Huck you

I'm going to the DFL caucus tomorrow night, and after seeing this video I'm thinking I ought to throw my vote to Mike Huckabee.

Maybe I can convince a few others to join me if I dress sexy enough.

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Nah, just a rip off of the Obama girl more or less.

funniest since Hillary's tears.
I'm tearing with laughter! 8-)

By RickFlick (not verified) on 04 Feb 2008 #permalink

The very last line is the best. "Baptize American... like a a dinosaur" hahahahaha!

#5 I thought it was funny up until that, then it was hilarious.

By stormen per (not verified) on 04 Feb 2008 #permalink

Tears of joy. That was brilliant.

By Unstable Molecule (not verified) on 04 Feb 2008 #permalink

Ridin' on a jesus horse, hahaha. That was great.

:( it's not working for me. I even allowed scripts globally, and it still doesn't work. Any ideas on how I can get it to play?

I give up - was that a parody or not?

By Reginald Selkirk (not verified) on 04 Feb 2008 #permalink

Nah, sorry, PZ, but even if you wore a miniskirt, that beard is a definite turnoff...

Riding dinosaurs - didn't they do that in the Garden of Eden? This is sure to generate a few extra votes for the Huckster.

By CalGeorge (not verified) on 04 Feb 2008 #permalink

Oddity I've noticed: Whenever I watch an embedded video here, my office computer locks up hard, forcing me to pull the plug. Don't know if it's scienceblogs or Pharyngula specifically.

Being at work, I didn't hear the audio (it'll wait until I get home), but the first few seconds were so visually campy that I can't possibly believe it is serious.

The I'm just a stupid woman I don't deserve a voice line pretty much makes it clear it's satire.

That filthy dinosaur.. not only are they awesome, big and cool, they also get the girl!

Its like high-school all over again.

By Dutchvigilante (not verified) on 04 Feb 2008 #permalink

Unambiguously satire. Super Deluxe is a comedy outlet.

Hey, PZ, can you borrow that squid outfit? Rowrrrr...

Rock out with your caucus out is the best line EVER.

I think Huckabee is a pretty cool guy. Eh beleivs in Jesus and doesn't afraid of anything.

Hilarious. The sad thing is the Huckster's true believers won't recognize it as parody.

Huckabee girl's erratic behavior has included appearing in short skirts without underwear, shaving her head, abandoning a car in traffic when it had a flat tire, and recently, holding her dog and sobbing on a sidewalk.

I'm glad everyone else thinks that's a parody too!

It doesn't make me want to vote Huckabee (I can't do that anyway, I'm in the UK) or even not vote Huckabee, but it does make me want to do things with lollipops for some reason. ;-)


Erm... That wee 'dinosaur' she cuddles throughout the video is wearing a plaid scottie hat. It rather leads me to believe she is actually cuddling Nessie.

I'm not sure if this makes it funnier!

I thought the Universe was made in six days? I don't know,
it seems kind of ludicrous because of the total religious
content, even allowing for the downright pitch for the
hick huckabee. I'll have to pass on this one for any
content of any worth. Looney Tunes will be more of a
humorous attention grabber.

Erm... That wee 'dinosaur' she cuddles throughout the video is wearing a plaid scottie hat. It rather leads me to believe she is actually cuddling Nessie.

So? I thought everyone knew that Nessie is a plesiosaur...

Ack, now I feel like a sexist asshole for objectifying her like that.

See what you Americans and your prurient politics have done to me?!

Brilliant parody, just enough to fly under the radar of the gormless. In the UK we just don't feel that way about politicians.

The t-shirt is great! Maybe it will get people to watch the movie "I Heart Huckabees", which will confuse them so much they won't know where to go to vote.

By Sanjiv Sarwate (not verified) on 04 Feb 2008 #permalink

Why is the production value so high? Man, Edwards needs this kind of chest support. I mean support. From chests. Er, the pubic... PUBLIC!

Really very well made...

And incidentally, there's this parody of the John Travolta video on the same site...

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 04 Feb 2008 #permalink

One thing that restores my faith in America a bit is that all polls indicate that Huckabee is going to get his clock cleaned tomorrow. Most likely he will only win in Arkansas, which has a proportional delegate system anyway. Hear that hissing sound? It's the relevance rapidly escaping from Huckabee's campaign.

It's a shame Huckabee is still in the race. By doing so, he's ensuring that the most electable Republican wins their nomination, which is a dangerous thing since McCain seems to be intent on keeping us in the middle of an unending war in Iraq. Not to mention his recent promises to the wingnuts on the type of judges he'd nominate to the Supreme Court.

#12, I'd think the sight of Pee Zed wearing a miniskirt would be a rather significant turn off, turn about, and run away as fast as you can.

Well, I'd convert, but I'm pretty sure that if my wife ever found out I voted for the Huckster, the only action I'd ever get again would be watching that video.

I think it's funny that some people don't get this is a spoof.

I think it's funny that some people don't get this is a spoof.

That's because they don't know the abovementioned Obama girl.

Speaking of which... where is that video? I mean, strictly for... research... comparison purposes, I mean.

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 05 Feb 2008 #permalink

Now that I had time to give this video more... attention... I must say it is damn funny.

This was actually really well done. I found the whole Obama girl thing to be a bit dumb.

I think it's pretty funny how much better this format works for making a parody of candidates than it does for actually promoting them.

And incidentally, there's this parody of the John Travolta video on the same site...

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 04 Feb 2008 #permalink

I think it's funny that some people don't get this is a spoof.

That's because they don't know the abovementioned Obama girl.

Speaking of which... where is that video? I mean, strictly for... research... comparison purposes, I mean.

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 05 Feb 2008 #permalink