It's that time again: nominate your favorite commenter(s) in the thread for this post, and we'll see who gets to be honored with a Molly this month. You can check the last Molly thread if you want to see what worthies lost out last time.
Also, you may recall that story of a large snake that tried to swallow a large alligator … this is how I feel right now.

I have updated my blogroll with as many of the new submissions in the last Open Enrollment day as I could. It's getting a bit bloated, I'm afraid. I do have to explain a few things, though.
If you aren't on the current list even though you submitted your blogroll, there are a few possibilities. Some of you were already on it, so look harder. Some of the blogs failed to load — it's nothing personal, but if there were technical difficulties at the time I tried to add you, I didn't try too hard to overcome them. Some of the submissions did not have a syndication feed, and I'm afraid that I can only follow blogs with some kind of feed.
Everything in the blogroll comes straight out of the feed, including the title. If the title doesn't look right, don't blame me: check the settings on the RSS/Atom feed on your site. Also, some blogs have a little descriptive tag line after the title; again, that just comes out of your feed.
I've put the list of new blogs below the fold. Remember to nominate a new deserving commenter for a Molly!
Genomics, Evolution, and Pseudoscience:
The Faithful Penguin:
Untitled Source:
Panhandle Faithless:
The Psycho Atheist:
Go Banana!:
Random Musings From A Random Geek:
The Barefoot Bum:
Civil Commotion:
WhiteCoat Underground:
Theoretical Democratix:
Lead Acetate:
This Blog is an Abomination unto Nuggan:
adventures of ponzo: © Greensboro, NC:
The Impolitic:
Astrodicticum Simplex:
The Thinking Man:
A Sceptical I:
If You Can't Say Anything Nice...:
The Stubborn Curmudgeon:
the motor chauvinist: biased devotion to any group, attitude, or cause
A Darker View:
My Two Cents:
It's Alive!:
Plants are the Strangest People:
darwinian remiix:
Hillary Rettig: Productivity, Life and Career Coaching; Workshops; and The Lifelong Activist - News/Events/Q&A:
Salt in Water:
Moue Magazine:
The Last Orion:
Lost in Seattle:
Dominionists for Tancredo 2008---If we build it, He will come:
Evolved and Rational:
The Democratic Daily:
Thoughts in a Haystack:
Homo economicus' Weblog:
Bert's Blog:
Black Sun Journal:
Exit 78:
Exploring Our Matrix:
Mystery of Mysteries:
Natural Reckonings:
hyper-textual ontology:
Musings of a strange mind:
Twisted One 151's Weblog:
Holford Watch: Patrick Holford, nutritionism and bad science:
This Blog Title For Sale:
In a strange land:
Minds and Brains:
The View from Here:
Stationary Orbit:
The Inverse Square Blog:
BHA Science Group:
PodBlack Blog:
Mixed Nuts:
Berto: Philosophy Monkey:
Further thoughts:
Plant News:
Seeds Aside:
Atheist Media Blog:
Muse In Vivo:
Artificial Habitat:
Skeptic's Play:
Masks of Eris:
some kind of scrapheap:
Holford Myths: what is the problem with Nutritionist Patrick Holford?:
Notes From A Transitional Fossil:
The War of Nature:
Merit-bound Alley:
Homo Academicus:
a garden of varied delights:
Apathy Sketchpad:
The Sword of Freedom:
Philosophical neuron:
Terahertz - From Physics to Life:
The Oyster's Garter:
Swans on Tea:
James O'Malley... Living Legend:
Wishing Doesn't Make It So:
Long Live the Village Green:
Good Reason:
Harmonia's Necklace:
Gateway Skepticism:
MoonbatWingnut - Animated Editorial Cartoons:
Darren's Diatribe:
Myrmecos Blog:
the skeptical alchemist:
Australian Atheist:
The Art of Peace:
Social Symbiosis:
Everything Must Be This Way:
Bay of Fundie:
Not Totally Rad:
Chymico-Physico Elucidations:
Wheat-dogg's world:
Secundum Artem:
The Midwestern Gentleman:
Dust in a Sunbeam:
Genetics and Health:
Self-designed Student:
Backseat driving:
Locky's World:
Defaithed - A layman's journey from religion to reason:
Reduce to Common Sense:
No Commercial Potential:
221B Baker Street:
Pennsylvania Nonbelievers, Inc.:
Trifling Ideas:
A Vegan Atheist:
Cubik's Rube:
The Christian SETI Alliance:
Free Range Academy:
The Odd Blog:
Nectarfizz's Web-Thingy: Tá an cailÃn seo as a meabhair (This girl is out of her mind)
Middle Raged Punk:
Sceptical Rants:
Open Source Me:
Shadow of the Hegemon:
Thump Thump Eyes:
Jaköbische Rants:
Coffee House Poetry: Cranky, sarcastic, foul-mouthed, liberal atheist on premises.
