was beginning in Europe.

Okay, good job, kid! Now that Huckster has spilled that dopey comment, someone next ask him what all the "different points of view" are. Keep on him.

Keep on the evo questions, people, keep it up! On the contrary, craig, I'm getting more optimistic by the moment. Once upon a time people asked the candidate Bible questions and no one blinked an eye. Then they asked the candidates evolution questions and the [Republican] candidates responded, "I can't imagine what that has to do with the Presidency. I'm not writing a junior high textbook." Now they're attempting to answer the question, and stumbling. Good.

Keep nailing these guys, and maybe someday we'll hear a candidate say, "I don't know what the Bible has to do with the Presidency." This is called reframing, and it's a long fight toward a far target.


By Richard Harris (not verified) on 30 Jan 2008 #permalink

The U.S. has always been, except for brief periods, a 'backwoods' country. The latest influx of intelligentsia began just prior to WWII and continued shortly thereafter. The influence that generation had is virtually gone now and we are retreating to our bumble roots- crazed religious bigots who fled other crazed religious bigots. Our closest flirtation with the enlightenment was when Thomas Jefferson (mostly) wrote the Declaration of Independence and in that period from probably 1945 through 1968, when government realized that physics was 'good' for something. And even then there was the immediate backlash of McCarthyism followed by the backwash of theism.

mothra, boy are you depressing. :O

But I believe you are right.

When a huge swath of the population is trained from birth to believe that the highest priority in life is to cultivate thankfulness that Jesus has saved them from their sins, it tends to spoil a perfectly good Enlightenment.

By RamblinDude (not verified) on 30 Jan 2008 #permalink

It's time we quit giving people who push their belief as fact equal standing. Their beliefs are not science, and do not deserve to be called such. They are playing upon the liberal tendency to not be aggressive, to take all sides into account, but as they seriously begin pushing their religious agenda upon the rest of society, it's time to strike them down, and label them as the morons they are. Polite society should not have to tolerate this rhetoric any longer.

Your comment:
"As for the McCain-Huckabee ticket, the problem is that people who wouldn't vote for McCain aren't going to vote for McCain-Huckabee, and those who wouldn't vote for Huckabee would mostly not vote for McCain-Huckabee either. Realistically, McCain-Huckabee only gets the intersection of their supporters, not the union,.."

I hope you are right but I fear you are wrong. If McCain sticks to the minimum 'I will appoint judges who enforce the law not make the law' types of statements and has Huck on his ticket he may well get some evangelical voters that otherwise might have stayed home.

If Huck is elected and stacks the Supreme Court to get his way on this, I hope the Raelians and Scientologists get to present their alternate theories.

By Ian Gould (not verified) on 30 Jan 2008 #permalink

hucky uses the word creationsm because he was afraid he'd mess up on 'c design proponentists' and afraid that many wouldnt know what 'intelligent design' actually means. Can you imagine hucky being coached: 'now remember, dont use the 'c' word, its 'I.D' instead' hucky replies, 'eh, they call a vagina the c@@t in biology class these days, sheesh!!!

this post is not meant to be offensive, if it is deemed so then I willl accept its deletion.

By extatyzoma (not verified) on 30 Jan 2008 #permalink

oh, and when he mentions creationism he is talking about the Maori creation myth right? Or was it the Yanomami one?

By extatyzoma (not verified) on 30 Jan 2008 #permalink

Three words "bullet to head"

His or mine, right now I just don't care. The stoopid is just too much.

Wow, what a moron. Good on the girl though, she was very eloquent.

Well well, looks like the huckster is no longer content to sit back and wait on god swill to push him into the whitehouse. here is an interesting piece on a little financial aid deal he did with Kenneth Copeland, in return for trying to kill the Senate Finance Committee investigation into the funding of prosperity gospel crooksministries. The lord works in mysterious ways hmmm?

Huckleberry says he thinks students should be exposed to all(!!) "points of view". OK, I assume therefore he would support adding the following to the science curriculum:

The Hollow Earth Theory
Big Foot
etc. etc. etc.

Of course, with all those "points of view" to cover, I doubt if the students would have any time to study REAL science!!!

