Tangled Bank #99

The Tangled Bank

The new, science-rich edition of the Tangled Bank is hosted by Greg Laden this week. Get your coffee and sit for a while.

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Tangled Bank #99 is up on Greg Laden's blog Cabinet of Curiosities #4, The Choose Your Own Adventure Edition, is up on Archaeoporn.

Hey PZ, I read the following in Olivia Judson's NYTimes piece* today and immediately thought of you . . .

"Lest anyone doubt that squid sometimes fly, see Maciá, S., Robinson, M. P., Craze, P., Dalton, R., and Thomas, J. D. 2004. "New observations on jet propulsion (flight) in squid, with a review of previous reports." Journal of Molluscan Studies 70: 297-299."

* On the possibility of bacteria not just living in clouds, but also influencing cloud formation and even atmospheric composition, etc.