Friday Cephalopod: Face like a flower

Metasepia pfefferi

Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.

More like this

Metasepia pfefferi, Pfeffer's Flamboyant Cuttlefish Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.
Ammonite Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.
Abraliopsis Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.
Sepia Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.

Only some one who hasn't seen a flower all winter could say that resembles a flower. Looks more like a twisted hippo with a small owl sitting on it. Hmm, maybe I shouldn't drive to work today, what the heck was in my coffee?

By Fernando Magyar (not verified) on 29 Feb 2008 #permalink

A flower, really? What sort of shit weird flowers do you have in Minnesota?

A Venus Flytrap perhaps?

Thats a face only a mother could love!

By firemancarl (not verified) on 29 Feb 2008 #permalink

Great show last night on Maryland Public TV about cephalopods. They did the Flamboyant cuttlefish. Really interesting fellow. They also showed that octopi can learn a maze and are quite intelligent.

We're watching a lot more science shows (hooray) than "news", since the only thing on is the election. We're watching BBC news as well, just to find out what's REALLY happening in the world.

SG's husband has control of the TV clicker (that damn Y chromosome again) at night, and "news" is what he likes. Sometimes I gain control and put on an opera.


By Science Goddess (not verified) on 29 Feb 2008 #permalink

Hmm... I'd say it was more fungus-like, or even had hints of triceratops.

Flower. Definitely.

And beautiful, whatever you decide it looks like.

I will have to get that book someday.


I just checked out the video. Awesome, a walking cuttlefish!

She looks really pissed. Or he. I'm not up on sexual dimorphism in Squid or, for that matter, how squid emotional states link up to squid color patterns. For all I know, she could be joking around and just has a bad P.R. rep like Jim Palmer.
So what makes the Sepians so much more plentiful than the Metasepians anyway?

Correction, bad executive director, not P.R. rep. I err.

My vote is for flower; looks like an orchid to me.

By Shaggy Maniac (not verified) on 29 Feb 2008 #permalink

Purdyyyy. Can I have one?

Yikes! That thing is scary. It looks more like a crazy mutant rhinoceros to me. However, I do see a bit of a flower resemblance, so I'll give you that!

My first thought was also "hippo", but with a hint of the alien hunter from "Predator".

By Disciple of "Bob" (not verified) on 29 Feb 2008 #permalink

Looks sort of like a snapdragon, to me. Hippopotasnapdragon?

By coffeedryad (not verified) on 29 Feb 2008 #permalink

Wow. Do the color changes correspond to muscular activity?

That is

Face like a flower? Is that anything like head like a hole?

Want one.... must.... have..... one!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Obviously the work of the devil.


Interesting fact: this particular species is toxic! The only poisonous cuttlefish known. Beautiful photo by the way.

Great video 8#. It's like a walking LSD trip.

By RamblinDude (not verified) on 29 Feb 2008 #permalink

I wish to add my voice to the those who think it looks like a hippo.

By Peter Ashby (not verified) on 29 Feb 2008 #permalink

Definitely an orchid. Perhaps one of those that mimic moths.

Just a reminder for the non-Boston folks: NO FUN TONIGHT.
FSM help you if I find out any of you have been having unauthorised fun....


That's hot!

Everybody have fun tonight.

(Everybody Wang Chung tonight!)

Here are the voices that MAJeff listens to - in her own write.

Here is MAJeff telling the world how to do
science; also called getting "stuck in space"

"One of the things I try to do with students, in dealing with cultural relativism, etc. is to note that there will be points of incommensurability between cultures, and you need to figure out how to decide between them, particularly if you're stuck in the space between them or involved in such conflicts.
Posted by: MAJeff | December 20, 2007 8:11 PM

Here is MAJeff's second dose of scientific technique & the deep wisdom of Methodical Relativism; an exercise in blindfolding technique.