I wanted to write a pithy limerick about the whole debacle. Unfortunately, the only thing Huckabee rhymes with is "fuck-a-bee". Shakespeare, I aten't,

One of my favourite quotes from the Simpsons comes from the episode in which Flanders wants to have creationism taught at Springfield school. He goes to see Principal Skinner, and...

FLANDERS: I think students should be exposed to alternatives to the theory of evolution.

SKINNER: You mean, like Lamarckism?

I hate to break it to those outside the US, but Creationism is BY FAR the default position held by most people on the planet, not just in the US. I think it just happens to be the case that the US has so many people that DON'T believe in creationism that there is any kind of debate about this. Here in England I've met plenty of christian fundies and, well, let's not even start with Mexico.

It is partially science's fault that the average american is confused about evolution.
These folks only know one definition of the word theory and it is not the scientific definition. If we are to communicate reality to these child-like folks, we need a new popular definition of the scientific concept
of what constitutes a scientific theory. Most americans do not like to think critically - they are tired, worn down and these clowns like Huckabee take advantage of any loopholes they can find to present their idiotic and specious arguments.

Talk about condescending tones.............child-like folks...???

The condescending and elitist attitude that exists among many of you "brighters" is why Americans resist your constant imprecations against the anti-science group. You need to learn how to talk to your equals if you are ever going to convince them of anything.

Fuck off ya old fart.

Prove you're an equal.

"The condescending and elitist attitude that exists among many of you "brighters" is why Americans resist your constant imprecations against the anti-science group. You need to learn how to talk to your equals if you are ever going to convince them of anything."

as this would require a frontal lobotomy, it's just not worth it.

By tomas golstch (not verified) on 31 Jan 2008 #permalink

Talk about condescending tones.............child-like folks...???

The condescending and elitist attitude that exists among many of you "brighters" is why Americans resist your constant imprecations against the anti-science group.

You write, oldfart, like this is a place where we're trying to educate relatively nice but naive people about science.

We're not, we're mostly discussing the arguments that the IDiots use, the arguments which oppose their nonsense, and what it is about the psychology of relatively nice but naive people who too often believe them. When we are talking to "others," it's primarily to scientifically-ignorant morons who are trying to supplant research and learning with gross ignorance and myth.

It may be that scientists need to learn more about communicating with the public, and it is even more likely that educators and the media need to be able to communicate science better with the public. But that has little or nothing to do with the discussions on this forum, except insofar as they affect the communication of science with the public.

So the only issue is how correct the concepts in the quote really were. Frankly, I'm against changing terms in order to cater to ignorance, and in favor of better and more teaching of science and its theories. But that's an arguable point. What we say to each other and to the purveyors of IDiocy on this forum simply is not the issue with respect to evolution, however, except that it might lead to better understandings of how scams and misperceptions are taken up by the public, and methods of countering them.

Glen D

I don't care what they teach. So long as equal time goes to the learn of our God. THE FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER.

The condescending and elitist attitude that exists among many of you "brighters" is why Americans resist your constant imprecations against the anti-science group.

Because, of course, there's nothing whatsoever condescending or elitist about suggesting that Americans will reject science because some of its proponents are mean.

You may talk to others as equals, but you certainly don't appear to think of them that way.

Joe B: "I don't care what they teach."

Alright then. You "don't care". We won't care to bother with your "so long as..." after that.

By Arnosium Upinarum (not verified) on 31 Jan 2008 #permalink

old fart: "The condescending and elitist attitude that exists among many of you "brighters" is why Americans resist your constant imprecations against the anti-science group. You need to learn how to talk to your equals if you are ever going to convince them of anything."

THIS American resists the stench you fart forth.

THIS American already knows how to "talk to [my] equals" WITHOUT having to "convince them of anything."

As for THIS American's "constant imprecations against the anti-science group", allow me to suggest that "anti-science" is nothing short of "anti-nature" (Or "anti-God's Works", if you insist on crediting the Creator).

Perhaps you ought to obtain some fresh air. Just open a window and turn on a fan, at least. You may discover the honest smell of fresh air, and get some badly needed oxygen too.

By Arnosium Upinarum (not verified) on 31 Jan 2008 #permalink

Who the hell is the girl asking the question? Can she be our President, please?! Ugh... Huckabee is a turd.