The Caveman's Corner:
Ben's Place:
Taking Place:
pages turned:
The Global Sociology Blog:
Buck Naked Politics:
- Log in to post comments
This time around, I'll nominate Glen Davidson, AJ Milne and Tulse.
Allow me to be the first of many who will nominate Mrs Tilton of course! Thanks!
October Mermaid gave me a good laugh.
I hope that it's okay if I treat this as an open thread, considering that the subject matter is rather hodgepodge. I wrote this earlier in another thread, but many would not be likely to see it, and I think it's interesting, mostly because some of the bigger guns are being trained on that wretched propaganda piece coming out in April:
Kristine added this information about McHenry on AtBC
Glen D
Whenever I see a comment by Pierce Butler in the "Recent Comments" list, I make sure to click on it, even if I'm not following that particular thread. His comments are always thoughtful and humane, politically savvy, and amusing, and I've enjoyed reading him for a couple of years now, from back at the old site.
I may be suffering from the frequency (and recency) illusion, but it's my impression that Glen D(avidson) has been everywhere lately. And always thorough and tenacious - even if I have not read everything in all the comments.
I'm gonna nominate Truth Machine, in particular for his tenacity. I get bored with a thread or something, and weeks later he'll still be going at it.
There are so many names, of course, but there can be no finer sight in the blogosphere than checking a few day old thread, and scrolling down, only to find about 30 posts by this guy - taking names (of literally everyone) with his barbed rhetoric and kick-you-in-the-nuts grandiloquence.
I am of course talking about Truth Machine.
I apologize to all of those who have suffered permanent mental destruction at the blood stained hands of this barbarian, but I have never laughed so hard as when I read a wonderfully written, intellectually stimulating retort on one thread, only to be met at the end with, "moron"!
He really is a sight to behold, and I shudder at the thought that he would ever respond to anything that I have to say.
(I will probably be called a fucking shit-headed moron for even voting for him. That's hardcore!)
While I too sometimes appreciate the spice truth machine adds to discussion (though it's often too much of the wrong spice), I submit to all pharyngulites that Mollifying the truth machine would likely ruin it. I suspect that it thrives living on the edges of civilization; to pay it respect might well kill it.
Yeah, I'll add my vote for Mrs. Tilton. But only because I'm hoping to muscle out Mr. Tilton.
Oh, and though I link to it in every comment, I might as well cast my blog under the blogroller. (I think there's an RSS feed--or is that RRSP? Dammit, I hate tax time.)
Oh, I meant to write that my blog is at
Yeah, I'm like, good at technology an' shit.
Thanks for your willingness to update your blogroll so generously PZ. Wow, what a lot of new blogs to visit!
Tangled Up in Blue Guy" seems to have got lost. Of course, with the list not being alphabetical, and all, I may have missed it.
A. J. Milne is a frequent commenter I usually intend to nominate but I am not good at keeping up with the Molly thread. I am going to finally commit to AJ on this thread.
Just a quick comment to say thanks very much for adding me to the blogroll!
I'm voting for AJ Milne, because (nearly) everytime I finish reading a post where I sit back and say "EXACTLY!" or "Yeah! Good point!" or just clap my hands in wordless appreciation, I get to the bottom to find that name. No to mention, he's been this sharp forever.
I'd like to nominate Glen D. So often I find myself reading a comment and before I even get to the name, I'm nodding or--even better--I'm learning something or looking at something in a new way. Cheers, Glen, and thanks for your well-expressed thoughts!
I will go for Mrs Tilton. I may not always agree with her (although quite often I do) but when she does not she does make me think.
Never mind, I found myself under "Minnesotans."
I am still sticking with A.J. Milne.
Never mind, I found myself under "Minnesotans."
I am still sticking with A.J. Milne.
Thanks for adding my blog PZ. Good luck on the Molly selection.
Is it too late to join the blogroll? Mine's brand new:
Intrinsically Knotted
"Also, you may recall that story of a large snake that tried to swallow a large alligator ... this is how I feel right now."