"Cultural relativism is most useful as a methodological strategy that acknowledges that condemning cultural practices does not necessarily contribute to our instrumental understanding of them. However, by this interpretation of cultural relativism, nothing prevents us from making ethical, moral, and political value judgments about our own or other cultures beyond the requirements of scientific inquiry.

Agreed, particularly with the bolded part. I actually prefer to call it methodological relativism."
Posted by: MAJeff | December 20, 2007 8:54 PM

What we need from MAJeff is an operationalized instruction (prescription) describing how she decides between conflicting positions & claims about the world.
Especially since she claims to know so much.
Just how, "do you figure it out"?
Incommensurables is so buzzwordy & does't convey any "Instrumental" information.

MAJeff openly claims to be doing science but she blatantly advocates making "judgments" ... "beyond the limits of scientific scrutiny."

MAJeff is an exercise in how bad muddleheaded thinking can get.
Whatever you do don't "listen" to these dead end sociological voices, unless you want to commit intellectual & scientific suicide.

MAJeff is in conflict now, but all she can demonstrate is her childishness and desperate gutter name calling.

Indeed, MAJeff demonstrates that "nothing prevents" MAJeff from making any cockamamy judgment that MAJeff finds titillating.

Is that how you do "your science?"

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 29 Feb 2008 #permalink


MAJeff, I wish you all the best for tonight's Pharynguloirée, I really do. But I also know there is a limit on how fun it can actually be, because no one, nowhere, can say they've ever truly lived until they've heard me karaoke "Raspberry Beret".

Or maybe I'm just jealous 'cause I can't come. (To the 'fest tonight, I mean.)

Triceratops to me. What do they know that we don't?

By Eddie Janssen (not verified) on 29 Feb 2008 #permalink

Brownian OM, Perhaps it is to your advantage that you can't understand MAJeff's aphoristic dictum about how to do science?

Neither can anybody else, especially if they are trying to do science.

As MAJeff has told us;

"However, by this interpretation of cultural relativism nothing prevents us from making ethical, moral, and political value judgments about our own or other cultures beyond the requirements of scientific inquiry."

"Judgments ... beyond the requirements of scientific scrutiny" takes us into the mysterious post modern realm of "the social construction of reality and gender studies."

A realm beyond the pale of science, where all theories have their post modern voice and/or are so incomprehensible that "they are incommensurable."

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 29 Feb 2008 #permalink

Gerry, you fucking twit.

Oh, see that Gerry is switching about genders, perhaps I should go with this; Gerry, you fucking twat.

Hey, I found that I am covered under both genders.

The word Twat has various meanings, dependent upon regional dialect. Although its meaning in British English is usually that of 'idiot' or 'stupid/idiotic/tasteless' (male person), it is understood in America (and elsewhere) as a vulgar synonym for the human vulva,[1] vagina, or clitoris, and is used as a derogatory epithet.



First off, I'm queer. I'm an outspoken queer and feminist. And a sociologist. Gerry don't like those folks.

Second, I work the sociology of social movements--and have particularly worked with folks who concentrate in framing. I'm studying the marriage equality movement and their production and use of narratives. I use queer theory. I recognize that cultural content is malleable, but that when you take multiculturalism seriously, you have to recognize there are certain points within cultural belief systems that are in absolute conflict with each other, and ya gotta make choices. But, I'm a faggot sociologist, first and foremost...almost as bad as a peeyar zionist yuppie lawyer or something.

And I poke him.

Relentlessly, cruelly, and bitchily. I poke him and he's out of his league. So, what you see are the results of a spittle-flecked monitor. While I giggle and keep saying, "Suck it, motherfucker," content in the knowledge that more gibberish will follow.

I think most of the quotes he pulled from Nisbett, or out of his ass in order to do some thing that he perceives as completely discrediting me. But, there's some misfiring in that brain, so who knows...

As others have said, Shut the fuck up, gerry.

As I claimed above.

"MAJeff is in conflict now, but all she can demonstrate is her childishness and desperate gutter name calling."

