
Watch out, if you signed up for one of the Expelled showings, you might find your email address shared with more people than you expected.

I think John ought to sell his newfound mailing list — it's jam-packed with the gullible, so it would be rather valuable to the unscrupulous.

In slightly related news, Wired wrote up the latest incident, and did something irritating: they illustrated it with the stupid picture of Stein in short pants. I'm thinking I should break out my shorts and have my knobby knees in a counter-illustration.


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I should break out my shorts and have my knobby knees in a counter-illustration.

What, no kilt?

That's okay. I assumed that, so I used the email I use for stuff that triggers junk email to sign up - no worries there.

I should break out my shorts and have my knobby knees in a counter-illustration.

You just can't stop trying to kill off people's faith in God, can you?

I see that their dearly spoken desires for fostering dialog between "Darwinists" and their detractors proceeds like it always has, by trying to prevent any dialog with the former at all.

To be fair to them, they do seem to at least be aware that they can't compete in any free marketplace of ideas, nor can their complaint that they're not allowed to present their BS stand up to any sort of scrutiny.

That is to say, while they're probably in denial, they're quite afraid of exposure. Hence they (like their lies) are vulnerable to exposure, and, contrary to Nisbet and Mooney's counsel, we do well to pound away at the vulnerable position in which their intellectual dishonesty leaves them.

Glen D

IOW, they'll always mess up, because they're trying to shore up a pack of lies that isn't even internally consistent.

Plus, they're so worried about their lies being exposed that they act rashly, without coming up with a story with which they can stick.

Glen D

Well, i don't know about writing about your FRUSTRATIONS and RAILING against the IDiots. More like trying not to laugh at their complete ineptitude.

PZ 2 (including the own goal), ID 1 (under false pretences)

By Richard Eis (not verified) on 31 Mar 2008 #permalink

I think Wired could have chosen a better word than "railed", dammit.

By Denis Loubet (not verified) on 31 Mar 2008 #permalink

Strong Bad: Oops! Lookit that! I dropped a CD of five-thousand email addresses!

Bubs: Whoops! I dropped a quarter for each one!

By Sarcastro (not verified) on 31 Mar 2008 #permalink

Yow -- the Expelled folks better hope Prof. Lynch is a nice person, as I can imagine all sorts of mayhem that could be caused with those addresses and some simple mail spoofing ("Dear Expelled ticket holder, the screening you have signed up for has been moved to the following location: Cheaters Gentlemen's Club...").

Oh, and Kevin Miller (who wrote Expelled with Stein) has this to say about his primary audience:

You'll have a difficult time finding any thinking Christian who believes in a literal ark anymore, Rich.

Posted by: Kevin Miller | March 31, 2008 at 11:42 AM


To be fair to him, he does back off from that claim:

I'm not saying they're not out there, Cheezits. And despite the fact my original post was somewhat derogatory, I'm not saying people who believe such things are stupid or ignorant. They just have a different perspective on biblical inspiration than I do. So I should probably revise my original statement to say, "Not all Christians believe in a literal ark, particularly those who have done a thorough study of the possible sources for that story."

Posted by: Kevin Miller | March 31, 2008 at 12:34 PM


My response to him:

Actually, Kevin, I'd appreciate you advertising the fact that the literalists aren't "thinking Christians," since they'll likely be your primary audience.

I'd also be extremely surprised if you, say, insert this opinion onto the "Expelled" site.


I'd call this potential ammunition.

Glen D


tomorrow, for April Fool's, could you explain the evolution of the human penis to us.

many thanks

Given that people like "boughtbythecross" and "covenant-dad" can't even sign up for an email account without without splooging on Jesus, one has to wonder why they're so taken with with a non-Christian idea like ID. (I mean, it's not like they specify that the Designer is the god of Abraham or anything like that.)

All right, Sastra! Very funny!