Before you moan of indigestion--
Hold your very thoughts in question--
Listen to this small suggestion,
Else I speak in vain:
Though it seems a painful flaw,
The contents of your swollen craw
Would make another stand in awe
At what it might contain!
Just as any ripe tomato,
Apple core, or chopped potato
Kiwi fruit or sugared date--oh,
Anything at all--
Could hold a glimpse of the Messiah;
Mary's face, in ripe papaya,
Buddha in a chicken thigh, a
God-stain on the wall,
So, too, your bloated blogroll list
May hold--indeed, I must insist
Holds diamonds that cannot be missed
By those who thirst for knowledge;
Your blogroll holds such varied sites
And wondrous wise, it thus invites
The reader with much more, by rights,
Than might be found in college!
This piddling little stomach-ache--
The crocodile that filled the snake--
May seem much more than you can take,
But do not be too nervous:
Although your gut may swell and split
With more than you suspect will fit,
Please heed my word, when I submit:
'Twould be a public service.
(Many good Mollites this month, but my vote goes to October Mermaid. Always had a soft spot for mermaids....)
Thanks for adding me to the blogroll! Y'all come over and let me know when I say something stupid.
I'll nominate Truth Machine as well, having personally insulted him (what, he can't use his real name?) and been insulted by him (so I'm epistemologically naive ... fugetabatit!).
i vote for thalarctos...i used to enjoy her comments as raven at the old site, and am glad to see her back
Mrs. Tilton and Truth Machine both deserve Mollies. Let's not be stingy with them.
Thanks for rollin' with me!
Glen Davidson. Engaging, informative writing.
I nominate Truth Machine, and repeat what #8 said.
Another thanks from a newly blogrolled.
Tom Levenson
Thrilled to be on your blog roll at last! Thanks!
As a first time voter in this Molly contest, I'll nominate the aptly named Truth Machine...
Not sure if he is really human, but who cares, his written ejaculations are always to the point.
A few bloggers that post here are inchoaate,
Superlative most, two steps above 'great.'
For the judgement of Myers and the Molly debate.
A few I will mention with sumptuous praise,
those that I overlook, well, this author's malaise.
But woe betide one from whom logic strays,
a wayfarer lost on the web's highways, for. . .
The Truth Machine comes pounding, pounding, pounding.
The Truth Machine comes pounding, never to abate.
Brownian moves with incisive writ.
With few words encapsules the gist of 'it.'
October Mermaid, newfound and fun,
to the point with humor, nicely done!
But woe betide one from whom logic strays,
a wayfarer lost on the web's highways, for. . .
The Truth Machine comes pounding, pounding, pounding.
The Truth Machine comes pounding, words that may ablate.
There's Tulse from the Canadian zone.
Bride of Shrek's 'more than banter, home alone.
Ichthyic pinking issues clean to the bone.
But woe betide one from whom logic strays,
a wayfarer lost on the web's highways, for. . .
The Truth Machine comes pounding, pounding, pounding.
The Truth Machine comes pounding, the error to remonstrate.
Kseniya sharper than a reapers blade,
Raven evermore a fresh view, never staid.
Great verses by Cuttlefish, make my words a tirade.
But woe betide one from whom logic strays,
a wayfarer lost on the web's highways, for. . .
The Truth Machine comes pounding, pounding, pounding.
The Truth Machine comes pounding, not prevaricate.
A triad of explainers I value the most,
Glen D, the Owlmirror and D Marjanovic's posts.
But a toll is exacted on ethernet lane.
a standard of quality all need to maintain.
'Cause woe betide one from whom logic strays,
a wayfarer lost on the web's highways, for. . .
The Truth Machine comes pounding, pounding, pounding.
The Truth Machine comes pounding, tireless interogate.
This metered rhyme now overlong.
For those named or forgotten, I mean them no wrong.
And for Molly , I put forward only one name.
With reasons so clear, I need hardly explane.
Oh grief, a word that is spelled most inane.
Woe betide one from whom logic strays,
a wayfarer lost on the web's highways, for. . .
The Truth Machine comes pounding, pounding, pounding.
The Truth Machine comes pounding, relentless in debate.
Just realised that I was inconsistent, I should have written;
"As a first time voter in this Molly contest, I'll nominate the aptly named Truth Machine...
Not sure if it is really human, but who cares, its written ejaculations are always to the point."
Truth Machine, are you really human ?
And congratulations to Mothra :
"Woe betide one from whom logic strays,
a wayfarer lost on the web's highways, for. . .
The Truth Machine comes pounding, pounding, pounding.