MAJeff responds; further demonstrating the gutter tactics of her stated post-modern science;

"Gerry, I'll give you one more for your list: suck it, motherfucker!"
Posted by: MAJeff, OM | February 29, 2008 3:17 PM

Confirmation received & recorded.

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 29 Feb 2008 #permalink

Gerry, you fucking twit/twat. You seem to have missed Brownian was making fun of you.

Have you given up on PZ answering any of your challenges so you have moved on? If that is so, you are still dealing people who are way out of your league. Keep trying though, some people do laugh at you. We all need our jesters.

I'm sorry MAJeff, I missed where the fucking twit compared you to Goebbels.


nice shot of that coney on your site.

where was that?

I'm sorry MAJeff, I missed where the fucking twit compared you to Goebbels.

It was one of those rants about yuppie framing and shit...they all just blend into one long incoherent rant, which is actually kind of why the poking is so much fun. I just never know which bizarre connections are gonna come flying out. It's sort of like a random nonsense generator, driven by a chicken on the other end picking at keys--each of which produces different nonsense phrases--all in the hope that one combination will produce some fucking corn. Somebody's been feeling hungry today.

And that, gerry, is how you pwn someone.

wow, you must be a real scientist gerry.

obvious without it, but I already established gerry lied about being a scientist, then lied about being a sociologist.

past that, I haven't even bothered.

Continuing demonstration and confirmation;

"Shut the fuck up, gerry."

Posted by: MAJeff, OM | February 29, 2008 3:32 PM

Sometimes, even a humble attempt at doing scientific social science may produce some demonstration of predictive power?

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 29 Feb 2008 #permalink

Only some one who hasn't seen a flower all winter could say that resembles a flower. Looks more like a twisted hippo with a small owl sitting on it.

That's what I was thinking, too. I thought it was going to be a post about some ancient hippo ancestor or something, but it's another cephalopod :(

obvious without it, but I already established gerry lied about being a scientist, then lied about being a sociologist.

A slight correction, in the interest of objective science (poke, poke). I don't believe he was lying about claiming to be a sociologist; he was attempting to slam sociologists, and thereby me. Such are the limitations of his prose, though.

First off, I'm queer.

Aren't we all, at least a little? I mean c'mon; we look at pictures of cuttlefish for fun!

Anyways, if Gerald has a bone to pick with something someone said, then she should take it up on the thread where the comments were originally posted. To call out MAJeff for no reason on an unrelated thread just shows that she's a catty bitch.

I don't believe he was lying about claiming to be a sociologist

beg to differ, but if that was just bad prose on his part... uh, why are we even bothering to respond again?

he's not funny (in a creobot kinda way).

he's not informative.

he's more than abrasive.

kinda reminds me of John Davison, actually.

frankly, I'm sure he's gonna get tossed in the dungeon if he keeps it up.

and won't be missed in the slightest.

It's sort of like a random nonsense generator, driven by a chicken on the other end picking at keys--each of which produces different nonsense phrases--all in the hope that one combination will produce some fucking corn. Somebody's been feeling hungry today.

And that, gerry, is how you pwn someone.

Posted by: MAJeff, OM

Now I am picturing Gerry as the dancing chicken at the end of Stroszek.

But I will say this about him, he is a bit more unpredictable then the normal creationist troll.

To call out MAJeff for no reason on an unrelated thread just shows that she's a catty bitch.

speaking of objective, not that I give a shit about gerry, but it was Jeff (who likely is very tired of gerry pursuing him in every OTHER thread) who brought up gerry in #33.

still, gerry's fascination with Jeff does imply he wishes he were in New England for tonight's party.

To call out MAJeff for no reason on an unrelated thread just shows that she's a catty bitch.

See, though, I really am a catty bitch. It's why my friends love me. I'm the one who yelled out at Best Buy, "Thanks dead grandma" as I wheeled my new HDTV out. (No one knew how to react to that.)

frankly, I'm sure he's gonna get tossed in the dungeon if he keeps it up.

poke, poke, poke. A bit of fun, a bit of accelerant.