By bigjohn756 (not verified) on 31 Mar 2008 #permalink

Didn't the Expelled team recently announce their promotion to theater owners, mainly "show our crappy movie instead of something decent for a chance to win $1,000"? I guess selling e-mail addresses to spammers is how they plan to raise that capital. I also guess that theater owners saw a better profit by more than $1,000 when they aired disasters such as Alvin & the Chipmunks, Gigli, and Battlefield: Earth than they might with Expelled.

Speaking of their big budget, did anyone hear if the Expelled soundtrack is legit? The Killers, John Lennon's estate, and others are likely outside of Expelleds budget, but their songs were used in the preview screenings anyways.

By HidariMak (not verified) on 31 Mar 2008 #permalink

LOL. The 'moderator' on the call sounds like Bill Lumbergh (from Office Space)


You'll have a difficult time finding any thinking Christian who believes in a literal ark anymore, Rich.

Ken Ham will be so disappointed.

Sung to the tune of Carnival Music,

Step right up please
And behold the knobby knees
Of the king of the kneebones.
Better stand back twenty feet
Or these knobby knees will eat you up.

One is bald and one is hairy.
Hide the children, it's too scary!

I think PZ would be better off changing into that bling gear from that youtube video. Pity he didn't get the pimp hat.

I think John ought to sell his newfound mailing list -- it's jam-packed with the gullible, so it would be rather valuable to the unscrupulous.

I can't resist...

PZ, didn't you sign up on the website?


That photo was intentionally staged and chosen out of most likely hundreds of pictures taken during the photo shoot to portray Ben Stein in a humourous light, with his knowing cooperation, participation and probable approval. Just because it's used by someone else to portray Ben Stein in a humorous light that isn't favorable to him doesn't make it wrong to use. If you don't want photos of you blowing donkeys used against you, don't blow donkeys, or at least don't pose for photos of you blowing donkeys!

I think John ought to sell his newfound mailing list—it's jam-packed with the gullible, so it would be rather valuable to the unscrupulous.

I don't understand. Don't the producers of Expelled already have this list?

If you don't want photos of you blowing donkeys used against you, don't blow donkeys, or at least don't pose for photos of you blowing donkeys!

Now you tell me.

"I should break out my shorts and have my knobby knees in a counter-illustration."
Don't forget to play "Bad to the Bone" when ya do.

Here's the link for the Expelled site's privacy policy--no easy opt out (see "Do we disclose your personally identifiable information to third parties?")


Act quickly or expect to get some unusual offers from third parties from now to the end of time.


1) The Eχpelled! people are stupid enough to throw the e-mail addresses of their customers around in public.
2) Kevin Miller is sane enough to not consider people who believe in the Ark "thinking Christians", but stupid enough to tell his audience that.

Eχpelledgate is ballooning at a rate approaching that of the expansion of the universe. I actually hope it doesn't trigger the Big Rip.

The stupid oxide... <headshake>

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 31 Mar 2008 #permalink

re #12, Kevin Miller has changed what he'd written previously. Instead of:

You'll have a difficult time finding any thinking Christian who believes in a literal ark anymore, Rich.

Posted by: Kevin Miller | March 31, 2008 at 11:42 AM

It's now:

You'll find that a lot of Christian don't believe in a literal ark anymore, Rich.

Posted by: Kevin Miller | March 31, 2008 at 11:42 AM

He writes further down in a post: "Glen: I've amended my comment to better reflect my point of view." Uh, yeah, that's why you did it.

Even if that were the case, the dishonesty of the attempt to "change history" is appalling.

Glen D

Now you tell me.

Merciful Cthulhu, who/what did you end up inviting to that party in your pants the other night?

I left way too early.


Even if that were the case, the dishonesty of the attempt to "change history" is appalling.

if not unexpected.

Now you tell me.


By MAJeff, OM (not verified) on 31 Mar 2008 #permalink

We at Motive Entertainment are committed to protecting the privacy of our customers, and we treat any information you share with discretion, care and respect.

Like emailing it out to everyone else who gave us their information...

This is a huge violation of their privacy policy and constitutes a security breach. I believe their correct course of action should be for them to contact everyone in their database and let them know that their personally identifiable information had been deliberately distributed (this is too moronic to be an accident) against their privacy policy and to fully disclose the impact of the violation. Very embarrassing...