The Truth Machine comes pounding, relentless in debate."
Perfect !
I will probably be called a fucking shit-headed moron for even voting for him. That's hardcore!
Fucking self-fulfilling shit-headed moron.
I suspect that it thrives living on the edges of civilization; to pay it respect might well kill it.
I'm tougher than that, you stupid asshole. But I don' need no stinkin' awards.
Besides, comparing what I do readily to what Cuttlefish does readily make me feel unworthy.
(To those who wonder if I'm human ... read again my comments about torture, the rights of women, racism, etc.)
Er, "makes me". (This machine self-corrects.)
Oh, but Truth Machine, your comments do definitely pass the Turing Test, I'm not disputing that.
But still, you haven't answered my question : how do I know if you are really human ?
(Gee, this Machine just caught me trying to make a really heavy joke about its name... Damn, a definitely well programmed Machine)
Another self-correction: I mistook mothra's effort as Cuttlefish's. I feel obliged to nominate mothra for that effort.
And no, Norm, I can't use my real name ... to do so would have some highly undersirable results (not just for me) that I'm not about to detail. And "what, he can't use his real name?" (which isn't quite what you originally wrote) isn't an insult, it's just stupid and utterly irrelevant. And if you're insulted by my saying that you're epistemologically naive, you have mighty thin skin ... especially when I didn't even direct it specifically at you. So really, you're being an idiot. (But at least now you have a couple of real insults to point at.)
"undesirable" (the machine needs oiling ... or has been over-oiled)
But still, you haven't answered my question : how do I know if you are really human ?
Wrong, that's a different question (moron).
How do you know anything (turkey)? As I have repeatedly noted, empirical knowledge is a matter of inference to the best explanation. If you think that the state of the art of AI can produce a non-human machine that can do what I do, then doubt is justified ... but you know better, at least as well as you know that anyone else other than yourself is human, as well as many other empirical claims that you take to be known (you silly goose).
"other than yourself"
Actually, you can't even know that for certain -- but certainty is an absurd standard for empirical knowledge.
P.S. The standard philosophical definition of knowledge is "true justified belief". Certainty isn't required in order for a belief to be justified. So how can you know something? By believing it, having justification for your belief, and by it happening to be true. When you say "I know P", you may be right and you may be wrong. If you want to maximize the odds that you're right, make sure your justifications for your beliefs are very strong. (Hint: "the bible says so" isn't a strong justification for beliefs.)
Well, I'd say that you strongly display many of the key features of carbon-based consciousness: sarcasm, irony, misdirected hostility, ... I'd say, definitely a real person.
Actually, so far I've seen, differentiating a person from a machine is trivial, even in an Internet chat room, and in total anonymity.
What do you think TM, how long will it take before it becomes less trivial ?
Oh gosh there are so many this month... Tulse, noncarbonum (sp?), OwlMirror... But I had it in my mind to vote for truth machine so I shall hold myself to that.
misdirected hostility
Do you know that it's misdirected? And, more to the point, do you know that it's hostility?
What do you think TM, how long will it take before it becomes less trivial ?
Longer than I predict.
I agree with Physicalist: I vote for October Mermaid.
(And I'm happy to see Perlocutionary on the blogroll!)
Thanks for rolling me, PZ!
"Do you know that it's misdirected? And, more to the point, do you know that it's hostility?"
I know it's not.
Gee, after I'd sent that Post, somehow, I was sure he was going to pick on that one...
That's why I'm voting for you TM, you never miss a point when it needs correction (apart from the fact that your comments are always thoughtful, informative, and intelligent).
Add my vote for Mrs. Tilton. I can't point to a specific post but at least twice this month I noticed her well-reasoned and and level-headed comments.
Mrs. Tilton always thrusts, cuts, parries, and dissects with ladylike precision. Many good choices out there, but my vote goes to her this month.
Though each month there are a Molly deserving throng of excellent posters one invariably stands out. However marginally more it might be and whether I always agree with them or not, for me, this month again, it has to be TM.
I can't possibly add any more than has already been said about this particular commentator, but I must add my vote to the others who've picked Truth Machine for this month's Molly.
That link to 'Evolved and Rational' made me think that it sure is a reincarnation of some other blog that was recently closed. Hmm...
I know it's not.
But how can you know that? It's mostly true in this thread, but it's not always true. And there's a certain ambiguity to such terms as "hostility"; do they refer to mental states or to actions? Is a professional hitman not hostile just because he's indifferent?
you never miss a point when it needs correction
You certainly can't know that, unless you yourself never miss one.