MAJeff asks:
"We're still waiting for, well, anything of substance from you."

Posted by: MAJeff, OM | February 29, 2008 3:07 PM

Since you asked, I will repeat some documented substantive content.

" ...nothing prevents us from making ethical, moral, and political value judgments about our own or other cultures beyond the requirements of scientific inquiry."

And therefore it follows that "nothing prevents" MAJeff from making any preposterous claim about anything. Moreover, she has sociological license to hurl any gutter epithet at her opponents because they offend her post-modern sensibilities and hurt her all pervasive feelings.

Add "poking and giggling" as scientific methodology - to your pleas for "content."

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 29 Feb 2008 #permalink

speaking of objective, not that I give a shit about gerry, but it was Jeff (who likely is very tired of gerry pursuing him in every OTHER thread) who brought up gerry in #33.

Why do you liberals hate freedom so much?*

I'm the one who yelled out at Best Buy, "Thanks dead grandma" as I wheeled my new HDTV out.

Apparently one of my best friends here is your personality doppelgänger, MAJeff.

*I've decided to coopt this phrase for whenever someone points out that I'm wrong.

Gerry, you fucking twit,"poke poke" is pure Python "Nudge! Nudge!" Know what I mean.

Gerald, MAJeff is male. You should use he, him, or his and not she, her, or her(s).

If you're not sure when to use which, feel free to ask me. I'm nothing if not helpful.

Why do you liberals hate freedom so much?*

because obviously we need to take all of our social cues from authority figures?

We secretly love Reagan, and we all went to his public wake.

Brownian! Sssshhhhhhh... We were trying to keep that a secret from Gerry.

I think gerry is still pissed that I judge the sale of girls into marriage to be a bad thing. Maybe I've interrupted his dating strategy.

And therefore it follows that "nothing prevents" MAJeff from making any preposterous claim about anything.

nice projection, but the problem Mr. "Ihateyouwhywon'tyouvalidatemyfeelings" is that, sure, you can make any preposterous claim you wish, but you have to accept you're gonna get called on it, and severely trounced if you continue to do so.

why don't you quit while you're behind?
take a break for a while; there's thousands of other forums where you can complain that nobody is taking you seriously.

I think gerry is still pissed that I judge the sale of girls into marriage to be a bad thing. Maybe I've interrupted his dating strategy.

Posted by: MAJeff, OM

Because only a feminist bitch could be opposed to that.

Gerald, MAJeff is male. You should use he, him, or his and not she, her, or her(s).

You mean it wasn't a rhetorical strategy aimed at (not-so-subtly) making fun of the fact I'm gay and simultaneously attempting to feminize me? You mean it was an honest mistake, and not intentional use of homophobia and misogyny? Damn me for studying those gendered linguistic patterns and their political deployment. Makes me so untrusting.

nobody is taking you seriously.

Posted by: Ichthyic

I think it is time for Gerry to meet nobody. I smell friendship!

Now, now--gerry's performing a valuable public service here, and I, for one, thank him for the demonstration.

Remember, boys and girls, for it to do any good, you have to get the rabies shots *before* symptoms appear.

All of a sudden, my blokequoting skills have gone wonky.

I think it is time for Gerry to meet nobody. I smell friendship!

I rather think meeting nobody is how gerry ended up here in the first place.

Is this a catch 22?

gerry, maybe you just hit the wrong site?

try this one, maybe?

I guarantee that if nobody responds to you there, you two were meant for each other.

This is MAJeff's most recent post.

Any observer can't miss the deep "content" It shows how she suffers from cruel persecution at the hands of muthaf'ers, pigf'ers, twits, twats, & has to endure all manner of vicious attacks.

"poke, poke, poke. A bit of fun, a bit of accelerant."