Oh wait! I bet they try to blame in on PZ. I mean, that guy was able to hack their teleconference. Who knows what kind of mad hackzor skillz he might have?

Who knows what kind of mad hackzor skillz he might have?


Who knows what kind of mad hackzor skillz he might have?


Posted by: Ichthyic | March 31, 2008 6:36 PM

Oh, you're laughing now, but just you wait. You can type really fast with that many tentacles.

Oh, you're laughing now, but just you wait. You can type really fast with that many tentacles.

actually, that many arms are hard to control.

I bet it all balances out


besides, I'd bet my ten fingers on a standard keyboard against 8 arms (and a couple of tentacles) any day.

now a keyboard DESIGNED for cephalopods, OTOH...

1) The Eχpelled! people are stupid enough to throw the e-mail addresses of their customers around in public.
2) Kevin Miller is sane enough to not consider people who believe in the Ark "thinking Christians", but stupid enough to tell his audience that.

3) Kevin Miller is at war with Eastasia. Kevin Miller has always been at war with Eastasia.
4) World Magazine tries to praise Eχpelled!, but doesn't know what "risible" means.
5) Kevin Miller himself doesn't know what "risible" means.
6) Kevin Miller is too stupid to use a dictionary. Instead, he rushes to blog about the supposed praise Eχpelled! has received.

Expect one new item in this list every 10 minutes.

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 31 Mar 2008 #permalink

Merciful Cthulhu


now a keyboard DESIGNED for cephalopods, OTOH...

Hey, the QWERTY keyboard isn't designed for fast typing anyway.

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 31 Mar 2008 #permalink

Expect one new item in this list every 10 minutes.


Breathtaking inanity on parade!

I'm getting diabetes from all the sweet irony these idiots generate on a daily basis.

"I never! had sexual relations with that donkey--with Miss Lewasskey."
-Brownian Clinton

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 31 Mar 2008 #permalink

I went to the Expelled website and I STILL can't get passed the "No Intelligence Allowed!" banner!

OK, here's why the movie is going to flop: I was just poking around their website and I noticed a little button that will find a theater that's showing the alleged movie. I clicked it and looked for a theater in Chicago that was showing it...and there wasn't one. The closest is in the town of Addison, which is about 20 or so miles west of the city.

There isn't a single theater in Chicago proper that is showing this movie. Is this because of some athiestic conspiracy (as the producers will surely argue)? Doubtful. It's probably because most theater owners are savvy enough to know that the movie is going to bomb and there's no economic reason to take the time and effort to project a movie to an empty theater.

Ironically, the movie will be showing in Batavia, a town which has it's entire economy virtually wrapped up in the success of it's most famous resident: Fermilab. Frankly, I'd love to go see it at that theater if I knew if any of the Fermilab scientists were going to it.

By defectiverobot (not verified) on 31 Mar 2008 #permalink

Oh god, Geral, what does that say about me? I got past the "No Intelligence Allowed" banner!

By defectiverobot (not verified) on 31 Mar 2008 #permalink

I don't know. I saw a documentary of some group going to the Middle East to find the wreck of the Ark. They got all excited when they found some old timbers half-way up a mountain and declared success. Their find turned out to be the ruins of a Crusader fort from about 900 years ago. It was one of the innumerable ways in which broadcast media pander to the risible.

it would be rather valuable to the unscrupulous.

So it would be valuable to, well, you, PZ. Yes? After all, you unscrupulously used the teleconference code for two way calls and then blamed it on the filmmakers.

And he feels really bad about it, too.


Speaking of knees, my Enquiring Mind has wanted to know from the very beginning:

What were Expelled's promoters - who (supposedly) want us to take their idiot flick seriously - thinking when they put a 60-something guy wearing an old-style short-pants prep-school uniform on all its posters, anyway?

By themadlolscientist (not verified) on 31 Mar 2008 #permalink

Oops, forgot this:

What, no kilt?