Ah well, one must leave room for a bit of expressive hyperbole.
I'm touched by all the nominations; actually receiving the award would add nothing other than PZ's recognition, but I'm not sure it's in his best interests to officially recognize someone with my, um, "tone", and I want to be sure he feels free not do so.
Add my vote for Mrs. Tilton, please.
Add my vote for Mrs. Tilton please.
Sorry for the double post, but my one line, link free comment is held up in moderation for some strange reason.
This isn't the first time that two nominees in a particular month have, as chance would have it, been at each others throats in a recent thread.
Pharyngula: "Never a dull moment!"
You mean TM has been nominated before? ;-)
I'd nominate Pierce Butler and Cuttlefish, if I can have two nominees. Pierce is always insightful, and Cuttlefish is a (warped) genius.
My fairly new blog, which desperately needs links, is Uncommon Liberty. I discuss politics, economics, and creationists. If you do put me in your blogroll, I thank you.
I'm not sure this is decided on number of votes, but I place my very unoriginal vote for the Cuttlefish anyway.
Now I'm not sure that a previous winner can win again (I should read the rules)
But the legendary Cuttlefish won before (that was obvious really) so new vote for Mike H (tangled up in blue)
mothra, Owlmirror, thalarctos, Rey Fox, Tulse, AJ Milne, Mrs Tilton, raven, Bride of Shrek, noncarborundum*, Kseniya**... die Qual der Wahl (the pain of choice/election).
I might as well add Mechagodzillatruth machine. At first, I thought he was just Caledonian without the libertarianism, saying "you're wrong and therefore stupid" all the time, but that perception has changed a lot over the last months. PZ keeps complaining about not being immensely tall and not being able to shoot lasers from his eyes... does he really need to do that himself?
Of course, it might be counterproductive for the reputation of the mild-mannered professor to adopt truth machine into the Order of the Molly. But isn't this actually concern-trolling? <duck & cover>
* Nobody who speaks Klingon can be an evil man.
** Yes, again. There are precedents, after all: Linus Pauling got two Nobel prizes, and Jacques Benveniste got two IgNobel prizes.
I forgot October Mermaid. Must have confused her with Owlmirror. :-(
Just one little thing: I've moved "Science Notes" to Wordpress.
And I should add Sili.
The confusion with Owlmirror, BTW, does not mean that Owlmirror shouldn't be nominated.
It's not against the rules to vote for a past winner.
For me, this month, it's gotta be thalarctos.
Aside from my monthly vote for Kagehi, I'd like to give props to Matt Penfold for his performance in the most recent gun debate, at least until the thread degenerated into lunacy and I had to excuse myself.
But isn't this actually concern-trolling?
Only if PZ would defy me by giving me the award.
I'll vote for truth machine this month (even if that means I'm on the 'midget tag team', heh). Nice to have someone liven up the "mornings" around here.
An enthusiastic vote for The Stubborn Curmudgeon! Hilarious and insightful.
Thanks for the add, PZ!
David Marjanovic deserves a second Molly.
I just found out that I actually got a vote! That's all I really needed, after all.
Thanks, RNB!
I'd like to nominate Glen D. So often I find myself reading a comment and before I even get to the name, I'm nodding or--even better--I'm learning something or looking at something in a new way. Cheers, Glen, and thanks for your well-expressed thoughts!
mothra, Owlmirror, thalarctos, Rey Fox, Tulse, AJ Milne, Mrs Tilton, raven, Bride of Shrek, noncarborundum*, Kseniya**... die Qual der Wahl (the pain of choice/election).
I might as well add Mechagodzillatruth machine. At first, I thought he was just Caledonian without the libertarianism, saying "you're wrong and therefore stupid" all the time, but that perception has changed a lot over the last months. PZ keeps complaining about not being immensely tall and not being able to shoot lasers from his eyes... does he really need to do that himself?
Of course, it might be counterproductive for the reputation of the mild-mannered professor to adopt truth machine into the Order of the Molly. But isn't this actually concern-trolling? <duck & cover>
* Nobody who speaks Klingon can be an evil man.
** Yes, again. There are precedents, after all: Linus Pauling got two Nobel prizes, and Jacques Benveniste got two IgNobel prizes.
I forgot October Mermaid. Must have confused her with Owlmirror. :-(
And I should add Sili.
The confusion with Owlmirror, BTW, does not mean that Owlmirror shouldn't be nominated.