Posted by: MAJeff, OM | February 29, 2008 4:10 PM

It would appear that MAJeff wants to "accelerate" her desperate need to inform us about her sexual preferences as monumentally important, have fun, do some sociological "poking", as well as filling us in on how to do science.

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 29 Feb 2008 #permalink

You mean it wasn't a rhetorical strategy aimed at (not-so-subtly) making fun of the fact I'm gay and simultaneously attempting to feminize me?

Oh, I considered that. However, if that is the case, then that would make Gerald a Piece Of Fucking Shit Homophobe Fuck and I will be forced into verbally sticking a knife in his gut every time I encounter him. Thankfully, he's learned to keep his Jew-hating to himself, thus sparing him from the wrath of Brownian, at least for a little while.

So I'm offering Gerald an easy out by allowing him the assumption that it's an honest mistake on his part.

He should consider taking my offer very seriously.

Bostonians: Fun Tonight.

It's tonight? Oh. Being swamped with work and the walking pnemonia has frazzled my brain for the past twelve days. I can't possibly make it, but have fun without me. (You will have more fun without me than with me. Trust me.)

Someday we'll all get to hear Brownian's karaoke version of "Darling Nikki".

Brownian, it is because Gerry is anti-semitic homophobic misogynist that I do not feel at all bad about mocking him.

Gerry, what fucking part of "MAJeff is male" can your tiny little fucking brain not understand?

Should I spell it out for you again, or are basic reading skills, like basic writing skills, so fucking far beyond your ability that it's a waste of time?

Someday we'll all get to hear Brownian's karaoke version of "Darling Nikki".

If we're doing karaoke, I might actually break my 14-years of silence (I haven't sung publicly since I graduated). Gotta work on the falsetto if I'm gonna get that George Michael shit really working :)

C'mon over tonight...I'm going to stink like icy/hot (putting one of those nasty pads on my back before I leave the house). I'm debating how much beer to have (and starting to hope they have free wi-fi). Looking for the batteries for my phone (and it will be a hat night--I need a haircut so bad).

So, come to the bar, just don't share your drink. A bit o beer and you'll be feeling nothing!

Someday we'll all get to hear Brownian's karaoke version of "Darling Nikki".

Posted by: Kseniya

Your darling little Brownie wants to grind, to grind, to grind...

I don't recall MAJeff asking anyone to refer to him using feminine pronouns, so I conclude that Gerald has chosen to "poke" at Jeff's sexual orientation. Yawn.

By Kseniyaroke (not verified) on 29 Feb 2008 #permalink

It would appear that MAJeff wants to "accelerate" her desperate need to inform us about her sexual preferences as monumentally important, have fun, do some sociological "poking", as well as filling us in on how to do science.

nobody cares what it appears like to you, gerry.

In fact, nobody is waiting for you over on

I'm sure you two will be very happy together.

Now I feel the need to sing. Thankfully there's a seedy little hole-in-the-wall just down the street that has both "Mack the Knife" and "Strokin'".

Now I feel the need to sing. Thankfully there's a seedy little hole-in-the-wall just down the street that has both "Mack the Knife" and "Strokin'"

I've been jamming out in the house to "Don't Leave Me This Way" for two days. The problem is that as a baritone that "Baby!" is a bit high at times...especially if I'm trying to avoid the type of volume I really need to hit the note.

Now back to the picture:

Does anybody know if this is actually some
kind of threat display?

By Dark Matter (not verified) on 29 Feb 2008 #permalink

Jeff, thanks, I take your "c'mon" as very very flattering, but I'm serious when I say I can't possibly make it. It's a long drive, I feel like hell, and most importantly I'd be blowing off my little brother if I went out. (Long story.)

Drowing my symptons in alcohol isn't an option, either, but so far that hasn't keep me out of many bars. ;-)

Have fun! Say "hi" to everyone for me!

MAJeff's sexual orientation is an absolute non-issue for me - a complete waste of brain cells.