Yeah, the kilt would be a much better choice - complete with a sporran in the shape of an octopus. Or better yet, a squid, with those additional two sexy penises tentacles.

By themadlolscientist (not verified) on 31 Mar 2008 #permalink

What were Expelled's promoters - who (supposedly) want us to take their idiot flick seriously - thinking when they put a 60-something guy wearing an old-style short-pants prep-school uniform on all its posters, anyway?

I think they felt that if it worked for Angus Young it could work for Ben Stein.

Chalk it up to yet another epic fail from the Expelled Crew!

Apart from anything else, if those knees are intelligently designed by anyone s/he either has an exceptionally nasty sense of humour or wasn't taking his/her meds that day!

By Lilly de Lure (not verified) on 01 Apr 2008 #permalink

Lilly, your comment reminds me of the old Billy Connolly joke: one day, when the angels were putting man together, they approached God and told him that they had a surplus of elbow skin. God considers for a while, then tells them to make little bags of it, to carry the mens' testicles, and prevent them from having to carry them in their hands... but the angels failed in the aim of their task, and ever since Man has had to keep one hand on his balls.


Oh god, Geral, what does that say about me? I got past the "No Intelligence Allowed" banner!

Well, you are a DEFECTIVE robot, after all. :P

By phantomreader42 (not verified) on 01 Apr 2008 #permalink

I was rather hoping the defect wasn't obvious...

By defectiverobot (not verified) on 01 Apr 2008 #permalink

What you worried about PZ? These fools probably couldn't pick you out of a crowd if their life depended......ooops.

The email lists of their hardcore 'believers' are already prescreened for people who believe fantastic tales with no basis in fact. A marketer's dream and the President's 'Base".


I'll tell you what's PZ is worried about. If the film was pro-creationism or not. If the film producers were as direct like me who say right out, I'm doing a film that is going to about creation science verses Evolution science, and I would like the Evolutionist side represented. Most likely PZ wouldn't do it, how many evolutionists would have the guts to do such an interview knowing the overall production isn't favoring their position? And then be opinionated later on.

Michael, when PZ was asked to do this, he was told the film would be a balanced look at both sides. Otherwise he wouldn't have done it, because creationists have a reputation for twisting peoples' words through creative cutting and quote-mining.

Someone - via anonymous remailers - has been spamming assorted Usenet newsgroups (I've seen variants posted to alt.history, alt.archaeology, alt.politics, alt.publish.books, alt.sci.planetary, seattle.politics, alt.gossip.celebrities, rec.arts.tv), exhorting readers to see "Expelled"; the latest missive urges people to rent a theatre to screen it themselves, or to contact their local theatres to urge them to screen it ...


1) The Eχpelled! people are stupid enough to throw the e-mail addresses of their customers around in public.
2) Kevin Miller is sane enough to not consider people who believe in the Ark "thinking Christians", but stupid enough to tell his audience that.

Eχpelledgate is ballooning at a rate approaching that of the expansion of the universe. I actually hope it doesn't trigger the Big Rip.

The stupid oxide... <headshake>

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 31 Mar 2008 #permalink

1) The Eχpelled! people are stupid enough to throw the e-mail addresses of their customers around in public.
2) Kevin Miller is sane enough to not consider people who believe in the Ark "thinking Christians", but stupid enough to tell his audience that.

3) Kevin Miller is at war with Eastasia. Kevin Miller has always been at war with Eastasia.
4) World Magazine tries to praise Eχpelled!, but doesn't know what "risible" means.
5) Kevin Miller himself doesn't know what "risible" means.
6) Kevin Miller is too stupid to use a dictionary. Instead, he rushes to blog about the supposed praise Eχpelled! has received.

Expect one new item in this list every 10 minutes.

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 31 Mar 2008 #permalink

Merciful Cthulhu


now a keyboard DESIGNED for cephalopods, OTOH...

Hey, the QWERTY keyboard isn't designed for fast typing anyway.

By David Marjanović, OM (not verified) on 31 Mar 2008 #permalink