MAJeff appears to be pathologically focused on sexuality and primarily on HIS sexual orientation/identity/difficulties/happiness - not me.

I will refer to anybody with any pronoun that they specify.

MAJeff has refered to himself as "a catty bitch" and a "fabulously flaming queen."

MAJeff is the linguistic determinist - not me.

All the rest is childish "reading in" or a variation of lit crit, and MAJeff demonstrates it routinely and passionately.

Talk about "reading in" in order to frame the debate.

MAJeff can "frame" himself anyway he wants.

Let us all praise gender studies and agonize about the wrongs committed against MAJeff's sexual orientation, sexual preferences, & the misuse of the proper pronouns concerning, as always MAJeff.

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 29 Feb 2008 #permalink

Yes, it's a threat display.

Oh! You mean the cephalopod...?

I drew a picture of a cephalopod yesterday. It looks less like a flower than the photo here.

Not bad, actually.

reminds me of squid I've seen at night while diving.

a complete waste of brain cells.

a description of yourself I doubt most would disagree with, Gerry.

well done.

Ichthyic, you always devastate your opponents.

You are one perceptive scoundrel.

I am crushed by your depth and your ability to transcend all the narcissistic pettiness.

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 29 Feb 2008 #permalink

I am crushed by your depth and your ability to transcend all the narcissistic pettiness.

Hansen: You scared?
Nash: [sarcastically] Terrified. Mortified. Petrified. Stupefied... by you.

he still lost though.

I wonder if you and Nash share something else in common?

Gerry, you fucking twit. Such tortured thinking to justify you attempts to be insulting. Seems you do not understand how the language is used. So sorry that everyday usage is beyond you.
But it is not surprising, you are out of your depths.

As for narcissistic pettiness, you are the one who kept calling out to PZ, in essence demanding that he answer your charges, if he did not do so, everything he say was wrong. Such a high opinion of yourself. Fucking twit.

An *orchid*. I was expecting something different, but, indeed, once I adjusted to it not looking like, say, a peony, I could see the orchid resemblance clearly.

By Samantha Vimes (not verified) on 29 Feb 2008 #permalink


Next time you're coming out with us Bostonians. I have no pictures (camera stayed in the bag) but I'd guess around 25 or so people..ended up at several tables and lots of laughter.

How did a picture of a cuttlefish end up as a meaningless rant about who is more abusive? I am a newcomer to the blog and do not know the personalities that frequent it, but come on. This has nothing to do with biology, evolution, or cuttlefish.

By revmonkeyboy (not verified) on 01 Mar 2008 #permalink

Gerald seems to have transcended his medications (transcended may not be the right word but it's what I have). At least it keeps him out of trouble, though, although he/she/it might try another hobby, one that doesn't require so much interpersonal interaction. Perhaps needlepoint?

Yes, this thread is OT. It's a blog, and one where random creationists come to play their psychological trials out in public convert atheists. I don't think being on topic is a high priority.

I'll have to agree with Gerald.. And the fluorescent rhinothingy for that matter.
Damn sure as hell wonder what any sociologist was scienceblogging for in the first place..

By rijkswaanvijand (not verified) on 01 Mar 2008 #permalink

I saw a hippo for sure.

rijkswaanvijand, if you don't watch out whom you agree with, you could be accused of being some kind of a pervert or something more worser.

I use a fluorescentrhinothingy in my science & gender studies, but it doesn't have a gender - it's similar to the square root of minus one.

I use the "fl..ingy" whenever I need to fill in a blank or crucify the people I don't like.

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 02 Mar 2008 #permalink

Darn it, not only did I have to miss the Boston meetup, but I missed the majority of the gerald pile-on too? Now I have to catch up.

MAJeff's sexual orientation is an absolute non-issue for me - a complete waste of brain cells.

Then why do you insist on referring to him with feminine pronouns, even after you've been corrected several times (including by him?) No one else has ever referred to him here as female, he's never referred to himself as female. Your doing so is indicative that something about his sexuality is very front and center in your brain, albeit in some weird twisted kind of way. Hm, maybe there's a bit of a crush going on? Indeed, the pictures recently posted of him show him to be pretty hot, and he is quite witty, so it's no surprise you would be sucked in by the goodness of the biscuit god.

I highly doubt that you are either a scientist or a sociologist, so I'm not sure why you seem to have so much to say on the matter (besides the crush, that is), but I'm a scientist, I've probably been following MAJeff's comments a lot longer than you have, and he's always been quite insightful regarding the post topics.

Some blogs ago I wrote;
"When you hear iyam a sociologist; run for cover."

What I should have written, especially for subsequent interpretation;
When you hear somebody say, "I am a
sociologist;" run for cover.

An attempt at "objective reality"

Here is MAJeff's self-indulgent personalizing lit crit;

"A slight correction, in the interest of objective science (poke, poke). I don't believe he was lying about claiming to be a sociologist; he was attempting to slam sociologists, and thereby me. Such are the limitations of his prose, though."
Posted by: MAJeff, OM | February 29, 2008 3:55 PM

And more personalizing;

"You mean it wasn't a rhetorical strategy aimed at (not-so-subtly) making fun of the fact I'm gay and simultaneously attempting to feminize me? You mean it was an honest mistake, and not intentional use of homophobia and misogyny? Damn me for studying those gendered linguistic patterns and their political deployment. Makes me so untrusting."

Posted by: MAJeff, OM | February 29, 2008 4:34 PM

And this jewel; It's all about ME, ME, ME, ...

"Oh, and my work is somehow related to DOCTOR Goebbels.

But poking is fun."

Posted by: MAJeff, OM | February 29, 2008 3:35 PM
But of course,, Everything in the world is about MAJeff and Jeff's sexuality.

Lastly, I thought that he was a she - that's it.

And the deep "meaning" here;

"Gerry, I'll give you one more for your list:
suck it, motherfucker!"
Posted by: MAJeff, OM | February 29, 2008 3:17 PM

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 02 Mar 2008 #permalink

Gerry, you fucking twit.

Way to prove you're not obsessed with MAJeff, Gerry.

Carlie said everything better than I could have, so I'll just second what she said, Jeff. Ignore the end-stage rabies cases, or poke them into a froth, whichever amuses you more; it doesn't change that fact at all.

#37, you called MAJeff a she, although "Jeff" has never been a feminine name that I can think of.

#44, reference to the fact that you've gotten your gender pronouns mixed up. #45, ditto. Admittedly, not said in the clearest sort of way, but still there are hints that all is not well in pronoun world.

#46, you call him a she again.

#66, called out directly, clearly, unambiguously, that MAJeff is male.

#78, you called him a she again.

#82, you are called out on it yet again.

#85, you finally switch to calling him "him", yet defend your previous use by claiming that his descriptors of flaming queen and catty bitch somehow mean that it's ok to use female pronouns for him.

So this:"Lastly, I thought that he was a she - that's it."
is amazingly revisionist history that doesn't hold. Honestly, it's a blog thread. All of the information stays right there. Even if that was an honest mistake the first time, you kept on doing it after being corrected, and then tried to say that it was somehow MAJeff's fault.

RE; so-called hitting syndrome;

"And I poke him.

Relentlessly, cruelly, and bitchily. I poke him and he's out of his league. So, what you see are the results of a spittle-flecked monitor. While I giggle and keep saying, "Suck it, motherfucker," content in the knowledge that more gibberish will follow."
Posted by: MAJeff, OM | February 29, 2008 3:32 PM

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 02 Mar 2008 #permalink

Gerry, you fucking twit.

(Gerald quoting MAJeff, though you'd never know it from his total inability to blockquote properly): While I giggle and keep saying, "Suck it, motherfucker," content in the knowledge that more gibberish will follow."

And you're disproving his point, how, exactly?

I can has hypothesis testing? We failz to reject null hypothesis.

LOL--Gerry disproves your hypothesis that he'll post more gibberish BY POSTING MORE GIBBERISH!

Gerry, surely even you can see the contradiction in that?

Gerry, surely even you can see the contradiction in that?

This, however, is our null hypothesis:

Gerry, you fucking twit.

It has not been rejected in any test thus far. It's getting pretty close to being spezio's law.

RE: GIBBERISH & hypothesis testing.
On Dec. 21, 1907 in my first contact, I responded about MAJeff's stated GIBBERISH;

MAJeff stated above;

"One of the things I try to do with students, in dealing with cultural relativism, etc. is to note that there will be points of incommensurability between cultures, and you need to figure out how to decide between them, particularly if you're stuck in the space between them or involved in such conflicts."

If this is your prescription for doing social science, you are demonstrating it very well.

"(P)oints of incommensurability(sic)between cultures" is literary GIBBERISH conveying absolutely no information.

"how to decide between them" is more un-operationalized GIBBERISH.

"Stuck in the space between them" is a prescription for intellectual suicide, or an possibly an exercise in science fiction.

You are a muddleheaded "sociologist" alright!

Posted by: gerald spezio | December 21, 2007 7:44 PM

MAJeff has gone on & on about my so-called GIBBERISH ever since, but never addressed the critical content of his methodical relativism.

During his scholarly process of "poking" behavior, he has routinely accused me of spouting GIBBERISH as well as being a "motherfucker," pigfucker, twit, twat, etc.

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 02 Mar 2008 #permalink

Throckmorten help!
He is out of "HIS" league.
He keeps "hitting me."
Let's have some - Twit or Twat?
How I suffer.

By gerald spezio (not verified) on 02 Mar 2008 #permalink

"(P)oints of incommensurability(sic)between cultures" is literary GIBBERISH conveying absolutely no information.

Read an ethnography about a non-Western, non-literate culture, Gerry.

Your ignorance is not evidence.

Any claim of spezio spouting gibberish is proven by a simple examination of spezio's comments. What's in doubt is the degree to which spezio understands science, logic, human relations, and English.

it's rather odd to have this fool criticize me for saying that cultures--as systems of belief and ways of understanding and giving meaning to the world--are sometimes incompatible with each other on certain points. And that he further doesn't comprehend that I'm saying that when such systems come into conflict with each other, particularly in the lives of people (since that's who produce culture) that such incompatibilies can produce problems, particularly when those conflicts are played out through the bodies of people. Indeed, as I recall, this conversation was about the sale of child brides, and I was making the points that 1) it must suck to have those conflicts playing out through your life; and 2) when these conflicts occur there needs to be a system of deciding between certain values (for instance, the right to bodily autonomy versus the right for a man to buy you when you're 11 years old).

Further, I find it hard to understand that one would confuse techniques of study that allow people to get inside different belief systems ("methodological relativism"), in order to understand what's going on with judgments that "anything goes" when I was taking the position that, 1) no anything does not go (like selling kids); 2) He was taking a morally relativist position in arguing that there wasn't even a problem other than Zionist Peeyar.

Sorry gerry: Stop trying to hit me and hit me.

He keeps "hitting me."

and for christ's sake, read the whole fucking sentence--out loud if you have to--and then go watch "The Matrix."

Lord, this boy is stupid.


Posted by: MAJeff, OM

Sorry Jeff, I have been busy with other activities.
Gerry? Suffer? They only suffering being done are by those who choose to try to understand what you mean. But not me babe, I'm too precious. Fuck off!

Gerry, you fucking twit.

MAJeff has gone on & on about my so-called GIBBERISH ever since, but never addressed the critical content of his methodical relativism.

is there any way to make:


any louder?



is there code to increase font size?

This how I imagine what life must be like for Gerry.

Looks like a T-1000 Cephalopod has just been fed a grenade... Give it a minute, and it'll be back to normal.

PS My first post, too obscure?